Cause of ME a "state secret" in UK?

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Thank you for your kind words, Katie.

There were seven references to hostility included in the "Gibson Report".

(See: http://twentysixsoldiersoflead.word...ughts-on-the-gibson-report-by-angela-kennedy/ )

At one point, the "Gibson Report" states:

"Wessely gave up the research side of his work, possibly due to extreme harassment he received from a very small fringe section of the ME community."

But no references are provided in the report in support of this statement and Dr Gibson has been unable to provide me with references and the date by which his panel understood Prof Wessely to have "given up" the research side of his [CFS] work.

Nor has Dr Gibson been willing to confirm or deny whether his panel based that statement on information contained within a lengthy letter that Prof Wessely had sent to the "Gibson Inquiry" panel, in lieu of a Written Submission submitted through the proper channel.

I suggested to Dr Gibson, in late 2007, that since the inquiry had been a public inquiry the content of Prof Wessely's letter should be placed in the public domain and asked that his office approach Wessely for his agreement to release the letter's content.

Dr Gibson's response was that the GSRME panel considered the letter sent to them by Wessely was a piece of personal correspondence never meant for the public and that in Dr Gibsons opinion, it should remain that way and that Prof Wessely was in agreement with Dr Gibson that the letter should not be released.

It is disturbing that Wessely felt the need to set certain information, views, opinions or other material before a panel of parliamentarians engaged in an unofficial inquiry but that he did not feel he should be equally open and transparent with the ME community and the wider public.

If material contained within the Wessely letter had been used to inform the panel in the writing up of their report or in any way shaped their own views and opinions (and reference is made to the letter in the report) it is not possible for the inquirys constituency of interest, that is, the ME community, or the wider public to assess whether the "Gibson Inquiry" panel had made a fair and reasonable evaluation of the content of this communication since the document is not being made available for public scrutiny.

Since neither Dr Gibson nor Prof Wessely has been willing to release this document, we have been unable to establish whether this letter was the source of various contentious statements made by the panel within Section 3.2 of their report.

Yet at least one Wikipedia Admin proposed in 2007 that this unreferenced quote should be considered for inclusion in the Wikipedia Simon Wessely article page.

There had also been references to "resentment" and to "vitriolic actions and comments" in the article published by Dr Ian Gibson (Chair, "Gibson Inquiry") in the August 2006 issue of the Journal of Clinical Pathology, the year before the "Gibson Report" was completed.

In September 2001, in an extremely emotive piece, the Guardian's Sarah Bosely had reported:

Prof Wessely has quit the field and is not the only professional to have ceased involvement with CFS.

(See:,3604,554693,00.html )

Except he hasn't. Wessely may have reduced his involvement in CFS studies but he continues to regularly publish papers, articles and co-authored papers around "CFS", as a search on PubMEd will confirm.

Ms Boseley quotes Wessely as saying:

There are many who have found themselves vilified andhave joined the ranks of others who have been abused and intimidated for producing research unpopular to powerful special interests.

The following week, Ms Boseley had written:

Simon Wessely, of the Department of Psychological Medicine at Guys, Kings and St Thomass School of Medicine in London, is a former key figure in the study of ME/CFS who has felt the heat and largely backed out of the kitchen.

(See: A very modern epidemic, Guardian, 27 September 2001,,559001,00.html )

In his presentation to the 2006 AfME/MRC Joint Research Summit "Overview of UK research to date", Prof Peter White, had listed under "Barriers to success"
"as well as lack of funding, the hostile approach of some patient advocates can discourage potential researchers from becoming involved."

(See: Report of the AfME/MRC Joint 2006 Research Summit at: Research Summit Report FINAL.pdf )

Vivienne Parry (Sense about Science, Administrator of the funding arm of GUS who funded the PRIME Project) has also used this line - so does Dr Shepherd.

Prof White is a member of the MRC's CFS/ME Expert Panel; the only patient organisation reps that hold seats are Sir Peter Spencer and Dr Charles Shepherd.

If the CFS/ME Expert Panel, under the chairmanship of Prof Holgate, fails to fulfil its objectives in encouraging quality applications and their approval (and the MRC has been talking about funding quality research since 2003, but has yet to put any money where its mouth is) - will the MRC, AfME, the MEA, parliamentarians, Prof White and others once again collude in scapegoating the ME and CFS patient community for the MRC's continued reluctance to fund non psychosocial research?

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
Orwell, eat your heart out

Ms Boseley quotes Wessely as saying:

“There are many who have found themselves vilified and…have joined the ranks of others who have been abused and intimidated for producing research unpopular to powerful special interests.”

Wow. My soul almost left my body after that one.

Given who's saying it, that is simply one of the most incredible statements I've ever read.



Peter White said:
"as well as lack of funding, the hostile approach of some patient advocates can discourage potential researchers from becoming involved."

Not only is he a self aggrandizing sadist, he's a whiny little $#@&%!*&^$, too.


Wessely is overseeing the stupid MRC funded PACE trial run by his mates White, Chalder & Sharpe.


Senior Member
We should ALL request access to this document: Link for Request in this post

01 Jan 2071; Top Secret is 30 years in the US and I believe also in the UK. So, what is going on that that 40 page document can not be made public? Hiding something BIG?

"The MRC’s secret files on ME/CFS are closed (ie. unavailable to the public) for an unusually lengthy period of 83 years. The standard closure period is 30 years but, as in the case of these files on ME/CFS, the standard closure period may be extended.
The 30-year rule usually applies to documents that are exempt from release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and include, for example, documents concerning the formulation of government policy, documents related to defence, to national security, to the economy, and documents that are considered very confidential."

Access conditions Closed For 73 years
This document was closed under the Public Records Act or is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It is possible to request a review of the information it contains under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and this will trigger a review. Request review. - This brings you to the request page. Record opening date 01 Jan 2071
Closure status Closed Or Retained Document, Open Description
Further information about access conditions is available
I'm going to fill this out and request access to the document. I think we all should fill the form out requesting access and hit them with a ton of requests so that they know we know something is so bad that they have to keep it hidden for 73 years?!?

I requested this document and told them that they could black out personal identifying information. I also filed a complaint as well on the above link. Keep hitting them.


I don't know if this has been discussed here (sorry I didn't read all the messages, brain's gone).

But... there was a great write up recently on this matter and released only a month or so ago.

Please click on this link

Download the PDF file, and read it at your leisure.

Also it's worth noting that some British MP's have been asked (possibly it was one, but I think it was a couple)
on patients behalf to access the MRC files and they have been denied access.

Obviously a state secret, stays secret for a reason.


Senior Member
I am forced to believe that this about NATIONAL SECURITY and Gulf War Syndrome in the UK and US military. What else could be so terribly secret? Personal information that can be blacked out or redacted? Too easy to do. Nope. Economic or grant info? Again, black out the info, move on and send it. NOPE. National Security would be the most dangerous thing they would NOT want out into the public. They KNOW what may have caused the Gulf War Syndrome that also mimics CFIDS way too much.
So, after thinking and talking to my husband who worked at DoD for years and years, it must be National Security and something the US and UK government's did to the military and may have known it spread. OR knew what was going on before the war and worked on these people and figured out what was going on with them and did not want the two governments exposed.



Whatever it is, there's a reason a lot of people need to be dead and gone by the time the info comes out, the potential perpetrators as well as the sick.


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
Given the apparent stranglehold of the UK Psychiatarists on policy, I imagine we in the UK will get treatment about the same time as Angolan ME/CFS sufferers do. No disrespect to Angola. Chose them because they are widely percieved as been a very poor country, not because they aree unlightened, like it appears we are in UK.


Senior Member
Because I like to email the head of the CDC every couple or so weeks to update him on CFIDS and the CDC - I'm helpful like that - I did send him the link and info from the UK Archives and noted the close association and collaboration between Wessely and Reeves (CDC). I just want to keep that man updated on what is going on at the CDC and with the other putzes in the UK. I also sent the links on to the media as well. I also think it's time to hit Congress people and the Parliament types with this info so that they too can wonder what the heck is in that 40 page extract that is so darn dangerous and must be kept locked down for 80 or so years.


Senior Member
Bay Area, California

Maybe we should be mailing Congress etc.. but the reason I haven't is because it's the UK that locked up the info not the U.S. How is our Congress going to help with that and would they even if they could?

Also, thank you for sending info to the head of the CDC. Who is that exactly? I thought Kathleen Sebelius was Reeve's boss. She's the head of the HHS.


Senior Member
The CDC Director - Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH as of June 2009

[The CDC Director - Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Administrator, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
From site

Frieden's email WAS I got a response from his assistant from these two emails:,

Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H., became Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in June 2009. Dr. Frieden has worked to control both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the United States and around the world. From 1992-1996, he led New York Citys program that rapidly controlled tuberculosis, including reducing cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis by 80 percent. He then worked in India for five years where he assisted with national tuberculosis control efforts. The program in India has treated more than 10 million patients and has saved more than one million lives.

As Commissioner of the New York City Health Department from 2002-2009, he directed one of the world′s largest public health agencies, with an annual budget of $1.7 billion and more than 6,000 staff. During his tenure, the number of smokers declined by 350,000, teen smoking decreased by half, and New York City became the first place in the United States to eliminate trans-fats from restaurants, rigorously monitor the diabetes epidemic, and require certain restaurants to post calorie information prominently. The Department also greatly increased colon cancer screening and eliminated racial/ethnic disparities in colon cancer screening rates. Under Dr. Frieden′s leadership, the department also established the largest community electronic health records project in the country. The project provided prevention-oriented electronic health records to physicians caring for more than a million New Yorkers, including more than half of the doctors caring for patients in Harlem, the South Bronx, and Bedford-Stuyvesant. The project is a model for efforts to expand electronic health record use nationally.

Dr. Frieden also provided pro bono assistance to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in his global health philanthropy; including helping to establish the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, a strategic program which promotes the implementation of proven interventions which can save more than 100 million lives.

A physician with training in internal medicine, infectious diseases, public health, and epidemiology, Dr. Frieden is especially known for his expertise in tuberculosis control. Dr. Frieden previously worked for CDC from 1990 until 2002. He began his career at CDC as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer at the New York City Health Department.

Dr. Frieden speaks Spanish and graduated from Oberlin College. He received both his medical degree and masters of public health degree from Columbia University and completed infectious disease training at Yale University. He has received numerous awards and honors and has published more than 200 scientific articles.


Senior Member
The far-too-close association between the UK Shrinks and the CDC/CFS William Reeves is the reason we would write to our Congress people about a UK document that has been locked for 83 years. Others are more versed in the very close relationship between the UK shrinks and the CDC/CFS Reeves. The impact of one government (UK) on another government (US) health care is a bit alarming - in THIS CASE. If the UK is hiding a document for 83 years, then what is OUR government hiding as well???
What is in that UK document? How does it affect the US, Canada, and other countries? So, although it is a UK document, we ALL (US/UK/Canada/Others) really do need to know what is in that darn document. So I guess we US folks help the UK folks to get access to that darn document.

Sebellius (DHHS) is Frieden's boss (CDC). CDC is under DHHS. Reeves is a pee-on at CDC and has a number of layers above him before he gets to Tom. Go to the site and look at the Org charts, etc. Do remember that the CDC has gone through some sort of re-organziation again andn I don't KNOW how that affects the Reeve's shop or Reeves. The CDC likes to re-org. A good comments I saw on was the CDC reorganization is similar to "re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic". Works for me....


Senior Member
940 - links aren't current

Is the truth out there?

NEENYAH OSTROM: What you don't know about CFS, AIDS, HHV-6 and other medical research

DR. W. JOHN MARTIN: Stealth virus associated with both CFS and monkeys

DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ: Emerging Viruses -- Nature, Accident or Genocide?

SV40: Have vaccines created disease? The monkey-virus / polio-vaccine controversy

DONALD SCOTT: Biological warfare agents and CFS / Gulf War Syndrome

HILLARY JOHNSON: Author of Osler's Web chronicles and
condemns scientists' failure to meet the challenge of CFS

This page is a catalog of controversial issues regarding CFS. I don't know that any of the claims described below are true, but they may not be untrue either. Be careful in what you choose to believe. And don't assume that those who deny all the claims made below necessarily know everything.
I welcome adding new material on these topics, and opposing points of view. Contact me by e-mail at

-- Roger Burns

What you don't know about CFS, AIDS, HHV-6 and other medical research
Neenyah Ostrom (see her biography) is an avant-garde investigative reporter for the New York Native weekly newspaper. Since 1988 she has published a weekly column and authored three books about alternative theories of AIDS etiology and government cover-ups of medical research. She and her publisher Chuck Ortleb claim that AIDS and CFS are two sides of the same phenomenon, possibly linked through HHV-6, or mycoplasma, or other microbes. Many PWCs are concerned that an unwarranted link to AIDS makes CFS seem unnecessarily scary, since CFS is not generally known to be terminal. In the eyes of established medical scientists, the role of these microbes, if any, in relation the several diseases discussed is not clear.
Major collections of Ostrom's articles
ChronicIllnet Online

Specific articles
"The Genie is Out of the Bottle": University of Texas Southwestern Research Team Identifies Three Neurologic Syndromes in Sick Gulf War Veterans
Correlations Between CFS and AIDS
The Promise of Ampligen: This experimental drug not only stops HHV-6, it helps AIDS and CFS patients function.
The Enigma That Won't Disappear: The Recurring Problem of Non-HIV AIDS New York Native, issue #639, July 17, 1995
BOOK, full text: "America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About The Chronic Fatigue Epidemic And Its Link To AIDS
Back to the Top

Stealth virus associated with both CFS and monkeys
Dr. Martin's work has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and so his supporters may feel he should not be viewed as being outside of the mainstream, but he has nonetheless generated controversy. Dr. Martin has found a microbe in the blood of a CFS patient which he has named "the Stealth virus". Its DNA structure appears similar to a monkey virus, and it also seems that it can be transferred between humans and cats. These findings suggest a link to other issues such as SV40 and the politico-medical ideas of Dr. Leonard Horowitz (see below).

Stealth Virus FAQ
Dr. Martin's lab: web page for the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases
Dr. Martin on video tape Martin discusses research on the stealth virus and treatments. Also, Dr. Robert Strecker discusses the origins of HIV (see also the Horowitz section below), and Dr. Donovan Anderson discusses a recent cluster outbreak. Tape made from conference held on March 9, 1997.
Selected papers of Dr. Martin
Cytomegalovirus-Related Sequence in an Atypical Cytopathic Virus Repeatedly Isolated from a Patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, American Journal of Pathology, American Society for Investigative Pathology, 1994, Vol. 145 No. 2, 440-451.
African Green Monkey Origin of the Cytopathic 'Stealth Virus' Isolated from a Patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Clinical and Diagnostic Virology, Elsevier Science B.V., 1995, Vol. 4 No. 2, 93-103.
Acute Encephalopathy Induced in Cats with a Stealth Virus Isolated from a Patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pathobiology, S. Karger AG, 1995, Vol. 63, 115-118.
Severe Stealth Virus Encephalopathy following Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-like Illness: Clinical and Histopathological Features, Pathobiology, S. Karger AG, 1996, Vol. 64, 1-8.

Back to the Top

Emerging Viruses -- Nature, Accident or Genocide?
Dr. Leonard Horowitz has examined the evidence about the origin of AIDS and other emerging illnesses and has found that the facts do not strongly support a natural origin for these diseases, and that other, more convincing evidence suggests that they were developed in military laboratories and thereafter infected the public. (To see how this may relate to CFS, go to the sections on Donald Scott and Dr. Martin.) He presented a paper about this to the 1996 AIDS conference, and he has now published a hardcover book on this subject.

PAPER: A New Theory on the Origin AIDS
Abstract: This article reviews scientific and U.S. Government documents that show AIDS-like viruses were developed by National Cancer Institute researchers along with military biological weapons contractors between 1962 and 1974 during the "Special Virus Cancer Program." The possibility of this research giving rise to contaminated experimental hepatitis B (HB) vaccines, and thus, the simultaneous emergence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in New York City and Central Africa in 1978 is advanced. The following manuscript is a revised version of the scientific paper Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and coauthors presented at the XI International Conference on AIDS in Vancouver, BC Canada on July 10, 1996.
Summary press release
Full text of paper

Dr. Horowitz' book: "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Genocide?"
Press release description
Chapter-by-chapter summary

Interview with Dr. Horowitz, March 15, 1998

Dr. Horowitz' web site: Tetrahedron Inc.
Mary Christine on CFS, GWS and manufactured viruses
Other Tetrahedron documents
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Have vaccines created disease?
The monkey-virus / polio-vaccine controversy
Some reports indicate that for decades polio vaccines may have been contaminated with Simian Virus 40, which may in turn have caused diseases in humans. See the links below.

SV40: Report from Dr. Martin's office
Peer review and the origin of AIDS: a case study in rejected ideas, by Brian Martin
Polio vaccine may be linked to cancer New Yorker Magazine, 11 Nov 96
Science report finds no link between vaccine and cancer, although SV40 may somehow be otherwise related to tumors
Possible dangers of polio vaccines, from National Vaccine Information Center
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Biological warfare agents and CFS / Gulf War Syndrome
Donald Scott has written and published a book which traces in detail the history of American biological warfare and how it relates to CFS and Gulf War Syndrome. Documents indicate the development of two specific kinds of viruses for warfare, one fatal (which Scott believes to be AIDS) and one disabling (which Scott believes to be CFS). The book is 200 pages, plus appendices. The introduction is written by Dr. Garth Nicolson, noted medical researcher of Gulf War Syndrome.

The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident
by Donald Scott

Chelmsford Publishers
Suite 405
190 Mountain Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3B4G2

Canadian orders USA orders
(in Canadian dollars) (in American dollars)
--------------------- ---------------------

Price: $19.65 Price: $16.95
Shipping: 3.00 Shipping: 2.00
Total: $22.65 Total: $18.95

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Author of Osler's Web chronicles and condemns
scientists' failure to meet the challenge of CFS
A new book by journalist/patient Hillary Johnson (published in March 1996) chronicles the actions of public health officials and scientists in dealing with CFS, and finds great fault with the slowness of meeting this challenge. Johnson's weighty 736-page book is titled "Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic". Its tone and format have been compared by many reviewers to "And the Band Played On", the narrative by the late journalist Randy Shilts which chronicled the checkered response of public health officials to the AIDS crisis.
Johnson has written what appears to be a comprehensive history of how government officials and scientists in the USA have dealt CFS in the late 1980s through the early 1990s. Among its many claims, the author makes the case that CFS is an organic and contagious illness, and yet despite evidence supporting this *and* specific directives from Congress, government scientists have tacitly but firmly put this challenge aside, effectively refusing for many years to research this illness. Johnson argues that promising research such as that by Paul Cheney and Elaine DeFreitas has been set aside and opposed by medical officials.

"Osler's Web" also documents the seriousness and severity of CFS, and how the current name "chronic fatigue syndrome" blocks progress towards legitimizing this illness among medical professionals and the public. The book is named after Sir William Osler MD who promoted the notion that good medical science follows from gathering evidence by directly observing patients.

Hillary Johnson is a professional journalist who has been published in many periodicals including Life, Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, and Rolling Stone magazine. She fell ill with CFS in 1986.

Book info from the publisher
Interviews with the author
Discussion with author on Prodigy network
Book reviews
New York Times
Book Review by Mary Ann Spurgin
AACFS (a doctors organization)
Dr. John Renner
National CFS/FM Assoc.
Info from Amazon books
Audio book on Internet, from TST
Back to the Top

Again, I welcome adding new material on these topics, and opposing points of view. Send your suggestions by e-mail to


Also note these other important CFS information resources:

[CFS / M.E. Information page] [CFS Frequently Asked Questions] [CFS Quick Index]

This page is maintained by Roger Burns of Washington, D.C.
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Senior Member
There are so many unanswered questions. Is our illness an old disease, or is it a newer one? Is this something that crops up every once in awhile in nature? Is it something that was taken and souped up as a biological weapon? There were cluster outbreaks in history. There were outbreaks in Los Angeles in the 30's. There was the famous cluster outbreak with Royal Free Hospital in the 50's. Prior to the Los Angeles outbreaks, not too much was heard of this disease. But those early outbreaks tended to be looked at as poliomyelitis. So it really makes you wonder, is this a virus. Is this virus related to polio or some horrible offshoot from the polio vaccines? Is it a new virus? Why do cluster outbreaks occur, and then you can get just a single case out of nowhere? What happened in the 80's and then again in the 90's to make this prevalent? Why did it seem to rise concurrently with HIV? What happened with Gulf War Syndrome? Is it the same disease we have? Why did alot of GWS patients recover with six weeks of doxycycline and a segment of them did not? That would indicate Lyme or some other bacterial or micoplasmal cause.

And the most important question, why is this all being covered up? What is in those hidden government documents? What are the governments of the world so scared of the public knowing? Is this a bioweapon?