Confused about Glutathione/NAC IV & CBS Mutation


Senior Member
How can you tell if you're having a detox reaction to a Glutathione/NAC/PC IV OR a sulfur reaction?

I rec'ed an IV nine days ago (last Tuesday) with Glutathione, NAC and Phosphatidylcholine. By Thursday, I was really sick and have gradually improved since then... Sounds like a heavy duty detox, right? However, a couple of days after the IV, I received my genetic tests back and learned that I have a homozygous CBS mutation.. Could my strong reaction be caused by the sulfur in the IV? If that's true, then why haven't I noticed sulfur reactions before? NAC and ALA have always been my "go-to" supplements.

If it's just a detox reaction, I'm inclined to go back and get another IV with a lower glutathione dose. The last IV was NAC 500mg, Phosphatidylcholine 175mg, Glutathione 2000mg



Senior Member
How can you tell if you're having a detox reaction to a Glutathione/NAC/PC IV OR a sulfur reaction?

I rec'ed an IV nine days ago (last Tuesday) with Glutathione, NAC and Phosphatidylcholine. By Thursday, I was really sick and have gradually improved since then... Sounds like a heavy duty detox, right? However, a couple of days after the IV, I received my genetic tests back and learned that I have a homozygous CBS mutation.. Could my strong reaction be caused by the sulfur in the IV? If that's true, then why haven't I noticed sulfur reactions before? NAC and ALA have always been my "go-to" supplements.

If it's just a detox reaction, I'm inclined to go back and get another IV with a lower glutathione dose. The last IV was NAC 500mg, Phosphatidylcholine 175mg, Glutathione 2000mg


I had a similar reaction to IV NAC but a much higher dose of 5gr. I was sick for over a week! I have no CBS mutation.
Oral NAC between 500gr and 1gr a day works remarkably well for me.


Sorry a little off topic

A friend of mine who also has CFS is chasing up some Glutathione ampoules for injection

Authenticity of Glutathione ampoules seems to be a major issue when purchasing over the i-net?

Could anybody suggest a reliable well priced source please?


Senior Member
st pete , florida
My original "sulphur guy" was Cutler. I'm one of his "high cysteine people" since NAC gave me severe headaches years before at doses as low as 100 mg. Every time I experiment with high thiol foods, veggie and dairy, I fall apart. Dmsa rips me apart. I am on round 51 of ALA(only) chelation, I am still cutting 50mg. pills in seven slices! I love the results, but I'm still using doses of a two year old autistic child. weighing 30 lbs! My second "sulphur guy" is Freddd, with his anti Glutathione "JIHAD". Freddd never uses the "high cysteine", angle, but the end conclusion meshes with Cuter. Avoid Glutathioe supplementation. Cutler (and KRUSE) suggest using glutamine and glycine and letting your high cysteine body load make the glutathione. So bottom line:: The IV drips SUCK, if you are one of "those"people. like myself, and obviously you. Also avoid taurine and turmeric.
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Senior Member
Shah78 - thanks for your response.. Very interesting. Can you answer any of these questions?

  1. what can you do to recover from a Glutatathione IV? I've been taking Yucca pills & Sparga drops
  2. Which form of glycine is best? TMG? DMG? Something else?
  3. Is there a chart that shows the AMOUNT of sulfur in foods & supplements? I think I want to avoid the high sulfur - not all sulfur.. thanks.

Last - I'm confused about food & supplements w sulfur, because sometimes I react and sometimes I don't.. For example, the glutathione IV made me SO sick, but NAC & ALA capsules make me feel better... I tried going vegan, but then felt so much better when I had SOME animal protein (maybe I need a little??) If sulfur makes me sick, then egg salad should make me feel miserable - but it doesn't. My CBS is +/+

I'm looking up threads by Freddd re sulfur, but can't find anything by "cutler" w "sulfur" or "sulphur"



Senior Member
How can you tell if you're having a detox reaction to a Glutathione/NAC/PC IV OR a sulfur reaction?

I rec'ed an IV nine days ago (last Tuesday) with Glutathione, NAC and Phosphatidylcholine. By Thursday, I was really sick and have gradually improved since then... Sounds like a heavy duty detox, right? However, a couple of days after the IV, I received my genetic tests back and learned that I have a homozygous CBS mutation.. Could my strong reaction be caused by the sulfur in the IV? If that's true, then why haven't I noticed sulfur reactions before? NAC and ALA have always been my "go-to" supplements.

If it's just a detox reaction, I'm inclined to go back and get another IV with a lower glutathione dose. The last IV was NAC 500mg, Phosphatidylcholine 175mg, Glutathione 2000mg


Even if you have the CBS SNP, it may or may not be expressed. Ben Lynch says to take NAD (form of niacin) with glutathione to make sure you're making the good reduced glutathione and not a bunch of the bad oxidized glutathione.

So you either had:
1) a CBS or sulfur reaction
2) a detox reaction
3) reacting to oxidized stress created by not taking NAD with the glutathione

It's hard to say because you didn't say what your symptoms were other than "sick".

Interestingly, I took MSM for a couple of years with no problems, had no problems with eggs, meat, etc. But when I went to start methylation supps, I couldn't tolerate them and had to do a CBS protocol.


Senior Member
Shah78 - thanks for your response.. Very interesting. Can you answer any of these questions?

  1. what can you do to recover from a Glutatathione IV? I've been taking Yucca pills & Sparga drops
  2. Which form of glycine is best? TMG? DMG? Something else?
  3. Is there a chart that shows the AMOUNT of sulfur in foods & supplements? I think I want to avoid the high sulfur - not all sulfur.. thanks.

Last - I'm confused about food & supplements w sulfur, because sometimes I react and sometimes I don't.. For example, the glutathione IV made me SO sick, but NAC & ALA capsules make me feel better... I tried going vegan, but then felt so much better when I had SOME animal protein (maybe I need a little??) If sulfur makes me sick, then egg salad should make me feel miserable - but it doesn't. My CBS is +/+

I'm looking up threads by Freddd re sulfur, but can't find anything by "cutler" w "sulfur" or "sulphur"


I would maybe try NAD to see if you can produce reduced glutathione. Then for the sulfur aspect, molybdenum.
Yasko suggest sunflower lecithin which will convert to TMG.
Look at the Free Thiol list linked in my signature. It's more about free thiol content than sulfur content, per se.

What are your "sick" symptoms?


Senior Member
Thanks for the clarification re free thiol vs sulfur-free diet... The "sulfur-free" is overwhelming... hardly any greens on the list which would be hard for me. I think it's confusing that sulfur is sometimes okay.

Is NADH the same as NAD? I also have some molybdenum.. how much should I take?

I had a genetic test that indicated CBS +/+, and I'm waiting on a more comprehensive genetic test (23andme). I'm particularly interested in SUOX results - which were not included in the test that I had.

My symptoms are Brain fog, Joint Pain/severe stiffness, fatigue, IBS, frequent colds/viruses. I am also hypothyroid (dx in 2009), and since these symptoms are linked to hypothyroid, I've spent a lot of time adjusting meds (compounded T4/T3), checking Vitamin D & Ferritin etc., and after all that I STILL have these symptoms... I've had these symptoms to some degree since grade school, and I think it's more genetic than any thing else - but I've had mono and 1 other serious virus - both of which exacerbated these existing symptoms... Subjectively, it feels like I have 30% of the flu all the time, or like I have a hard time de-toxing. I have a hard time on high pollution days, I get every cold that goes around my office, and I have a hard time recovering from stress...It's getting really hard for me to work, and I'm on a medical leave now so that I can try to sort this all out... Very worried about being able to hold down a job.. When I saw the CBS C699T +/+ results and read the symptoms, it really resonated. Other SNPs are +/- and I don't have results yet for some key SNPs (namely SUOX).

Methyl B's are hard for me, so I just started HydroxyB12, and I will get some AdenoB12 today. How much should I take of each? (hydroxy & adeno)

thanks - this is so hard to navigate.
Even if you have the CBS SNP, it may or may not be expressed. Ben Lynch says to take NAD (form of niacin) with glutathione to make sure you're making the good reduced glutathione and not a bunch of the bad oxidized glutathione.

So you either had:
1) a CBS or sulfur reaction
2) a detox reaction
3) reacting to oxidized stress created by not taking NAD with the glutathione

It's hard to say because you didn't say what your symptoms were other than "sick".

Interestingly, I took MSM for a couple of years with no problems, had no problems with eggs, meat, etc. But when I went to start methylation supps, I couldn't tolerate them and had to do a CBS protocol.
while you did the cBS protocol , were you still eating eggs etc? That's interesting cuz i feel like i do great with egg yolks and MsM but don't want to add more Sulfur to my body. I could test them and use my Sulfate urine strips...