sorry to respond to this thread so late. i have often wondered how pregnancy affected other women w/ CF. when I got pregnant at age 27, i had been sick for at least a decade, but was experiencing near-remission. my pregnancy put me in almost complete remission. i was not tired (for the most part), even during my 3rd trimester, & it was blissful. i got little sleep w/ a newborn, so i was once again back to exhaustion. luckily, my baby became a good sleeper right away. when i got pregnant the second time, i was already exhausted. i had hyperemesis w/ that pregnancy, which trumped any fatigue. i was lying down, perfectly still so i wouldn't vomit. weirdly, after i gave birth (both my births were very fast & easy, even though my babies were 10-pounders), i was not fatigued for the first few months, as i had been w/ my first baby. perhaps there was another reversal after my hyperemsis pregnancy. i was still exhausted at times, w/ a 3 year old & a newborn, but mostly, not that tired. it did catch up w/ me a few months later. as a side note, i breastfed both babies, tandem nursed (3 year old & newborn), & weaned my 20-month old abruptly when i got very sick in April. rajulko, if you are considering getting pregnant, the only advice i have is to take VERY good care of yourself, as if it is a full-time job. sleep, the best food, the most healthy supplements, fresh air, stretching or walking IF TOLERATED. and if you do become pregnant, of course, feel free to contact me. i was a birth & postpartum doula before i got really sick again. all the best, margaret