Gabby Klein's testimony
I have sent in as my written comment a copy of my letter to Secretary Burwell expressing my complete opposition to the P2P. I hope that you each had a chance to read it.
I will describe some of my points in the hope of convincing you, the CFSAC voting members, to consider making an official statement of opposition to the P2P.
The history of abuse and neglect by HHS towards ME/CFS patients is long. They have tried to blatantly deny the true severity of the biological neuro-immune disease, ME. Their means of accomplishing this included switching the original name ME to CFS and by setting the vague fatiguing criteria; the Fukuda. Since then, HHS continued their control and manipulation by consistently and stubbornly refusing to accept any newer and better defined criteria set by the ME/CFS medical experts despite the fact that historically, diagnostic criteria for diseases are created by the expert medical community, not the Government.
At the November 2012 CFSAC meeting, voting members tried to alter this devious path by recommending that a workshop be convened of ME/CFS stakeholders to work on reaching a consensus for a case definition starting with the Canadian Consensus Criteria.
HHS had the perfect opportunity to change their previous malfeasance and do what is right for the patient. Despite and “in spite” this CFSAC’s recommendation, HHS forged ahead with two expensive ill conceived government controlled processes – the IOM and P2P.
The P2P process should never have been used for the controversial topic of ME/CFS. In addition the parameter set by NIH for the study, doomed it to a meaningless result.
· They lumped in all 8 criteria, as if they are of equal value.
· They use an evidence based study which is inappropriate for this disease, ensuring the exclusion of over 1,000 studies.
· They use a “jury model” non-experience panel with a feat to come up with a report in 24 hours.
Not surprisingly, the resulting draft report is unscientific, disturbing and dangerous. I hope that you will join me and multitudes of stakeholders, advocates, patients, caregivers and clinicians in stating the following:
We do not need more Government misinformation about ME/CFS which will be disseminated to physicians, health insurance carriers, the public, and the press.
Thank you!