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CFSAC fall 09- information


Senior Member
Hey tom, good job on the 1800+ signatures for the panel today. I heard it mentioned.

Good stuff!
Thanks, Mark. Marly of PANDORA said she'd do it. Haven't seen the clip yet.

Anyone who hasn't sign can sign at:

Family, friends, etc also welcome to sign
(in case we need to aim for 2500/3000 in the future).

I also turned in my testimony about CFS to the panel in letter form, I hope to find it online when they post them all.

It will be available at this page:
(direct link will probably be: http://www.hhs.gov/advcomcfs/meetings/presentations/091029.html)

For example, the presentations (incl. written testimony) for the last meeting are at: http://www.hhs.gov/advcomcfs/meetings/presentations/090527.html