My cd4 count: 505(24%)
Cd count : 950 (45%)
Ratio: 0.55
Before 6 months:
Cd 4 count: 401 (29%)
Cd 8 count: 690 (42%)
Ratio: 0.66
Getting hiv tests negative since past 14 months. All other virals like cmv, hsb, hcv etc are negative for IGm.
Any suggestions?
I did not had any hiv risks from past 15 months. Is low cd4/cd8 ratio and low cd4% sign of immune suppression?
Cd count : 950 (45%)
Ratio: 0.55
Before 6 months:
Cd 4 count: 401 (29%)
Cd 8 count: 690 (42%)
Ratio: 0.66
Getting hiv tests negative since past 14 months. All other virals like cmv, hsb, hcv etc are negative for IGm.
Any suggestions?
I did not had any hiv risks from past 15 months. Is low cd4/cd8 ratio and low cd4% sign of immune suppression?