Council / social housing offer


Senior Member
Right....probably because of the NIMBY problem. (Not in my back yard). Dallas is now building smaller sites actually within neighborhoods and surprisingly, the neighbors have been helping out the newcomers.

Ofen these facilities are only for approx. 2 yrs. until they can be trained and be self-reliant. For others, group homes are common and we've had them for years and years (PA, also). I'm sure other states have them also.

Again, zoning has to permit certain things like churches, temples and nursing homes in homes within the neighborhood. No real complaints except for the shortage of parking.

There is plenty of low income housing, but i don't know what the waiting lists are like. Could be a problem. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Hi.....I think a lot of developers are buying up the cheaper housing and land, holding onto it and will then either sell it for larger homes or development (if permitted by zoning).

This seems to be a problem all across America and includes traditional Black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

At some point (who knows when) people will once again return to buy land that has been burned down, destroyed by hurricanes and flooding. Also, our drug problem continues to increase and that leads to more homelessness. It's a problem. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
People I have good news !!!
I had a call from the council . I have been placed in Band 1 high priority needs for housing !
This is a big achievement it's been 9 mths of reading trying to understand , meetings , numerous conversations calls , emails , assessments , reports , accessing good support etc etc ......
Been stressful and draining .
It will be clearer next week when the next lot of property is advertised how far up the register it has taken me . But the point is it is incredibly hard to get band 1 and I WILL be further up the list 😁

For today I'm sat here in the shed lapping up the October sun .
Will miss this garden but not living with these people ......


Senior Member
Congratulations, Emmarose. Let's hope you'll soon be in your new nest and happy to have the move over.

What type of housing are you in now....and who are the other people? Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
So sorry about all this. And very glad you are progressing towards a better situation, Intensely stressful. It all sounds as bad as private renting can be here in Ireland although more rules are being enforced. And yes it will be better in many ways with the council.


Senior Member
Yes , I've heard many stories recently of families being turfed out of private rentals so landlords can gain more profit .
Crazy times .
I'm in a shared house at the mo been here 6 yrs .. I did have an apartment but didn't want to spend so much of my nursing salary on it .


Senior Member
My situation. I needed to stay on the mainland for the market trading I was doing for good causes. One day a week the other six abed.. Moved around as rentals fell through.. Last one was in Connemara.
THEN I retired and started seeking to return to the island life I lived in Orkney... Most of the islands were too developed; too many folk and just like mainland life. Or summer rentals only ...
THEN I saw this wee one on the map and next day out headed down the coast road... Heading near to where I lived my first months in Ireland and loved it.. Told My Father that this had better work out as I had fallen in love already... wide flat lands with mountains in the background. Few houses..
When I finally drove a veritable maze to the slipway as they call tiny landing places.. Deserted. " OK God, Over to you! If this is the place? show me please, in such a way I cannot make a mistake."
That is my ALWAYS prayer..
And there came a boat engine.. Yep! Right on cue... Small curragh.. and that was the only time that it came in there. Godincidence,,
Introduced myself to them,,,
Had a chat with the ferryman and he said there may be an empty house... and he wanted my Irish pedigree .. which I do have..
Went up t o the village Community Centre to drop a big bag of spare knitting yarn off,, The person in charge called the local Council man as she thought there WAS an empty house on the island... Yep! Sure there was .
Went over to see it a few days later.. YAY! And moved in within a few days..
The Council asked me to be caretaker of the place. I think it is six or seven years now


Senior Member
Hi all
Check in re situation ..
Feel so drained and done ..
Lots of tears yesturday to a friend and she is going to be with me on the day move for emotional and spiritual support ...which feels really good .
Nothing to bid on this wk re housing.. am waiting on the courts to drop a letter through my door for court date and final eviction date ...

I feel frightened and v overwhelmed .

I got offered a place but it fell through at the last minute a reason that was taking out of proportion re disabilty . Advocate now challenging that .
Over 50s is my best chance of getting somewhere ...

When I think ahead there is so much to sort out it's v overwhelming ..
So working hard to be in this day and present which has enough of its challenges ..

I realised this morn as I surrendered to the sun that previously I'd set up someone who is a PA to disabled people and has helped them with moves providing support on various levels .. packing , cleaning , admin tasks ( I'll need to set up utilities and order furniture etc ... Utilities feels big as finding best supplies in the energy cost crisis .
He has now gone over seas and is back January ( need to find out date ) .

So, my next actions are to sit down with a notepad and do some 2 way prayer on what support I need and where I can get it ...


If anyone knows where the thread is on when a member was moving and others were sharing on their moving experiences I'd be grateful if u can point it to me ..
I can't remember the original posters share but I know someone else shared about moving into over 50s .
The post was 6 wks or so ago


Senior Member
Hi @Emmarose47......I don't know the thread, but the woman who made the difficult move from Devon to London was named Mermaid. Perhaps you can find her from that.

I hope she's settled and doing OK by now. Moving is no small thing. Sorry that the house fell through, but let's hope that things will soon be settled.

There was also another woman, but I can't remember her name. I'm sure if you locate Mermaid's thread, you'll locate hers. I hope this helps. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I did crash after moving back to my home town, 15 miles away from where I had spent the last 20 years, and it has been a success. However, I did crash, even though there was a huge improvement in environmental toxins including mold. I did have to do it alone which made it so much harder but had paid help in some of the work required before I moved in like having the floor painted with non toxic paint at £166 per 5 litres.

A major set back came when I put on the radiators, newly painted as was the whole flat, by the housing association. I should have sealed them beforehand and now cannot use my bedroom radiator. I use the metal heated towel rail instead and have the bathroom door wide open to let the heat into my bedroom and it is fine though I should really have someone do all of the rads plus the pipes, but am already in debt from the move.. I pay a reasonable amount weekly (£7) and can use as much heat as I want plus hot water.

The crash sent my histamine levels sky high and my interstitial cystitis came back along with out of control sugar levels (pre-diabetic) The cystitis is fixed if I keep warm with my frequency generator plus silver birch leaf tea, and the blood sugar with berberine.

I am on the up now and hopefully will get the miriad of things that still need sorting, sorted. My brain is functioning much better.

I got a resettlement grant from the local council as I am on benefits.


Senior Member
Good to hear your on the Up..
Blessed here to have friends who can help ...
It's all v daunting and I feel like a marathon runner coming towards the end of the 26 miles . Knackered and done .
I work to keep it in the day that seems more manageable .

£7 heat and water all in ! :woot:
That's incredible given the current energy crisis ... I wonder how the HA is managing to do that ?

With the resettlement grant does that need to be paid back ?