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I noticed that before I started the SMP I had my electrolytes checked and my creatinine was 56 umol/L (55 - 100). Is this low normal level telling me anything useful?! Thanks :)


Senior Member
I noticed that before I started the SMP I had my electrolytes checked and my creatinine was 56 umol/L (55 - 100). Is this low normal level telling me anything useful?! Thanks :)

Hi, harrycat. I think so. Creatinine results from the nonenzymatic breakdown of creatine, which occurs at a constant rate. The creatinine level in the blood is set by a balance between the breakdown of creatine (mostly in the muscles and the brain) and the removal and excretion of creatinine from the blood by the kidneys. When creatinine is low in the blood, it indicates a low body inventory of creatine. (If it is high, it can be due to kidney disease.) Low creatine inventory can be caused by a low lean body (muscle) mass. In ME/CFS, I think it is more likely due to a low rate of production of creatine in the liver. A methylation reaction is needed to make creatine, and in fact, the synthesis of creatine is the biggest user of methyl groups of any methylation reaction in the body. So I suspect that your low creatinine level resulted from a partial block in the methylation cycle. If that is true, I think you will see an increase in this level as you do the methylation treatment.

Best regards,



Senior Member
You could also just supplement with creatine. Helps generate ATP during times of need. A few grams of creatine should be quite helpful.


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
My mum has been on Freddd's protocol since Jan/Feb this year and she recently got some basic blood tests done. The Creatinine came back as 60 which I think is still quite low considering. She didn't get any tests done prior to starting the protocol so we have no idea what it would've been.

What is a good level of creatinine to aim for?


Senior Member
My mum has been on Freddd's protocol since Jan/Feb this year and she recently got some basic blood tests done. The Creatinine came back as 60 which I think is still quite low considering. She didn't get any tests done prior to starting the protocol so we have no idea what it would've been.

What is a good level of creatinine to aim for?

Hi, April.

The mean normal value in the blood is about 90 micromoles per liter.

Best regards,



Senior Member
United States
My Creatinine was low too, but I didn't know what that meant. So supplementing with Creatine can raise that? I actually have some I just bought, but I haven't started taking it yet because I was concerned about dehydration caused from taking Creatine and I'm already requiring a lot of water for some reason. Does anyone know if it matters whether to take it on an empty stomach or meal?