Candida & Biofilms - Theory & Protocol


Senior Member
Is it possible that Candida isn't actually the root problem, but rather, is an opportunistic organism that thrives in a body where an immune system is weakened / malfunctioning, and or, the thyroid/adrenals cause a lower body temperature that allows Candida to thrive?

Yes, f.ex. in pregnancy viruses prevent, that the mother hives off placenta and fetus. The viruses suppress the immune systeme, for this reason candida increases. This is one reason (another is a hormonal reason) why pregnancy triggers candida.

Nevertheless candida should be treated, because it´s a real infection, and untreated it does not go away. candida is the most important parasite.

And as candida suppresses methylation and immunity by himself, and also binds to other microbes and toxins, treating candida is a possibility to detoxify the body, and to improve the immunity, the gut and the methylation.


Senior Member
I agree. I believe that it is the host, the terrain that is the problem. I am struggling with Candida but the reality is that my SIgA is low and so my body is not recognizing the problem. I have started Candex again and stopped the anti-fungals that I was taking. I am focusing now on probiotics, prebiotics and use of resistant starch. Today I have brain fog. Is it herx or candida coming back? Hard to tell.

I've just been looking through the thread again. I miss Gestalt's posts. I wonder how he is doing?


Senior Member
I agree. I believe that it is the host, the terrain that is the problem. I am struggling with Candida but the reality is that my SIgA is low and so my body is not recognizing the problem. I have started Candex again and stopped the anti-fungals that I was taking. I am focusing now on probiotics, prebiotics and use of resistant starch. Today I have brain fog. Is it herx or candida coming back? Hard to tell.

Brain fog is inflammation, and I always react with inflammation, when I detoxify. I would increase the dosages very slow to suppress the inflammtion at a tolerable level. After several weeks the inflammation calmes down, and next supplement or next increase is possible.


Senior Member
Thanks Jepp. I'm wondering if I should back off a bit. Will see how it goes. I took 2 charcoal before lunch and Mag Citrate. And am trying to increase exercise/walking even though I don't feel much like it. I noticed yesterday that I was extremely sleepy in the afternoon and again at bedtime. Sleepy vs tired.


Senior Member
I'm not in good shape today. I thought the brain fog and fatigue would lift as I did not take any Candex since yesterday morning. Nor did I take VSL#3 last night. I feel "backed up" even though I have had some motions. My head is full and achey, my eyes are itchy and my nose is running. Is this likely a detox/herx reaction or return of Candida? My bladder/urethra/itch is much improved after stopping grapefruit seed extract and SF722 - both very strong acids.

I did not take usual morning/lunch supps today either. I'm sure my body is in shock!

I have taken several doses of Mag Citrate over the past day and a half but guess I need more! Any other ways to clear out the system? I'm not keen on enemas!


Senior Member
Hmm i think my research is almost compleet when i read youre post about xenooestrogen!

I did read about the biofilm! I think i found youre website or the site where you did get youre information from.
You talk in this post about xenooestrogen.

I had my own theorie about ME/CFS.

In very short! Al auto-immuun starts with stress.
Stress leads to adrenal Fatigue.
Low cortisol is rishing in oestrogen en oestrogen leads to copper build up. Copper toxcity is the biggest problem for health issues!
Copper is then maybe used for the biofilm.

B6 and Zinc was always a good help for autism schizofrenia metal problems and auto-immuun disease because it helps to break down copper. ( and maybe break down the biofilm?).

When i take my hydrocortison = higher cortison= Lower oestrogen= lower copper i feel better. Most people with auto-immuuncondition, autism and also major depression react good to hydrocortison, why is that?
Thats because it boost adrenals = higher cortisol = lower copper = more Zinc that the body really needs for immuunsystem , histamin problems ( so for leaky gut). Zinc is needed for enzyms for breakdown of gluten ( yes celiac persons have low zinc levels).
The already know people with cancer parkisons and alzheimer mental problems have high copper.
Women get more sick after pregnancy because after every succesfull pregnancy youre copper stays high!
Reason unknown.

Copper build up in liver so have traubles with detox. Then if you get EBV or other virus he cant detox is more immuunproblems.
If you have methylation problems you get less gluthation more detox problems, higher stress, lower cortisol , more copper build up , lower and lower zinc levels , worse immuun problem and go on....

So we have to push our adrenals to work properly.
To higher zinc lower copper , work better on detox in the liver, breaks down biofilm, and remove heavy metals...

But the biggest question is where to begin?

Maybe remove heavy metals, lower our copper buildup, breaks down biofilm, work on adrenals and than on our gut to heal good bacteria?

Zinc an b6 ( dr klinghard protocol/ pyroluria) was always a good protocol. But then got massive gut problems af this moment so i didnt absorp p5p and zinc anymore.

Now trying with s.boulardii to stop the diarrhea so absorp b6 and zinc again.
Zinc is needed for make alkaline phosphatase.
Alkaline phosphatase is the enzym that makes p5p from b6.

S.boulardii higher the enzym alkaline phosphatase i think because it absorp zinc better because it stops the diarrhea also with people with Crohn, UC but also HIV.

S.boulardii is often a big help because it protect us for candida and overgrow of bad phatogens, so maybe it break down the biofilm? Maybe the use of cortisone, s.boulardii, zinc, P5P, and heavy metal chelator is the cure?

Also coffee anamea is helping to detox the liver from copper i read. So thats why most people with CFS react so good to Coffee Anameas?

What do you think about it?
I will give 3 very good weblinks with explanation about it.

QUOTE="Gestalt, post: 390445, member: 6547"]DIM helped me a little bit, for a brief amount of time. I still take it daily. This stuff with biofilms has me thinking that maybe it's possible xenoestrogens could be hiding in there.

Not sure what's going on with you and the glutamine.

If you don't have candida, obviously this program may not help much because it is very candida specific.

Mold toxicity I believe is due primarily to mold living outside of the body which release mycotoxins into the air you breath which you then inhale and get caught in an intrahepatic re-circulation loop. Your body is being poisoned from the outside and is not adequately equipped to remove said poisons. Dr.Shoemaker is fixing this with the use of cholestyramine as a binder. Consuming antimicrobials/antifungals will not help one bit with an externally sourced mycotoxin issue in my opinion.

Treating fungus issues coming from outside of the body versus fungus issues inside the body is two completely different games and requires two completely different strategies.

Some of the biofilm stuff will help with bacterial issues most of the anti-fungal stuff will not however. If bacteria are the primary issue then biofilm enzymes along with species specific bacteria strategies are necessary. CDSA from genova would be a good place to start. Take a look at their guide here.[/QUOTE]


Senior Member
Zinc an b6 ( dr klinghard protocol/ pyroluria) was always a good protocol. But then got massive gut problems af this moment so i didnt absorp p5p and zinc anymore.

Now trying with s.boulardii to stop the diarrhea so absorp b6 and zinc again.
My husband had diarrhea after taking zinc for 5 weeks. It only stopped when I gave him copper.

I got severe anemia after just a couple of days taking zinc. Got better by taking copper and B vitamins.

Be careful with flushing copper out of your body.


Senior Member
Hi gondwanaland,

You have to read the links above :)
You need high zinc to absorp use copper.
In the first short term copper seems to help but later on its isnt ;)

Most people have low copper but high ceruoplasmin.
Thants the biggest problem :(


Senior Member
That is because for most people copper supplementation is needed for less than a week, it doesn't need to be supplemented long-term.

Would you have any more info about that (like a reference)?

Are you suggesting that the body holds on to copper quite well, so supplementing for a longer time may lead to a copper build up? If so, why don't the supplement manufacturers reduce the copper dosage in their tablets? The copper supplements I have seen are typically 2 mg per tablet.


Senior Member
You will find a number of companies who make a multi vitamin without iron and copper if you look. Copper and iron are not recommended for those who have had cancer. Also iron is really only needed for younger women - not most men or older women.

For example
"There are individuals who do not need iron, including women who are no longer menstruating and most men. Individuals at low risk for an iron deficiency often do not need supplemental iron unless they have a chronic condition that renders them iron deficient. While copper is an essential cofactor for many enzymes in the body, some individuals have developed copper toxicity due to disease processes or external exposure to copper (for example, copper pipes). Iron and copper can both act as pro-oxidants (working the opposite way from antioxidants) in certain situations, so many individuals prefer having the option of a multiple-mineral formula that does not contain these two minerals."
I have just started addressing Candida 16 years since I last did it. I was on a very low carb diet which nearly killed me, and used caprylic acid which I became sensitive to. I did that for over a year and eventually just gave up as I saw no improvement to speak of.

A recent OAT shows that I have high Candida metabolites, so here we go again.

I did think of trying Candex but was put off by the severe herxes people reported. At least for now.

So for now I am going lowish carb, keeping brown rice and buckwheat in my diet but cutting out fruit and the gluten free stuff I have been eating - just rubbish food like bread..

My doc is giving me Nystatin but I haven't decided whether to take it yet.

I stopped RS but plan to get back on it when I get my diet sorted and a probiotic sorted out. I was using Mutaflor for a while..

The main antifungal I am going to use is a rife generator with herbs added. At the moment I am doing detoxification and organ support for the expected herxes from changing my diet. Also cystus tea for biofilms. I am running sleep frequencies as my sleep has become terrible.

So I will be very interested to see how this thread goes. I was using an earthing sheet last year but had to stop uusing it due to dirty electricity in my flat/apartment complex.
I do...but I'm in Aus. ;-;)
That's ok, it can probably ship. Can't imagine it would cost that much? What do you want for it? Where are you? I used to live in Melbourne many years ago! 1974-76. A teachers wife :) My zip is North Dakota 58801
I'd have to check the postage, which tends to be high. Also have the mats to be used at computer.
Ok, sounds good. Oh btw, what size is it? I need a fitted sheet, not a 1/2 sheet for my 7 yo granddaughter who has lots of joint pain. I worry about RA. My first daughter died of vaccine poisoning at age 3. Her grandpa (my hubby) was sprayed with Agent Orange in Vietnam and died at 39 :-( Hoping Earthing will solve her joint pain forever! Thank you!


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. It's not a fitted sheet. It must be a half sheet. Here's an image. There are very long pieces at top and bottom to tuck into bed, which are of some sort of poly material. It should be more than big enough for a child. But I have an Aus plug. I guess you could get a plug as an extra.

Sometime when I was in the midst of intense detox i was laying on a sheepskin. I use self-testing for all my supps, and I asked my body about how this sheepskin was. As far as I can gather, it's as effective as the grounding sheet. I'm not in a highly contaminated area. I now use old, 2nd hand wool mattress covers instead. that's why I'm not using my sheet. When I've mentioned this on GAPS forums, a few others have commented that they find wool works. I don't get the same + response from woolen blankets, seems it needs to be less processed.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. It's not a fitted sheet. It must be a half sheet. Here's an image. There are very long pieces at top and bottom to tuck into bed, which are of some sort of poly material. It should be more than big enough for a child. But I have an Aus plug. I guess you could get a plug as an extra.

Sometime when I was in the midst of intense detox i was laying on a sheepskin. I use self-testing for all my supps, and I asked my body about how this sheepskin was. As far as I can gather, it's as effective as the grounding sheet. I'm not in a highly contaminated area. I now use old, 2nd hand wool mattress covers instead. that's why I'm not using my sheet. When I've mentioned this on GAPS forums, a few others have commented that they find wool works. I don't get the same + response from woolen blankets, seems it needs to be less processed.
Wow, that is interesting about the wool. When I lived in Australia way back when, wool was ealiy accessible. It is not so much here in the US. We can order it but wool was in all the Aussie stores back in the late 70's. I sleep right on my earthing sheet so I think the fitted sheet is what she'll want. Thanks SO much, though!