Clinical Trial for Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS Patients


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800mg dose is NUTS. That dose was used on my DH (as a cancer protocol in 2003). 800mg got him to dialysis. U can read about the old protocol (2003) here: go down to the article about Lung Cancer and Cox2 inhibiter....
(sorry I can't read these...still hurts. I chose to have DH use it.....:-{..... at stage 4 what is there???) I won't even take mobic...however, I did ask my dr. about the celebrex. I will LUK if I find out anything when she calls with my bloodwork results. I asked to be switched from famvir to valtrex. Don't know even if that's right. NO ONE KNOWS...Be well heaps...xo C

Im a fan of famvir, i just think it helps more viruses, i think valtrex is limited to ebv but then that theory doesnt always pan out with everyone either.

I wish there was some more info on how the celebrex works in cfs, is it working on certain cytokines?? I have used it before and cant say it helped cfs symptoms though? and many of us have used other anti inflammatories alot like nurofen, naprosyn etc. Maybe its the combination. The study will be interesting though.


Senior Member
Instead of HHV6 or EBV Pridgen believes herpes simplex viruses, are the key in FM/ME/CFS. Other than a 1993 theory proposing herpes simplex virus was at play in ME/CFS, interest has been scanty. HSV-1′s ability to affect many of the genes and gene pathways suspected of playing a role in nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and autism, however, lead one researcher to propose it could play a role in all of them.

HSV-1 has been found in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum of the gastrointestinal system. In fact, HSV-1 was proposed to cause ‘recurrent functional gastrointestinal disorders’ such as IBS, as far back as 1996.

If this is truly what Pridgen believes then for sure his theory isn't complete.

There are many people with definite and clear FM/ME/CFS that are HSV-1 negative, including myself.