A Continuing Saga of Ineptitude
After failing ME patients for so many years with their guidelines, and despite being taken to a judicial review (by patients), and despite the NICE guidelines director seeming to admit that the current guidelines were unfit for purpose, NICE were able to begin afresh and really concentrate on doing the right thing once the decision had been made to review the existing guidelines [1].
Yet with their insistence on retaining CBT and GET as recommendations for treatments for ME in the current guidelines whilst new guidelines are developed, which potentially will do damage to patients’ health, then one is left to wonder how genuine NICE really have been.
The correspondence between Invest in ME Research and NICE director Professor Mark Baker [2] should have sent alarm bells to all.
IiMER’s carefully crafted questions elicited responses from Director Baker which really showed the compromised position that NICE continues to retain.
The NICE workshops were held with a PR exercise to demonstrate that they listen to patients’ experiences - and a cathartic release of relief was expressed by some establishment organisations/individuals claiming to represent patients - that now a new beginning was here.
And then the members of the NICE guidelines working group are announced.
And the penny drops!
If NICE is meant to be a political tool for saving money then it is never going to be of any value to people with ME – a realisation that surely came forth from IiMER’s correspondence with NICE prior to the workshops.
In its choices of members for the NICE working group it seems evident that NICE is falling into this trap and continuing to politicise the whole debate around guidelines for ME in the UK.
The farcical situation of retaining existing flawed and harmful guidelines – not from any decision but from influences hidden from view – is now turning into a shambles with members who have been selected for the working group being announced to the public in a drip-feed effect, whilst those who have not been selected are also publicised in similar way...............................