I've been reading the links, and Ticama I found that book at the library this morning. Thanks everybody for your input - I've got quite a learning curve going on.
A year ago, my copper tested low-normal and zinc was high normal. So I'm going to stop taking zinc for now. I've been supplementing with 1000mg lecithin for over a year, for what that's worth.
I got my results in today's mail:
CHOL 396 (0-200)
TRIG 205 (30-150)
HDL 67 (40-100)
CH/HDL ratio 5.9 (0-6)
LDL (direct) 265 (0-130)
I'm getting a handle on how to eat. I'm already mostly grain-free (I bake with coconut and almond flour), and I'm used to eating leftover dinner for breakfast, so I'm not attached to eggs and toast. Lowering carbs isn't crazy-hard. Heaps, what do you consider "low?"
My basic plan is: 1/2 c beans, minimum 1-1/2 lb non-starchy vegetables, maximum 1/2 lb low-carb fruit, 1 oz nuts, and 2c non-fat dairy. This gives me 45g protein before adding protein powders or soy products, so that's a good foundation. My goal is 50g. And I'm getting 25 to 40g fiber, which is a miracle. This gives me 88-133g carb, which is hopefully low enough to allow for the inevitable additional food.
I think Dr.Rey will understand this better as it relates to CFS than my local doctor can, so I'll be talking with her about hormones and oxidative stress in August.
Coconut is on the foods to usually avoid if one is trying to lower cholestrol (this is a list one of my doctors once photocopied when I first was on a low cholestrol diet). Coconut too can be high in carbs.
Foods to avoid while lowering cholestrol (not a low carb diet thou)
whole eggs, egg yolk
whole milk and its products eg cheese,butter, cream, ice cream, yogurt
organ meats
prawns, squid (calmari), fish roe, fish "fingers", canned fish in oil
fatty meats- bacon, ham, sausages, salami, canned meats, meat pastes, hamburger mince, pressed meats)
duck, goose, skin of chicken and turkey, pressed chicken
pies, pasties, cakes, pastries, donuts, biscuits
fast food- fried chicken, chips, fish, dim sims, spring rolls, hot dogs, pizza, fried rice etc
cashews, macadamina nuts, coconut, roasted nuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, peanut butter
gravies, potato chips, caramel, chocolate including carob, butterscotch, "health food" bars, coffee whitener and other cream substitutes, toasted breakfast cereals (esp with coconut)
saturated fats -lard, dripping, suet, copha, cooking (hard) margarine, coconut and palm oils, mayonnaise
Avoid frying or roasting in fat.
Suitable foods
egg whites
low fat dairy products eg non fat yogurt, skim milk, ricotta cheese
fresh fish, scallops, oysters, canned fish in water, lobster and crab (small amounts)
rabbit, veal (without fat), lean cuts of beef, lamb and pork (in moderation)
chicken/turkey (lean without skin)
bread, crumpets (esp wholemeal), crispbreads
peacan nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, seeds (in moderation)
all types of fruit and veg
rice, pasta, cereals, jelly, herbs, spices, canned spaghetti, vegemite, tea, coffee, honey, jam, alcohol (small amounts)
polyunsaturated fats - margarines, salad dressings
vegetable oils -olive, walnut, corn, soya bean sunflower, safflower, cottonseed (all in moderation, small amounts)
use veg oils above for grilling, baking, boiling, grilling and stewing
the low cholestrol plan i have fro the pathology lab is very similar to the other cholesterol lowing diet plans my past doctors had me on above