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Carnitine stops working after about 2 weeks

Any ideas why LCF 855mg per day would improve energy greatly, improve sleep, remove all brain fog, improve muscles pain and works absolutely beautifully for about 2 weeks and then stop working and leave me fatigued again? I have tested it probably 30 times and it never fails. If I stop taking it for a month or so and then try it again, same wonderful energy and results for about 2 weeks again before it stops working, again.

I know some say there is potential for it to lower thyroid hormone, but I am not convinced that is what is happening. Labs don't seem to support that theory. I am not on any thyroid medication and don't believe I have a thyroid issue.

I am taking Ubiquinol 400mg daily, all the B's, magnesium, iron. I don't know if I am maybe depleting a cofactor or if my body can only handle being sped-up for so long?

I have tried ALCAR but don't get the same increase in energy from it as I do LCF.

Would love any ideas from all you smart people. Thanks so much.


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It's not scientific but one way to try these energy nutrients is to regularly take a lowish dose and days when you need a lift, crank it up, after slowly experimenting to see what doses work for you.

The other thing with mitochondrial supplements is that we use quite low doses compared to doses used for other recognised mitochondrial disorders.