CBD OIL... Anyone tried it? It's legal now.


Senior Member
With all the disclaimers attached to the products, I doubt such a claim would bear fruit. They all make sure they say it isn't medicine and hasn't been evaluated by the FDA, etc, etc. But all publicity is good, eh?

And wouldn't the Feds and the DEA and FDA love to use it as an excuse to make the product more difficult to make and/or obtain?

I got a message on your "here" link that said their security certificate isn't any good so I didn't open that page. The other page, though, is very interesting to me. The "420" refers to the Colorado law making recreational use legal and all the details of that. I wasn't aware of that publication, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Interesting that the product she blasts in her subject line is the "elixirs", some kind of drink, but doesn't go into detail about those. She then blasts the "hemp oil drops" and if what she says is true, it's good to know.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I got a message on your "here" link that said their security certificate isn't any good so I didn't open that page.

People sometimes get messages saying that the security certificate for Phoenix Rising is no good, I think! I think it happens when the site owner has forgotten to renew the certificate or something. What software said that it was no good?


Senior Member
Internet explorer flashes that up on the screen and asks if I want to open it anyway. I've never had that happen with PR.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Internet explorer flashes that up on the screen and asks if I want to open it anyway. I've never had that happen with PR.

Oh, right. Firefox doesn't have any issues with it, and I understand that Firefox is generally more secure than IE (or used to be) which is why I use it.

Here is what the page says anyway:

November 22, 2013
Former Dixie Employee Blasts CBD Industry, Company

Tags: cannabidiol, cbd, dixie elixirs, tamar wise

Tamar Wise, the former head of science for Dixie Botanicals, has called out the entire cannabidiol products industry as well as her former employer.

In a post on her Facebook page, Wise said CBD-based products are made from “crude and dirty hemp paste” that is contaminated with microbial life, residual solvents and other toxins. The post is no longer on her page.

“I’m tired of so called CBD companies claiming that what they provide is medicine. Anyone using a CBD from hemp product please be aware of what you’re actually getting b/c it is not what you think,” Wise wrote on her Facebook page. The message was quickly copied and re-posted on several other social media pages of those with an interest in the marijuana industry.

“What these companies are doing is criminal and dangerous…and since I formulated most of these products as head of Dixie science, I feel responsible for spreading the truth.”

In an email, Wise confirmed she wrote the post but declined further comment.

Dixie Elixirs reacted to Wise’s comments with a Facebook post of its own, saying it makes “safe, lab-tested, effective CBD health and wellness products.”

“We are saddened that Ms. Wise has opted to now make slanderous allegations against Dixie Botanicals so long after her departure when none of these concerns ever came up during her term at Dixie,” the post said. “The company abides by strict confidentiality agreements designed to protect the privacy of the company, our employees and our customers. As a result we will not comment on this further and hope Ms. Wise honors these same agreements.”

The comments represent a 180 for Wise, who had previously spoken positively about CBD-based products publicly, and wrote a column for Marijuana Business Daily in 2012 discussing the science behind Dixie’s CBD extraction process.


Senior Member
I just get a gut feeling about all this.
Added to by the single post and radio silence since.

Though the main point, that it is always wise to investigate the source and purity of any supplement or medicine we are taking, remains true.


Senior Member
Always good to have both sides of the story.:)

I do feel a bit sorry for Ms. Wise though.
I'm not sure what I think about a business claiming ownership of somebody's intellectual input, even if it was while employed by them. I don't like it one little bit. Somebody's intellect is theirs alone, as is anything they come up with.
A business can use it, but not own it.


Senior Member
Though it does seem silly, most people working as employees sign contracts at the time of employment signing away their rights to any creative or intellectual materials produced while working there. I don't like it either, but the majority of people don't scratch this clause out of their contract before signing.

I think we are at a transitional time in human history where we are faced with the consequences of institutions (both ideological and physical) that are built on zero-sum competitive paradigms, rather than cooperative, benefit-for-all paradigms.


Senior Member
An interesting thread on CBD oil can be found here: Anyone tried cannabidiol (CBD)? - Mental Health - LONGECITY

In the above thread, several people with anxiety symptoms are trying out CBD oil for its anxiolytic effects. There are varied responses: some people say they feel nothing from CBD oil; others get good anxiolytic effects initially, but then develop a tolerance to CBD, such that subsequent use has reduced effect; and other people found CBD consistently very beneficial for their anxiety. People note that CBD does dull them mentally at higher dose levels.

In the above thread they also mention that:

CBD oil is available from this UK company: Medivape
Medivape's 20 ml tincture bottle costs £25 + £3 UK shipping, and each 1 ml contains 5 mg of CBD, so that's a total of 100 mg of CBD in the whole bottle.

For comparison, the Cibdex 1 oz (30 ml) tincture bottle costs £37 + £4 UK shipping on Amazon UK, and also contains a total of 100 mg of CBD. Each 1 ml contains 3.3 mg of CBD.

So Medivape is cheaper.

One of the guys who runs Medivape comments in the above thread (under username "cbdbro").

They also mention in that thread that flax contains a cannabinoid-like compound which is probably CBD. See:

Getting the Flax Straight about Cannabidiol - Philadelphia medical marijuana | Examiner.com
Cannabinoid-like anti-inflammatory compounds from flax fiber

This fact might help explain why I found that 15 ml flax seed oil has useful anti-anxiety and anti-psychosis benefits (see my anti-anxiety thread here).
Last edited:


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
They also mention in that thread that flax contains a cannabinoid-like compound which is probably CBD. See:

Getting the Flax Straight about Cannabidiol - Philadelphia medical marijuana | Examiner.com
Cannabinoid-like anti-inflammatory compounds from flax fiber

This fact might help explain why I found that 15 ml flax seed oil has useful anti-anxiety and anti-psychosis benefits (see my anti-anxiety thread here).

Interesting about flax. Several people have reported getting anxiolytic effects from flax (oil?) on Phoenix Rising. I have a load of flax seeds that I haven't used as I don't have a grinder and they are too hard to grind using a pestle and mortar. Think I may get a grinder now!


Anyone interested in a London Support group?
London, UK
I've just been looking into Cannabidiol and the reviews are mixed. I'm looking at in relation to anxiety and inflammation. Very interesting connection @Hip between flax and Cannabidiol. I find flax seed oil very helpful.

But generally all fats are good for inflammation and anxiety. Great building blocks for the brain and nervous system. I now use a combination of flax, evening primrose, olive oil, coconut (very good) and (grass-fed) butter.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
But generally all fats are good for inflammation and anxiety. Great building blocks for the brain and nervous system. I now use a combination of flax, evening primrose, olive oil, coconut (very good) and (grass-fed) butter.

Not all fats are good for inflammation and anxiety. The ones you use are good, but not those high in linoleic acid (not to be confused with linolenic acid, which is good!).

See here for example:



Senior Member
I have now grown and processed (made into tinctures) all my initial 6 plants (three varieties). I'm finding distinct differences in how they affect me, and how they taste and smell. I'm thinking that maybe some of the differences in different peoples' experiences may be due to one or more of the other 36 (or more) cannabinoids in the whole plant, compounds other than CBD or THC. Probably the different strains have different proportions of these other cannabinoids. The indica strains are said to be sedating, for one thing, and the sativa strains are said to be invigorating. Most varieties are some kind of hybrid of the two strains, but if they have such different effects, they might also have differing proportions of the cannabinoids.

What I'm doing now is taking the very low THC tincture(s) in the morning and mid afternoon, then the one with more THC before going to bed, when I don't mind the slight side effect of more dizziness and ataxia.

I wish the US would get to researching the medicinal qualities of this plant in its entirety. I most definitely find it to be anti-inflamatory. Whatever has been causing the pain in my hip/groin joint is slowly but surely going away.

I've never been anxious so I can't comment on that part. But getting the real REM sleep has made a world of difference in the quality of my life. That alone may be responsible for lessening brain fog, and better memory.


Senior Member
I forgot to write up my account of testing Medivape CBD oil:

When I took 8 drops of the Medivape CBD oil sublingually before bed, I woke up the following morning feeling very vague and unable to focus properly for several hours. I also looked very pale in the face.

I think CBD increases blood circulation to peripheries, since 5-HT1A agonists do this, so possibly my pale face could be a rebound effect, where peripheral circulation initially increases due to CBD, and then later reduces in a rebound, once you metabolize the CBD. Just a speculation.

When I took the same dose of this CBD oil during the day, I also felt a bit vague and unable to focus properly within an hour of after it, but not as much as I did when taking CBD oil before bed.

I may try CBD oil again at some point, but generally my experiences with it were not favorable.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I have now grown and processed (made into tinctures) all my initial 6 plants (three varieties). I'm finding distinct differences in how they affect me, and how they taste and smell. I'm thinking that maybe some of the differences in different peoples' experiences may be due to one or more of the other 36 (or more) cannabinoids in the whole plant, compounds other than CBD or THC. Probably the different strains have different proportions of these other cannabinoids. The indica strains are said to be sedating, for one thing, and the sativa strains are said to be invigorating. Most varieties are some kind of hybrid of the two strains, but if they have such different effects, they might also have differing proportions of the cannabinoids.

What I'm doing now is taking the very low THC tincture(s) in the morning and mid afternoon, then the one with more THC before going to bed, when I don't mind the slight side effect of more dizziness and ataxia.

I wish the US would get to researching the medicinal qualities of this plant in its entirety. I most definitely find it to be anti-inflamatory. Whatever has been causing the pain in my hip/groin joint is slowly but surely going away.

I've never been anxious so I can't comment on that part. But getting the real REM sleep has made a world of difference in the quality of my life. That alone may be responsible for lessening brain fog, and better memory.

This extremely-useful site lists many cannabinoids, compares sativa and indica and cites medical effects, including links to research. They might also be interested in your findings.


Senior Member
You must be from Colorado. Is it legal to ship across state lines with the low thc
@Zensational It depends on where you are and how your state interprets the laws. It is claimed by the makers that they only use hemp to make CBD drops so it shouldn't be subject to marijuana laws, but a few states have even tried to make hemp growing and use illegal. For the most part, they've been countered.

At any rate, the last time I checked CBD drops were still being sold on Amazon, to anyone anywhere. Cibdex is the brand I've used.


Senior Member
I forgot to write up my account of testing Medivape CBD oil:

When I took 8 drops of the Medivape CBD oil sublingually before bed, I woke up the following morning feeling very vague and unable to focus properly for several hours. I also looked very pale in the face.

I think CBD increases blood circulation to peripheries, since 5-HT1A agonists do this, so possibly my pale face could be a rebound effect, where peripheral circulation initially increases due to CBD, and then later reduces in a rebound, once you metabolize the CBD. Just a speculation.

When I took the same dose of this CBD oil during the day, I also felt a bit vague and unable to focus properly within an hour of after it, but not as much as I did when taking CBD oil before bed.

I may try CBD oil again at some point, but generally my experiences with it were not favorable.
That's interesting. I wonder what part of CBD could have that effect on you. My experiences are no longer limited to CBD drops but even when that was all I was using, it never affected me negatively cognitionwise nor changed my color or heartbeat. In fact, it helped my brainfog.

I am not familiar with Medivape brand. Is it the same strength as Cibdex?


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I forgot to write up my account of testing Medivape CBD oil:

When I took 8 drops of the Medivape CBD oil sublingually before bed, I woke up the following morning feeling very vague and unable to focus properly for several hours. I also looked very pale in the face.

I think CBD increases blood circulation to peripheries, since 5-HT1A agonists do this, so possibly my pale face could be a rebound effect, where peripheral circulation initially increases due to CBD, and then later reduces in a rebound, once you metabolize the CBD. Just a speculation.

When I took the same dose of this CBD oil during the day, I also felt a bit vague and unable to focus properly within an hour of after it, but not as much as I did when taking CBD oil before bed.

I may try CBD oil again at some point, but generally my experiences with it were not favorable.

Is it meant to be taken sub-lingually? I couldn't get the Medivape site to open properly - it just seems to be a holding page.


Senior Member
Each 1 ml of Cibdex contains 3.3 mg of CBD. And by comparison, each 1 ml of Medivape contains 5 mg of CBD. So Medivape is a little bit more concentrated.

Yes, it it's interesting to consider what aspect of CBD could create this mental vagueness and inability to focus. CBD affects the cannabinoid receptors, and also activates the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A serotonin receptors.

It seems that Medivape website has gone. They were a small, one man band-type operation, so they may have gone out of business I guess. Yes, you take the drops sublingually.