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Crawley: How to deal with anti-science BRS2017


Senior Member
It is all part of their master plan to reframe this illness to a completely different socioeconomic group.

First we were YUPPIES

They now know educated people and those not living in absolutely poverty (i.e YUPPIES) are very vocal and able to some degree challenge the very bad science and mistreatment at the doctors office. E.g. PACE scandal.


What better way to manage and manipulate patients. Use those with lower educational background and fewer financial resources to go to a private doctor. They will be even more easier to bully into their research/treatments and less likely to push back and speak up against mistreatment. If they have English as a second language then even better.


Senior Member


Senior Member
It is all part of their master plan to reframe this illness to a completely different socioeconomic group.

First we were YUPPIES

They now know educated people and those not living in absolutely poverty (i.e YUPPIES) are very vocal and able to some degree challenge the very bad science and mistreatment at the doctors office. E.g. PACE scandal.


What better way to manage and manipulate patients. Use those with lower educational background and fewer financial resources to go to a private doctor. They will be even more easier to bully into their research/treatments and less likely to push back and speak up against mistreatment. If they have English as a second language then even better.

Don't forget her "papers" on teens also being more lazy and fatter. (ref not to hand) She must go down so well with the ill adolescents.

Her life sounds great. "When I'm not working (fighting off the vexatious harassment etc) I'm ski-ing or sailing with my teens." - from the BRS blurb about the brave reserarcher.


Senior Member
And on a lighter note.................
  1. Pinned Tweet
    Esther Crawley‏@Estherpouts 22 Oct 2016

    If any **** wants to disagree, I'm calling the police. #harrassment

    0 replies 1 retweet 1 like

  2. Esther Crawley‏@Estherpouts 3h3 hours ago

    Esther Crawley Retweeted Opposing MEGA

    Damn right I'm Vice-Chair, Stephen Holgate takes orders direct from moi xx

    Esther Crawley added,

    Opposing MEGA@OpposingMEGA
    Replying to @OpposingMEGA @emmajoy6 and 2 others
    Our #OpposingMEGA counter-petition is still open for signing. Esther Crawley is Vice Chair of CMRC and drives MEGA. https://www.change.org/p/opposing-mega-a-vote-of-no-confidence-in-mega-research-for-me-cfs…
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
    1. Esther Crawley Retweeted
      Dominique‏@chezboo2 4h4 hours ago

      Dominique Retweeted Vincent Racaniello

      Esther Crawley Chair of CMRC tied w/ #PACEtrial disgracefully accused David Tuller of libel Sadly 4 her criticism based on obtainable facts

      Dominique added,

      Vincent Racaniello@profvrr
      Trial By Error, Continued: My Libelous Blogging on Virology Blog http://www.virology.ws/2017/05/03/trial-by-error-continued-my-libelous-blogging-on-virology-blog/… by @davidtuller1 #mecfs #PACEtrial
      0 replies 3 retweets 5 likes

    2. Esther Crawley‏@Estherpouts 3h3 hours ago

      Esther Crawley Retweeted davidtuller

      Huh? Need to look up Girl Guides booklet on libel

      Esther Crawley added,

      Did @profvrr and I libel Esther Crawley? I think she libeled us instead! http://www.virology.ws/2017/05/03/trial-by-error-continued-my-libelous-blogging-on-virology-blog/…
      0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
      1. Esther Crawley‏@Estherpouts May 2

        Like Diane Abbott, I "mis-spoke" at #brs2017

        0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

      2. Esther Crawley Retweeted
        Dr Speedy‏@DrSpeedyandME May 1

        Replying to @openmylab @keithgeraghty and

        I think Esther should be retracted

        1 reply 2 retweets 4 likes

      3. Esther Crawley‏@Estherpouts May 2

        Need to call those AfME dudes to get them to defend my #brs2017 sppech ;)

        0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    3. eta: Is this legal?

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Senior Member
Funny but not sure about that parody twitter account. May have been good when it was set up and vent some frustration. EC and pals are doing such a good job of making fools of themselves that I think this now detracts from their genuine self inflicted craziness in front of the public. The public will be confused if she really is that deranged and crazy or if that is the parody account. Facts are on our side.


Senior Member

Replying to @drphilhammond @johnthejack @bbcrb
My experience of your bath service was EC tried to lock my child on a psych ward as she hadn't recovered

To my knowledge, she also orders intensive physiotherapy for children with ME who have failed to recover or are severely ill (' quote: Severe illness is not on the ME spectrum' )and then when this results in paralysis and a marked increase in severity, she walks away........after reporting the Mum to social services.


Senior Member
I am starting to feel a little uneasy.

I think that the discovery of the girl featured in the photograph used by EC, casting her in a highly dubious light, puts a completely different complexion on affairs. There is going to have to be a serious substantive response by EC. One might reasonably expect that discussions would take place between her and her managers to determine what that response might be.

Everyone must make up their own mind, but I think it might be prudent to wait for a while and see what develops.


Senior Member
I wonder where she got the other picture on the same slide from - it's hard to make out exactly what it shows, but it looks like a bedraggled family standing in front of a messy caravan. The people involved in that photo should also have a say in how it's used.

Edit to add: I've now seen a larger version of the photo and realise the family are not bedraggled, in fact they are clean and neat. See later comments in this thread.
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Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I have used sharp and snarky rhetoric to ensure my voice was heard. Maybe I’ve even been obnoxious. But that just makes me sharp, snarky and obnoxious. It does not make me libelous. Something has to be untrue for it to be libelous, and Dr. Crawley has not identified any actual errors in my work.

Straightforward as always.

It tends to be more common in women. In fact, it tends to be more common in those of lower socio-economic class, so more deprived families. And there's reasonable evidence now that it's also, certainly in this country, it's more common in ethnic minorities.

Riding the wave of recent nationalist sentiment in the UK? Is it me, or did she just give us a laundry list of marginalized groups at whom it's safe to scoff? "Ladies tend to over-react, and you know how the poor are. They tend to be more likely to have all kinds of undesirable traits. And don't get me started on those foreigners."

Simply poisonous.
Straightforward as always.

Riding the wave of recent nationalist sentiment in the UK? Is it me, or did she just give us a laundry list of marginalized groups at whom it's safe to scoff? "Ladies tend to over-react, and you know how the poor are. They tend to be more likely to have all kinds of undesirable traits. And don't get me started on those foreigners."

Simply poisonous.

Don't you just love David Tuller. I love the way he just quietly and calmly finds just the spot to ever so politely stick the knife in. I reckon he's got British blood in him somewhere.

As for EC poisonous as yes undoubtedly. As well as being plain wrong, unless of course ME has mutated as apparently it used to be those lazy toffee nosed 'yuppies' that get it according to the psych brigade. One day they'll make their mind up.

Though can't agree that it has anything to do with what you call the "wave of recent nationalist sentiment in the UK". Much like the efforts of the psych brigade to paint ME patients as militants with the aid of the SMC, the image of bigoted, racist nationalists is a smear tactic of the pro EU lobby. Though admittedly not entirely as bigots and racists do of course exist amongst nationalists, just as they do in all walks of life. I'm the latter, but assuredly neither of the former, and never will be. Please don't paint me or any other person that simply loves their country in the same light as EC and her cronies.

But yes I do agree that as you and @Yogi point out, it does seem to be poisonous part of a wider plan to reframe the illness to a group(s) less likely to fight back.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Please don't paint me or any other person that simply loves their country in the same light as EC

I apologize for doing so! I know the straight-up meaning of 'nationalist' is about love of country, but the modern connotation encompasses other traits, qualities and attitudes, as in the British National Party, whether we like it or not. I separate it entirely from those on either side of the Brexit decision; though I am aware that some made that decision out of a dislike of immigrants and immigration, that was not everyone's reasoning by any means.

Beyond that, let's not delve into politics! If anyone feels compelled to reply, you can PM me rather than dropping the thread into a political black hole.
I apologize for doing so! I know the straight-up meaning of 'nationalist' is about love of country, but the modern connotation encompasses other traits, qualities and attitudes, as in the British National Party, whether we like it or not. I separate it entirely from those on either side of the Brexit decision; though I am aware that some made that decision out of a dislike of immigrants and immigration, that was not everyone's reasoning by any means.

Beyond that, let's not delve into politics! If anyone feels compelled to reply, you can PM me rather than dropping the thread into a political black hole.

No problem, I guessed that was probably what you meant. And I do agree when I say I am a nationalist, in no way do I want to associate myself with anyone like the scary BNP or EDL etc.

Also agree on not wanting to dive off on too much more of a tangent, though I do see why you were alluding to bigotry in connection with this thread.

And I do think there is some connection with regard to the painting of particular stereotype of groups of people to create a biased viewpoint.

PS. Just noticed I typed EDF not EDL originally. Have now corrected. Though I guess some may find energy companies scary too :p
Yorkshire, England
I wonder where she got the other picture on the same slide from - it's hard to make out exactly what it shows, but it looks like a bedraggled family standing in front of a messy caravan. The people involved in that photo should also have a say in how it's used.

The picture on the left of the slide represents the great unwashed, the girl on the right represents the type of people who do not get ME.

On the left, downtrodden, dirty, poorly maintained home, poor eye contact, drab, cheap clothes etc. The type of people the middle class look down on.


On the right of the the slide, confident, clean, glamorous, fashionable, tennis court, expensive handbag, etc. The type of person to appeal to the conference attendees.

It is a perfect example of Othering, making the people in the first slide unappealing, a group of people who are not like us. (Us being the type of person who enjoys yachting, fashion, etc)

It is an appeal to stereotypes and unconscious bigotries in my opinion.



Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
On the right of the the slide, confident, clean, glamorous, fashionable, tennis court, expensive handbag, etc. The type of person to appeal to the conference attendees.

Or perhaps she's meant to symbolize a high-class drug user.

Why on earth a blonde girl in a tennis skirt ought to appear on a CBT-touting, anti-patient propagandistic presentation at a renal conference is beyond my ability to speculate! :confused: It is unconscionable to use an individual's image in a public presentation without even asking; hasn't she heard of Creative Commons?


The wise nematode hibernates
The picture on the left of the slide represents the great unwashed, the girl on the right represents the type of people who do not get ME.
I wondered whether she might be representing the yuppie flu type of ME patient. Many leading researchers think there may be subsets, so maybe Esther, in the course of her inspirational ground-breaking research / telephone surveys of people who know someone who might sometimes feel tired, was presenting two subsets - yuppie flu and chav flu. Best to cover all the bases.