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Copper Toxicity and methylation - discussion

British Columbia
Is anyone else here pursuing treatment for copper toxicity or thinking about getting tested? Just wanted to start a new discussion thread here on this topic. Has anyone had good results after treatment? What testing methods have you tried?

I'm posting because I tested positive for very high levels of copper, and two separated testing methods were used. I have RA and have recovered from secondary fibro (which was caused by chronic insomnia). A close friend of mine who has CFS also got tested - her copper levels were off the chart. Both of us did hair element testing, initially, because we suspected we might have deficiencies or maybe heavy metal toxicity. So we were quite surprised by the results. Apparently it usually pairs with zinc deficiency and is also quite common in overmethylators. Symptoms will include fatigue, hypersensitivity, insomnia, mood disorders or even psychosis, nervousness or feeling like you can't relax etc... It also accumulates in the liver, so it can bog down liver function.

I've done quite a lot of research on this topic and like sharing resources with others. Please share your experiences, questions, comments here.


Senior Member
I have detoxed from high copper twice. Didn't realize it was going to happen the second time or that my copper had gone up. But it apparently had. I am treating many methylation snps.