Yeah, I thought this was interesting as well and it wasn't the usual stuff about contamination from mice. It's detailed on one of the slides and I remembered thinking "gee, did someone re-use the same pipette accidentally from one sample to the next?" although that might not be the exact case. Have to look over later.
This is consistent with my recollection of what Val had reported. Too fogged to go back and look.
So before we got too excited about contamination at the WPI I think we have a one-off problem not a contaminated lab!
At the slightest sniff of that Coffin and his attack-dog Stoye would have been all over the WPI as a larger question of contamination would tainted much more than just one sample in a sub-phase of this study . There are enough people standing by to scream containation in a crowded theater that I'm pretty sure we can count this as a one-off lab error. One that will hopefully not be repeated through stricter lab protocols.
The following is my opinion with the caveat that I had to drop the webinar after only 30 minutes of audio only.
This whole enterprise needs a cash infusion in a big way. More positives, more controls and very well designed and controlled studies. I'm not seing it. Phase II was poorly constructed and I'm not confident in Phase III.