The video of Dr. Montoya's recent talk has received a large amount of praise. Cort described it as "Straight Talk." Especially memorable were his comments that he hope to see the day when the CFS patient community receives an apology from the medical community for their neglect and abuse. There are several other key words in his talk such as shame, that were directed at his colleagues, not the patients.
To make a long story short, this type of language should not sound foreign at all to a group of patients as sick as we are who have been so severely neglected by the government and medical community.
I'm not fan of the CAA or Kim KcCleary and while Suzanne Vernon states that she recognizes the importance of the fundamental concept of tight cohorts, I hear language from both McCleary and Vernon that often seems to equivocate on the severity of the illness or the urgency to find discover some kind of greater understanding of this disease (Vernon- "I think this is probably a signaling disorder" - language used by Fred Gill and many in the maladaptive stress response/CBT/GET camp and Kim McCleary's infamous "it's a life sentence not a death sentence" as just two examples). The CAA has also made a number of "strategic" errors and they have partnered with groups that they "later recognized" did not have the patients best interests at heart.
Watching Montoya's talk crystallized for me why I am so unwilling to settle for what the CAA is peddling. At this point in time, CAA supporters seem more like an abused partner who has been in a dysfunctional relationship for so long that they no longer recognize what a healthy relationship looks like. They are simply satisfied when they aren't on the receiving end of some form of abuse or neglect.
Dr. Montoya is showing us what a healthy relationship looks like. He is standing up to the medical community and calling them on their indefensible past, while also showing them what it looks like to respect their patients. This is a display of courage that has been entirely absent from the CAA.
I, for one, refuse to accept that I deserve no more than what the CAA and Kim McCleary have to offer. It is pathetic that Dr. Montoya's words stand is such stark contrast to what we have been told is all that we deserve, lower your expectations, use your "inside voice."
It is pathetic and quite telling that "Straight talk" is headline news.
CAA's repeated statements of contrition "Please baby, I know it was wrong, I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again, I'm turning over a new leaf" (with undertones from some quarters of "there isn't anyone else that will have you") are hollow and at this point they simply remind me of how often they have been used in the past to keep us from walking out the door.
I've asked where the money comes from that continues to support such a negligent partner. After listening to the reaction to Dr. Montoya's talk, it is clear that it comes from people who have accepted their role as second rate citizens, having lost site of their own worth and who have abdicated their own power in exchange for an "advocate" who is perpetually going to change their ways and show us the respect we deserve - next time.