discuss CFSAC Oct 29, 30 meeting
Hi all - seems like discussion on today's meeting is popping up in a couple places so I thought I'd start this thread to keep it all together.
I missed a lot of the webcast, but was incredibly heartened by what I did catch. Best, most positive meeting I've ever attended. Seemed that everyone was on board and that indeed the game is changing.
Reeves wasn't there. CDC's definition and leadership continually slagged and calls for both to be replaced. XMRV research being moved to Viriology I think.
Consistent across the board calls for centers of excellence, all studies to use clearly defined patient cohorts, doctor education, social assistance reform...
Coffin (40 years in retroviruses) was great.
Great to see Cort and others in action!
Sorry - too tired to write more right now - reeling from trying to listen and process.
Final thought - they seemed incredibly impressed that 400 people were watching the webcast - it was the final comment of the day. And that # was taken around noon EST. I have the feeling that it's like letters to Parliament where I'm from, Congress I guess for you - once they receive a critical number, then action happens.
I hope everyone can watch tomorrow + encourage others to do so as well
the link is
You have to have real player (download included) and have 512 bandwidth so your reception won't time out