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Cheap sources of injectable methylcobalamin?


I need very large amounts of methylcobalamin. Have tried just about all delivery forms and nothing beats the subcutaneous injections, which my doc does prescribe me. However, I need way more than the Rx allows for and so I’m looking into alternative sources.

I’ve previously bought cheap bulk methylfolate from China (Alibaba.com) with success, and so I’m wondering if anyone has tried injectable MB12 from non-pharmaceutical (i.e., directly from the manufacturer) sources. If so, what are your experiences? Recommendations are most welcome!

A quick Alibaba search reveals a few injectable MB12 products that come in huge glass bottles. I’m thinking that the quality would deteriorate quite rapidly if I open it up several times a day, even if I do it in darkness, due to oxygen exposure. So a bunch of pre-filled smaller vials is probably a must.

Also, would it be dangerous to inject, say, Bluebonnet’s liquid MB12? Why are vials of ”injectable” MB12 so much more expensive? Do we pay for the guarantee that it’s sterile?

(I have checked the thread Trying to find cheaper compounding pharmacy for B12 injections but couldn’t find any useful information there; it was mostly about U.S. compounding pharmacies, which is not an option for me.)

Thanks in advance!


Senior Member
I need very large amounts of methylcobalamin.

What benefits to your ME/CFS symptoms would you say these large amounts provide?

I’ve previously bought cheap bulk methylfolate from China (Alibaba.com) with success

How did you manage to buy on Alibaba? This wholesale website normally only deals with businesses rather than individuals. I have wanted to buy stuff from Alibaba myself.

would it be dangerous to inject, say, Bluebonnet’s liquid MB12

See here:
infection is a common complication after repeated non-sterile injection by any route and tends to initially occur local to the sites of injection. Abscesses and cellulitis are the most frequently recognised presentations.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
What benefits to your ME/CFS symptoms would you say these large amounts provide?
High dose B12 dose affect T Suppressor cells which can reduce IgE antibody production. I read about this on wikipedia before someone removed it.

Here is what I extracted from the wikipedia edit history:

High-dose administration of Vitamin B12 has been additionally validated to stimulate the activity of the body's TH1 suppressor T-Cells, which then down-regulates the over-production of the allergen antibody IgE in allergic individuals.
<ref>{{Cite journal|author=O'Conner, Richard D. M.D. |title=FDA investigational New Drug IND No. 30,488|year=1990}} (link needed)</ref>

CFS sufferers have highly permeable digestive systems which can increase absorption of just about anything including B12 supplements. I was taking about 20 - 25mg Methyl B12/day because it helped with IgE antibodies and did help in other ways. My B12 blood test results were off the chart they were so high which just shows that it was being very well absorbed.

Be aware that such high doses do have some negative effects. It can affect the circulatory system so I would not recommend it TBH. I have reduced my intake to around 1mg/day now. It does seem to drive up the vit k requirement substantially.

How did you manage to buy on Alibaba? This wholesale website normally only deals with businesses rather than individuals. I have wanted to buy stuff from Alibaba myself.

See here:
I did look myself but later did not bother. Maybe setting up a fake company might help which is something I thought about but it was not worth it in the end.
I don’t have ME/CFS, but I ran into an advanced B12 deficiency a few years ago which still requires megadoses to keep symptoms at bay. It’s pretty straightforward. More B12, fewer symptoms and increased well-being. I have had zero side effects from it.

As for the Alibaba purchase, I simply emailed the manufacturer. Simple as that.
Are you talking about subacute combined degeneration?

I believe that’s what it’s called, yes. I have managed to reverse it about 90–95 % thanks to Freddd’s protocol, which I serendipitously stumbled over a few years ago, but I still need absolutely ridiculous amounts of methylation supplements to avoid setbacks, which can occur within hours.