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Creatine Synthesis Requires SAM-e As A Co-Factor


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
This is the title of a slide from a methylation video (link below) by Dr. Benjamin Lynch (thanks @Caledonia for posting about this great video). At the 16:50 minute mark, he begins to expound on how important SAMe is for so many critical bodily and cellular functions.

After 2-3 minutes, he begins to expound on how creatine synthesis requires so much SAMe, and how being deficient in creatine crowds out other critical SAMe needs in the body. Watching for 5 minutes from 16:50 to ~22:00 was very helpful for me.

I've always done well with creatine, but have not always taken it regularly. I now anticipate supplementing even more, especially since it's a relatively inexpensive supplement (MUCH cheaper than SAMe).

“Creatine synthesis is estimated to consume between 40 and 70% of available methyl groups provided by SAMe”

Folate and Methylation Defects and Metabolism in 2013: Clinical Breakthroughs (Part 1 - Presentation)
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Senior Member
I'm going to give his MTHFRade a try. Combines electrolytes, Vitamin C powder, Ribose, and Creatine together.

@Soundthealarm21 I do something very near to that without creatine. Sounds like it might be something to try.

Although I'm wondering, if more SAMe is then available, then would it cause metal detox? I'm struggling with that right now from trying out a Yasko's new All in One multi, which has a little of everything in it, including SAMe. It's probably going to be 6 months or so before I'm fully detoxed.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX
Although I'm wondering, if more SAMe is then available, then would it cause metal detox? I'm struggling with that right now from trying out a Yasko's new All in One multi, which has a little of everything in it, including SAMe. It's probably going to be 6 months or so before I'm fully detoxed.[/quote]

That's a good question to bring up. Maybe go over to Lynch's website and post that question, or on facebook. Or if Yasko has a platform where you could ask.

Logic would make me think that if more SAMe is available then more gets converted to SAH which leaves more to go down CBS pathway and eventually end up as glutathione and detox. But I have absolutely no research to back that up.

Try and get your question answered and then proceed with caution.


Senior Member
My own takeaway from the video was that viruses are screwing a bunch of stuff up, and they are binding metals, and that betaine+creatine would help the body go after the virus situation. (I may have that all wrong now, my brain is incredibly swelly lately.badly.) So I'm going to start on creatine and TMG and see what happens. I've got binders/moppers on hand, and vitamin C, and liver support. We shall see.

I guess this popped out at me because I've had consistently low creatinine for years , and I'm feeling so viral atm.