Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
If they're planning to have the virus spread as fast as possible (as you said earlier - "immunity"; we're still talking about viruses...) they're doing a great job.

I don't panic. But I don't think this virus will be easy on chronically sick persons. I've had the flu - for the last 3 weeks; I found it pretty severe, to be honest, and I'm still not recovered. I don't fear death - I fear a life as a breathing corpse. Who knows what will happen long-time after the "active" phase of corona; disbelief and laughter towards the chronically affected I strongly assume... (Because viruses are SO harmless, especially on the long run.)

I think this is a catastrophic situation. Complete failure.

The message I get: "The most important thing is to keep going the economy. Who needs old and sick people anyhow..."
Imagine something really severe will come along some day...which will... Now we know what will happen.

Although it's really just a movie about zombies, "World War Z" features some pretty interesting aspects, like some of the things we see now; like e.g. Israel who were very consequent very fast (I found that quite interesting).

Also I wonder why the world set up the WORLD health organization if nobody sticks to epidemic and pandemic plans.

I feel fucked about. And I'm angry because of this.

Yeah that’s their plan.. “herd immunity”.

I agree with everything you said. I feel so angry too; and I’m so tearful and upset and just overwhelmed. It’s awful. We have 5,000-10,000 cases and that’s small? The govt won’t even do the smallest thing to help us right now.. just saying to stay at home for 7 days and we won’t get tested anymore.. we will only get tested if we get sick enough to actually end up in hospital. We still have Cheltenham festival going ahead. I think there’s another two festivals and big gatherings going ahead this or next month.. or perhaps more than two. People are still expected to commute into work and school every day even if remote working were possible! It’s unbelievable. Basically nothing’s changing in terms of what the govt is doing and any social distancing plans :(

I agree with you. What is the point of the WHO. Seriously. It said yesterday we have a pandemic and today Johnson says this. I’m angry that people’s lives are being played like they’re a joke.. to me it’s like, “oh bad luck; you’ll die!”. And especially bad luck if you are elderly or are sick.. after all, we are “only” elderly or have underlying health conditions.

Economy is always number 1. Even when hundreds of thousands of people will die. We’ve been told today, many people will die, but.. not really gonna do anything about it.


Senior Member
The UK govt has failed it’s citizens, truly and completely. I am still in shock that we have a govt which is literally and *openly* contemplating “allowing the virus to run through the population”. Openly contemplating the death of those citizens whom it is allowing the virus to run through. Do we even know anything about herd immunity of the coronavirus, since it is such a new virus? How about the thousands or tens of thousands or more who will die, allowing that to openly happen? Because social distancing will apparently cause “harm”. Just.. no words.


Senior Member
The UK govt has failed it’s citizens, truly and completely. I am still in shock that we have a govt which is literally and *openly* contemplating “allowing the virus to run through the population”. Openly contemplating the death of those citizens whom it is allowing the virus to run through. Do we even know anything about herd immunity of the coronavirus, since it is such a new virus? How about the thousands or tens of thousands or more who will die, allowing that to openly happen? Because social distancing will apparently cause “harm”. Just.. no words.
I am in the UK. Yes I found that bizarre that the PM acknowledged many deaths, people in our families may die before their time, .... but no major steps.


Senior Member
Not One bit worried.

Me neither. I can't answer what Canada is doing about it, because I don't follow news (even world news). I only interact with other people once every three weeks or so, just running a few errands, so my chance of contracting a virus is low. It's just not something I'm stressed about. I'll let people who might be affected by it to worry about it and maybe do something about it. I don't have the energy to worry about other people's problems.


Senior Member
@AnnieT do you have any idea what we are meant to do after day 7?
I mean, many people have coronavirus symptoms for up to 2 weeks and cough a lot even then.. many stay ill for much longer (months even, I’ve heard, if it gets serious).

We are not given advice on when exactly to go to hospital. What is “worse”? With ME I feel so ill all the time. So when do you know you’ve reached a sort of danger point and can’t safely be at home? Who will monitor it??

But very worried about 7 day thing. After 7 days yes perhaps a mild cold will be gone. But a flu might not be. The coronavirus very well might NOT be gone. But are people going to go back into work school etc???

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I mean.. I think the UK govt’s response has been appalling in all ways.

From what I've heard- UK is not doing a very good job so your concerns are certainly warranted...( but don't panic, thats not going to help anyone).

In the US- its chaos and we have mostly Private Hospitals.

I have fabulous medical insurance supposedly...and not A SINGLE WORD from them on advice, what to to interface with your doctor...NOTHING.

Do I dare go get the blood work I need for the ME when there is this risk...of undetected flus? Maybe I should not get those blood tests. Some sound advice would be good. There should be some kind of protocol that keeps the sick away from the - folks without least..


Senior Member
@rainbowbluebells I don't think the 7 days thing is very helpful... it was 14 days last week.

I know what you mean about feeling ill all the time. I think a cough and a fever, that is normal for the virus, but call 111 for breathing difficulties or anything you feel you would need assistance for .... my understanding anyway.

Basically.... we have been told we are all in this together, some will die, not much we can do about it!


Senior Member
I know of 2 people who had their out patient appointment cancelled today as they are only focusing on urgent cases for the time being.... and it's hardly started here.


Senior Member
In Switzerland carnival in Basel has been cancelled.(a big festival)
I think its a good idea.

Apart from that, we are also told to "just stay home" and if coughing NOT to go to the doctor.
We have,like germany if I remember correctly,a hotline where we can call if we suspect having caught Co19. IDK how many cases we've got.

I also feel that the elderly,weak and others who are already chronically ill dont get the needed attention.They just bury their heads in sand and wait what will jappen.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I also feel that the elderly,weak and others who are already chronically ill dont get the needed attention.They just bury their heads in sand and wait what will jappen.

My adult daughter is- on the road traveling with the 10 month old. EGAD

She is worried about us and after years of-telling me to get out of the house, she is now telling me to stay home.


Senior Member
ITV Grenada interview tonight. Dr Kailash Chand OBE - Honorary president of the BMA (British medical association). 35 years medical experience. He says:

Boris Johnson came up all casual saying he was going to bring in a delay plan. Boris Johnson is the actual one in a state of delay. Instead of listening to scientists, should be listening to those in the medical profession. Says he was with 80 doctors last night and all of them were tearing their hair out. They say NHS won’t cope. Does Boris Johnson know about the capacity of the NHS? Planners have said we will follow the model of Italy, in two weeks, thousands and thousands of cases will require intensive care beds. We won’t cope. (At this point his voice was getting raised quite a bit, he was very distressed).

We need more beds. We need more intensive care beds. We need more hospitals. When Boris Johnson became prime minister he said we would have 40 new hospitals. How many do we have now?

Schools should have been closed. Social distancing is very important. The first thing China did is close schools. Why? Children are a hub effectively. They mix with everybody. They go out. They could be passing it to anybody. You close the schools, it won’t even affect their education. It’s so important.

So there you have it..
Honestly though, outside of the govt and it’s own Public health England and “scientifc” advisory group, I honestly haven’t seen any actual scientists, medics or epidemiologists, anyone from the WHO or any experts agree with what Boris Johnson and the govt are saying. All I hear are warnings. It’s so worrying.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Schools should have been closed. Social distancing is very important. The first thing China did is close schools. Why? Children are a hub effectively. They mix with everybody. They go out. They could be passing it to anybody. You close the schools, it won’t even affect their education. It’s so important

In the US, we have no formal Government health care unless your very low income. Hospitals are mostly private, for profit.

We have millions of people who work hourly, can't not show up, have no paid sick leave, will lose their job and home if they don't show.

I've heard virtually nothing from my insurance or doctor. Insurance calls ALL THE TIME and on this it is SILENCE. They leave voicemails to Get a Flu Shot...but aren't doing ROBO calls on- how should we deal with corona...

I think they have figured out this will score them: a huge profit from the deaths. What if 1 out of 10 older folks..for instance...succomb? Thats quite a lovely profit to add to the bottom line.

Do they even have an incentive to add beds? Maybe not.

Where is the company that makes ventilators? Where are they located? Hate to think about the answer to that one. The National Guard- should be sent to augment workers and produce ventilators.


Senior Member
In the US, we have no formal Government health care unless your very low income. Hospitals are mostly private, for profit.

We have millions of people who work hourly, can't not show up, have no paid sick leave, will lose their job and home if they don't show.

I've heard virtually nothing from my insurance or doctor. Insurance calls ALL THE TIME and on this it is SILENCE. They leave voicemails to Get a Flu Shot...but aren't doing ROBO calls on- how should we deal with corona...

I think they have figured out this will score them: a huge profit from the deaths. What if 1 out of 10 older folks..for instance...succomb? Thats quite a lovely profit to add to the bottom line.

Do they even have an incentive to add beds? Maybe not.

Where is the company that makes ventilators? Where are they located? Hate to think about the answer to that one. The National Guard- should be sent to augment workers and produce ventilators.

That’s awful.It must be so difficult living in a country with a purely for-profit system, especially in times like this with the Coronavirus outbreak. Yes that’s another problem. It’s similar here for those on zero hour contracts low pay etc. How do they get sick pay? How do they take time off even if they or their kids/dependants are sick? Or even if schools get closed? It’s not possible. Horrible that you are left with no information at all from anyone, not even a doctor.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Or even if schools get closed? It’s not possible. Horrible that you are left with no information at all from anyone, not even a doctor.

I did contact my chinese herbalist who indicated- This is Overblown....(easy for him to think, without a chronic illness or this crap)....he just got a huge herbal shipment so I know his supplies will hold and thats what I will need if I get Corona. ....

I've not bothered calling my doctors I don't want to be a pest...he sees lots of elderly.

I would feel better if- we knew there was local info one could find out if its yet shown up in town, or at our hospital.

but since they aren't testing......we grope in the dark.


Senior Member
Sorry to keep posting about the situation in the UK. It’s just I am so anxious and worried about this whole thing. And maybe because of my autism, I have been told that for me - it may be that finding out a lot of things , doing research and knowing everything I can is a way for me to feel calm. And I have often this if I’m super anxious. I do apologies for how much I’m writing.

But As a mark of how worried people in the UK here, tonight we had an interview with Jeremy Hunt. Now for people who are not in the UK - I will explain with as little reference to politics as possible, only the amount you need to know to understand the situation - Jeremy Hunt is a member of the ruling party and an MP. Therefore usually members of the ruling parties do not often talk badly about their govt or the prime minister; definitely not in the way an opposition party member would for example. But today Jeremy Hunt came on TV, for a news interview, looking as frightened as I have ever seen him. He says he is very concerned about the lack of social distancing measures, very concerned about the elderly and vulnerable. He describes it as a serious emergency and says the UK is only a few weeks behind Italy. Every single day matters. He says he would like to see the scientific modelling on which this decision was based - I’ve honestly not seen Jeremy Hunt like this in an interview before. And that’s all the more concerning for us. And perhaps also shows that this decision that’s been made by the govt - doesn’t actually have unilateral support at all.

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