• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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COUNT ME IN! - WPI $$$ - March Update


Off the fence
A global event from your own home to shower the WPI with a gentle rain of tiny donations on or around each 20th of the month, to help the WPI continue with their work, finding the cause and cure of neuro-immune diseases.

COUNT ME IN! started in January 2011, and in the first month we raised $666.50. In the second month we raised $2,529.09. Lets try and double that for March!

As this is an international campaign, the 20th lasts at least 47 hours an 59 minutes. Actually, a day here or there is unimportant.

The WPI are doing ground-breaking translational research into neuro-immune diseases such as M.E.,CFS, Autism, GWS, Chronic Lyme, Fibromyalgia and more. There are millions of us world-wide who will benefit from the work the WPI is doing, and yet it is up to us to provide the funds to keep them going. If we all give just what we can afford each month, we can and will give them the resources to complete their important work. If each new member finds just two more people to join in, then what we can do is limitless.

Remember the Chinese proverb where the sage asked for one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the third, eight for the fourth, doubling the amount for each square? By the time he got to the 64th square, there was more rice than in the whole of China, enough to feed the world.

Everyone counts. Not only every dollar but every donor. Those of us who can only give a little are still helping to swell the ranks of WPI supporters. So, when they go for a Foundation Grant, and the Foundation says, "can you show that you have support in the community?" WPI can say "Yes! Look at all these people who give to us every month, even if all they can afford to give is 1 or $1".*

NEW! This month you can use our very own dedicated FB Causes page, which will mean the Causes total will be available in real time, and your donation will automatically be counted in the CMI totals.

NEWS FLASH! COUNT ME IN! Blogger page now live!

COUNT ME IN! facebook page

COUNT ME IN! FB Causes Page here. Minimum donation still $10. There's a facility to easily tell your facebook friends about COUNT ME IN!

WPI DIRECT donation page Here you can donate by credit card or paypal, any amount from a dollar up.
NEW THIS MONTH! you can sign up to make a regular monthly donation using this link. Please remember to put "COUNT ME IN!" in the "message to seller", so your donation can be included in the totals.

*Thanks to Creekfeet for the use of her words in this paragraph


Off the fence
It's the 20th in four hours, east of the international dateline, and there's 47 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds before the day dies west of California.. Please consider joining us this month, and donating a dollar and up. If you use the WPI direct page, try and do better than I did, and write a message to say COUNT ME IN!

It's Judy's birthday on April 1st and we've a group card online that you can sign, here http://www.groupcard.com/c/mub-Mh269zW

Where would we be without the Whittemore Peterson Institute? Back under the psychiatrist's thumbs, that's where.


Senior Member
Just made my donation too. Since I waited too long and missed out on Andrew's fundraiser, :oops: I doubled my usual amount. :D


Off the fence
There is still a couple of days to have your donation counted in for March. If you haven't joined us yet, please consider a donation of as low as $1. Go on, go on, you know you want to!
You can also raise money by watching videos and doing activities on causes/facebook for your favorite charities. There is a seperate Icon for this next to the donations one.


Off the fence
Phew! That was a long wait! At last the totals for March are in - and they are (drumroll) USD 2774.25 = 1716.28 = Euro 1948.21

We're up again on the totals, not as much as in February, but going in the right direction.

It would be so great if each of us could pursued one more person to be Counted In for the April 20th donation round. Remember, it doesn't need to be much - a single 1 counts.

xxxx Thank You to Everyone Who Was Counted In! xxxx