I agree with
@Sing on being relieved Nancy Lee is gone and the hope she and Marshall will have to answer to their illegal shenanigans. I agree with
@Nielk that there is a worsening of the circus-like environment that CFSAC has become. I listened to just the last hour or so so I cannot speak with much authority; however what I did hear was a general lack of seriousness, an inappropriate levity, a lack of knowledge about procedure with a paradoxical surrender to it (referring to the "oh well, we already let P2P and IOM happen so now we're not allowed to do anything, our widdle hands are tied)
....and at the very end, members agreeing to approve the minutes of the last meeting when some admitted to having not yet read them--which is disconcerting given that Nancy Lee misrepresented their recommendations, so it would seem prudent to check what the minutes reflect.
(Unless that was a diferent meeting in which case disregard :thumbdown:.)
Not to mention the way the whole meeting format, public participation, and streaming have degenerated so appallingly over the last year or two--in this the age of technology and communication.
Which is not to say there weren't some good moments. It's important to acknowledge that or those that at least give it a try will not even bother.
However, personally I long ago gave up hope that CFSAC, or any government agency, is ever ever going to do anything to advance progress with this disease. Ever. In fact, it is
crystal clear that the agenda is to *impede* progress. It's more than blatant, thirty years of blatant. And with the discovery of Nancy Lee's misdoings, and the whole FOIA fiasco, there is just no doubt any more, nor can any one accuse those of us with clear eyes of being tinfoilhatty.
These people are not our allies. We need to seek help elsewhere.