Can I just point out that t
Also, Ben Goldacre has next to nothing to do with what goes on in the bad science forums. He barely ever posts, and, by all accounts, doesn't even bother to read them much.
Finally, it seems to me that no-one has actually bothered to read the threads on Bad Science (or if they have, they're only interested in misrepresenting them). Yes, some of the forumers enjoy a bit of verbal rough and tumble, however the main argument from the Bad Science side has not been that CFS is a psychological condition; rather the point has been that the vehement opposition to this explanation of the condition is a trifle bizarre and the vilification of the Wessley character is at best misguided.
you sir are either an idiot or deluded or both.
Her views are in line with medical experts in the field.
It is you that needs educating.A science degree might help.
Ben Goldacre is a part time junior doctor.It is difficult to see how his views have any relevance as he is hardly an expert in any field let alone disease classification.
Things are rarely what they seem that is why lay people such as yourself have such difficulty in understanding the simplest scientific concepts.
NICE, the department of health, the world health organisation and the CDC of America all reject a psychological model as causative of this illness.
I would suggest that bizzare behaviour and thinking is connected by dismissing the views of these expert bodies in favour of the biased opinion of one psychiatrist.
That in itself suggests severe psychological abnormalities
.Perhaps the inhabitants of the BS forum should consider that they are engaging in projective identification.
If they dont know what that means perhaps they could consult a psychiatrist. I believe that Dr wesselly is a disciple of the psychodynamic paradigm