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Case Study Remission of severe forms of long COVID following monoclonal antibody (MCA) infusions; Newly announced PEMGARDA for PrEP against SARS-COV-2

Hey friends!
I found this article from the American Journal of Emergency Medicine that discusses three individuals with Long Covid (pre-omicron) who all experienced complete remission following infusions of casirivimab/imdevimab antibodies. My understanding is that these antibodies works by binding to the spike protein rendering them less able to enter the cells. The authors make a explaination for how this antibody cocktail may have put these individuals in remission,
  • 1) The MCA provided a direct neutralizing attack on persistent SARS-CoV-2 harboring in tissues not sampled or detected by routine nucleic acid amplification tests; this created enough reductions in persistent viral particles that the host could return to baseline immune balance and overall homeostasis [17,18].
  • 2) MCA infusion displaced auto-antibodies attached to Fc receptors, facilitating clearance and removal of those factors [[19], [20], [21], [22]].
  • 3) The Fc portion of monoclonal antibodies attached to FcγRIII (CD16) sites that activate antibody-dependent-cytotoxicity pathways; the infused MCA cocktail eliminated residual viral particles or virus-infected cells, including reactivation viruses such as EBV.
  • 4) Any combination of any of these elements.
This brings me to some current news where the FDA has authorized emergency use of a NEW monoclonal antibody PEMGARDA. This emergency use authorization allows those that are moderate to severe immunocompromised to get this infusion as a prophylactic against Covid infections.
My question for you guys, do you think it's worth pursuing this treatment with my Long Covid doctor? I started Long Covid after an Omicron variant in October 2022. I have no experience taking monoclonal antibodies and would appreciate any information you can provide.
✌️ alix


Senior Member
monoclonal antibodies
As an immunocompromised individual, I've considered taking monoclonal antibodies (MABs) such as trastuzumab (Herceptin) and rituximab (Mabthera).
After learning that monoclonal antibodies are man-made proteins designed to mimic human antibodies in the immune system, my hesitation stems not from specific concerns but rather from a general apprehension about potential adverse reactions.


Senior Member
To take trastuzumab, an IgG1 antibody, you would first need to determine if you have a deficiency in this area. I would advise against taking any chances, as we are all at risk of immunodeficiency. Using excessive or unrelated medications can potentially cause adverse effects.