Chelation-has anyone had the test?


Senior Member
My doctor thinks I could benefit from the urine test with the chelation IV calcium EDTA test.
Has anyone had this? I read online that in studies, people's heavy metals increased afterwards and it's a scam.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My doctor thinks I could benefit from the urine test with the chelation IV calcium EDTA test.
Has anyone had this? I read online that in studies, people's heavy metals increased afterwards and it's a scam.

Can you give a link to this test? There are a number of heavy metal tests and not sure which one you mean.



Senior Member
Western Nebraska
What's the objective in doing the test? Figuring out if you have a heavy metal problem? Andrew Cutler doesn't like chelation tests because he says they overload the kidneys with heavy metals. Plus all they measure is what's in the kidneys, and still leaves you in the dark about how much is sequestered away in the bone and fat.

EDTA doesn't pick up mercury well. If it's mercury you're interested in, you ought to look at the Quicksilver Scientific tests. See

None of the chelation tests measure aluminum toxicity, or get it out, and aluminum toxicity is increasingly becoming more prevalent and problematic.

My doctor wanted to do an IV calcium EDTA test on me, and I would not let him.


Senior Member
My doctor thinks I could benefit from the urine test with the chelation IV calcium EDTA test.
Has anyone had this? I read online that in studies, people's heavy metals increased afterwards and it's a scam.

It's a scam. Everyone will have higher than normal excretion after such a test. The scam consists of then pretending that these results are extraordinary and justify some particular treatment. Doctors may be victims too, honestly believing that the results mean something.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I saw an Environmental Medicine doc. I had the urine challenge test and then started on DMPS. The test, if its the same one, measures the level of metals which get activated and leave the cells after the injection. I did DMPS for about 8 months. I could not do the push I did orally and IM.

It absolutely helped my MCS. I couldn't tolerate any smells or odors without having a huge reaction. That is gone now. It also helped me with my equilibrium,. I was always losing my balance, even when I wore flat shoes on a flat surface.

It did nothing for my fatigue or any of my other problems.


Senior Member
I had a urine challenge test using DMSA, too, but not an IV test.

I think unless you're completely "clean" of supplements for a long time, urine metal tests have little value. For example, when pressed my doctor couldn't really say if I excreted all that copper and zinc because I actually had high systemic levels of these minerals, or because I'd been supplementing with them. She couldn't really advise me whether I should stop supplementing with them or not.

IMHO it's a pretty safe bet all of us need to chelate at least mercury and lead, just because of the world we live in. The metals we do need that get chelated (magnesium, calcium, etc.) along with the bad stuff can be replaced with supplements. I'll never do another urine metals test (might try a hair test in the future) but will always chelate occasionally, just to be safe. Chelating put me much farther down the path to wellness.

Just my $0.02. YMMV.


Senior Member
I think the IV test is a urine test. They do the IV EDTA chelation therapy calcium based then you take a urine test over the next several hours then do another IV and another urine test. My doctor (DO and MD who mostly treats autistic kids) explained how the heavy metals latch on to the bone and fat and said that this is the best way to test it. He said it won't tell how much heavy metal you have but you look at the difference before and after the test to see if there is an increase. I trust my doctor but have read what you guys are saying, that it is seen as a scam by many. I talked to a girl who had it done at my doctor's office and she said she had flu symptoms for the next 24 hours afterwards but didn't need chelation after the test and she wasn't a candidate for that. So, maybe it really is accurate?


Senior Member
I've had a hair test but my doc said that only measures the most recent metals. I was higher in aluminum and almost non existent in lithium so I've been taking lithium orotate 5 mg. for years now.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I did have kidney pain because he did it IV push. I think it lasted 2-3 hours at the most. After that I had no problems that I was aware of.

After that I only did injections and oral. I also supplement with minerals, liposomal glutathione and chlorella to help get rid of the mercury.

As i said, I had positive results from my chelation. My MCS is 99% gone and my equilibrium is good. I haven't fallen since then.