Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
Amid growing suggestions that ministers have acted too slowly in seeking to combat the virus – the editor of the Lancet medical journal accused them of “playing roulette” with people’s lives – John Ashton, a former regional director of Public Health England, raged at what he labelled a “wooden and academic” response to Covid-19.

He warned that “we’ve wasted a month when we should have been engaging with the public”. By contrast, Ireland has closed its schools and urged the cancellation of large gatherings until the end of the month.”
This is exactly what struck me about three weeks ago! Well said.


Senior Member
Also, what concerns me (for the survivors!) is that it can take a while for the virus to be out of the system especially in those with underlying health conditions like diabetes for example. It could take a lot longer than two weeks.
Most people may have enough money to stock up with food and medical supplies for two weeks or three. But what about those who can't? Who have to wait for pay coming in? (even if they get sick pay while they are at home)
So -they will sooner or later have to go out again to a store or chemist's. They might even have started to feel better....think they are over it. But spread it to others. One can hardly blame them if they have run out of supplies by then, and think they are over it.

There seems to be zero regulation or monitoring of cases/possible cases, in isolation in their homes. Am I wrong? They just seem to be left to their own devices.


Senior Member
Also, what concerns me (for the survivors!) is that it can take a while for the virus to be out of the system especially in those with underlying health conditions like diabetes for example. It could take a lot longer than two weeks.
Most people may have enough money to stock up with food and medical supplies for two weeks or three. But what about those who can't? Who have to wait for pay coming in? (even if they get sick pay while they are at home)
So -they will sooner or later have to go out again to a store or chemist's. They might even have started to feel better....think they are over it. But spread it to others. One can hardly blame them if they have run out of supplies by then, and think they are over it.

There seems to be zero regulation or monitoring of cases/possible cases, in isolation in their homes. Am I wrong? They just seem to be left to their own devices.

Yes, you are right. 7 days, go and sit at home. No monitoring. No help. Then what? Probably still Ill. Can’t call 111 unless you’re very ill apparently as they’re too overwhelmed. Can’t get tested to confirm you even have coronavirus. If you’re on deaths door, perhaps, go to the hospital and maybe you’ll get tested there. If not just stay at home. No one to monitor anything or help out. (In other countries I have heard of the govt setting up food parcels and a way to get food to self isolating individuals, I haven’t heard of such a scheme here and very much doubt it would come.) so people will end going out and about.

I have heard about people with coronavirus in other countries who are ill for 2 weeks and even a few months in some cases.

an overview I just found. There’s lots of countries that haven’t been added to the list. I think there is so much more other countries can do too; to be in line with the WHO advice. But the UK looks really terrible.

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Senior Member
So they’ve gone ahead with the Cheltenham festival, 250,000 people over 4 days in one area, watching horse racing

At the moment, there are only around 500 SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus cases in the UK, and with a population of 66 million, that means only one person in every 132,00 is infected in the UK. So I would think that very few infected people will be present at this event, maybe only one or two.


Senior Member
At the moment, there are only around 500 SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus cases in the UK, and with a population of 66 million, that means only one person in every 132,00 is infected in the UK. So I would think that very few infected people will be present at this event, maybe only one or two.
Nope. Today 5,000 -10,000 Cov-2 cases confirmed.


Senior Member
Nope. Today 5,000 -10,000 Cov-2 cases confirmed.

Can you provide a reference for that figure? It may be just someone's speculation.

The world coronavirus map says there are only 459 cases in the UK at present, and Public Health England's website says 590 cases.

There may be a few more cases which are asymptomatic and therefore not known about, but the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship shows the ratio of symptomatic to asymptomatic cases is about 1:1.


Senior Member
Does anybody have a sense of how dangerous this virus is specifically to us PWMEs?

I feel like it's inevitable that I will be exposed to it. I catch everything else that goes around.

I have a super low white blood cell count and it usually takes me about twice as long or sometimes more to get over a regular cold flu as it takes everyone else. I've been sick for 6 years and am relatively young - 38 years old - and still fairly strong (can do 12 pushups and 30 situps a day). What are the odds that this thing will kill me?


Senior Member
If what we're hearing from China is correct and not propaganda, then apparently the progress of Covid-19 in Hubei province is slowing down markedly, and some restrictions are beginning to be lifted.

Now I had to admire the way that was handled.
I must say I could never imagine our own governments acting as quickly and forcefully as the Chinese did. Many western responses were and still appear to be -half hearted.


Senior Member
@Arius do what you can. You can't do more than that. Anything you need, get it from Amazon. See if there's a way (if you haven't prepped) to get online orders for groceries delivered? It will cost more but well.....
Stay in. Lock down. Tell people what you're doing. Tell them you'll phone/facetime/skype (whatever) They might hate it but at least you won't be terrified.
This will be over one day.


Senior Member
Can you provide a reference for that figure? It may be just someone's speculation.

The world coronavirus map says there are only 459 cases in the UK at present, and Public Health England's website says 590 cases.

There may be a few more cases which are asymptomatic and therefore not known about, but the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship shows the ratio of symptomatic to asymptomatic cases is about 1:1.

Was yesterdays breaking news.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, said the actual number of people infected in the UK at the moment could be between 5,000 and 10,000 while Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, said the risk rating from coronavirus had been raised to high.”

@Hip, here in my view testing has not been good enough at all. I wrote earlier on the thread how I personally know of and about people who have been denied tests because they did not fit the criteria of having been abroad to very specific countries at certain dates or having personally met someone they knew for at least a certain length of the time who was confirmed to have had it, so couldn’t get tested. What about on public transport? Crowded events? People they dont know. And so on. We were told a while ago there is community spread yet no one in community is being tested. It is our chief scientific officers estimate. I have no idea how he arrived at that estimate though. How he leaped from 600 up to 5,000 -10,000.

Edit; this doctor also says testing hasn’t been good enough. And they’re seeing severe community cases. Now people are allowed to be tested once they’re admitted to hospital. From yesterday. It’s really worth reading the full article @Hip

“One week ago, we had 40 confirmed cases in the UK. We took no specific general measures other than to contain and trace the contact patients had had with others. Yesterday, we had over ten times that number of cases, and still apart from screening intensive care patients, our testing criteria have barely changed. We still aren’t testing community cases that clinically look like coronavirus if they haven’t travelled or had contact with confirmed cases. Hospital cases are only beginning to be tested this week, and only at the discretion of clinicians.

Until now, a suspected case was not allowed to be tested unless they had an obvious link to certain countries or infected patients. I’ve seen at least three people with severe disease who weren’t allowed to be tested, and heard of dozens more. This long-overdue policy change will soon be reflected – possibly as soon as the next 24-48 hours – in a big spike in case numbers.

For an idea of how quickly case numbers can explode, look to Italy. One week after it hit 320 cases, the country reported 2,036; a week later, nearly 10,000; next week that number will likely rise to 50,000 or more. There’s nothing I have seen that tells me the exact same thing isn’t coming for us in the UK. We only have around 4,000 intensive care unit (ICU) beds in England, 80% of which are already full. If we follow the same trajectory as Italy, with 10% of coronavirus patients needing ICU treatment, we will need 200 beds next week, 1,000 the week after. That’s already the entire ICU capacity. Every two days after that, we will need twice the number of beds again.”
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Senior Member
Does anybody have a sense of how dangerous this virus is specifically to us PWMEs?

I feel like it's inevitable that I will be exposed to it. I catch everything else that goes around.

I have a super low white blood cell count and it usually takes me about twice as long or sometimes more to get over a regular cold flu as it takes everyone else. I've been sick for 6 years and am relatively young - 38 years old - and still fairly strong (can do 12 pushups and 30 situps a day). What are the odds that this thing will kill me?

:( I feel the same too. Really scared. I have to go in and out of hospital a few times over next few months. Other than that, staying at home. I have extensive “decontamination” procedures every time I come back into the house eg don’t sit down in house with any of my outside clothes, any part that would have been exposed outside like face is washed and I change into new clothes. The only thing I can’t wash every time is my hair as I’m bedbound and can’t do it each time and it’s far too tiring. When outside try not to touch my face or anything else like elevator buttons, if I do, I use hand gel. Any items coming from outside, my mum wipes down with disinfectant now, even packaging of food items. Maybe it’s more than we need to do but I would rather be safe now than potentially pick up something. (My mum touches elevator buttons and opens doors with a tissue which she then disposes of in a plastic bag. My mum also hardly goes out. All online food shopping.)

I think the best we can do is stay at home as much as possible. And be careful when out and about.
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Senior Member
Yeah that’s their plan.. “herd immunity”.

I think that may be happening here, in a way.

Everyone, as usual, are wearing masks. Even the Government has demanded from the manufacturer, several million masks to distribute in two towns hardest hit in Hokkaido.

Yet, every JSDF soldier I see is running around maskless. It might be a very good idea to have an army of these guys immune to this illness. They are the emergency backup.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I heard that up to 40% of the US population may get this in time. I find it believable
Here in the UK the Government and their advisers actually WANT 60% of the population to have the virus so that herd immunity will occur.

I have watched many of the different opinions of the experts but find it illogical that you actually are going full speed ahead in the hope the population will get sick but the majority will get over it. It feels to me that people who are unable to fight this very nasty virus are being just thrown under a bus.

For this reason I am self isolating apart from going in my car to an open space once a day to walk my dog. I might also venture out to a supermarket around 8 pm at night like I did last week and there was hardly anybody around.

I have very little faith in this UK Government because I don't actually think they care too much. They just accept that up to 100.000 people might die because of this virus.

I know we are not supposed to mention politics but I will just state the fact that it was a similar Government who in the 80s were happy to close down mines and steelworks and basically destroy the livelihoods of many communities putting thousands into poverty and from which they have never recovered.



Senior Member
South East England, UK
But As a mark of how worried people in the UK here, tonight we had an interview with Jeremy Hunt
Rory Steward was on CNN last night saying similar things but in a stronger manner. He completely disagrees with our Government position and is shocked by it. I watch CNN every evening between 7 and 8 even though I live in the UK. How sad am I!



Senior Member
Here in the UK the Government and their advisers actually WANT 60% of the population to have the virus so that herd immunity will occur.

I have watched many of the different opinions of the experts but find it illogical that you actually are going full speed ahead in the hope the population will get sick but the majority will get over it. It feels to me that people who are unable to fight this very nasty virus are being just thrown under a bus.

For this reason I am self isolating apart from going in my car to an open space once a day to walk my dog. I might also venture out to a supermarket around 8 pm at night like I did last week and there was hardly anybody around.

I have very little faith in this UK Government because I don't actually think they care too much. They just accept that up to 100.000 people might die because of this virus.

I know we are not supposed to mention politics but I will just state the fact that it was a similar Government who in the 80s were happy to close down mines and steelworks and basically destroy the livelihoods of many communities putting thousands into poverty and from which they have never recovered.


I agree with you.
My feeling is the government do not care. After all, it is only the elderly, those with health conditions and the vulnerable who will die right?

But you know what I find even harder to bear. On the whole, there’s only a few voices in public being vocal about how awful and it is and holding them to account. Yes there’s a few but not lots. The news reporters should be doing it. Imagine if it was polio. let it rampage through the population and kill those who are ill and old and fragile. Herd immunity is only for vaccines, not this.

I watched a bbc news report and they were sitting and nodding along while the chiefs medical officer explained how crowds don’t cause infections to increase. Our newspapers are just as bad. Honestly so fed up.