Buddhism & CFS


Senior Member
It's a topic I've just been introduced to in this thread. I am otherwise clueless.


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Starcycle - There is such a belligerent tone to your posts and it is this that people are taking exception to. Okay, so you may not like Christianity. You are permitted to say that. You are also permitted to say that you, personally, do not want to discuss Christianity. But you are not permitted to tell other people to stop discussing it or any other subject.


work in progress
N. California
Here are some great portraits of the Dalai Lama

I just watched a documentary about him yesterday on PBS. He is so delightful and playful, and loves to laugh and kid about himself.
Such a great example of peacefulness and contentment.

PS btw Jody, you're next in line for Buddhahood. Jody-lama... ;) how does that sound? :):)


Senior Member
It's a topic I've just been introduced to by starcycle. I am otherwise as clueless as he suggests. And of course, feeling guilty about the genocidal nature of my ignorance.

'Kay, CJ,

We're not going to refer to starcycle in this thread. Remember?


Senior Member
Here are some great portraits of the Dalai Lama

I just watched a documentary about him yesterday on PBS. He is so delightful and playful, and loves to laugh and kid about himself.
Such a great example of peacefulness and contentment.

PS btw Jody, you're next in line for Buddhahood. Jody-lama... ;) how does that sound? :):)


Not sure I'd qualify. I've never been a very good vegetarian for one thing.:rolleyes:

In my case, if you added another "l" ... you'd be referring to the fact that 30 years ago Al and I wanted to live in the middle of nowhere and raise llamas for their hair, and knit llama-wear for ourselves and our friends.

But that is another world and another discussion entirely.:D

I appreciate the kind words. :)


Senior Member
Perhaps we could make that easier by removing the posts that are not to be referred to. :eek:

This isn't really my department, it is more up to Cort. But in the meanwhile, I am going to say that we don't as a rule remove people's posts.

If starcycle were to choose to remove them, that is starcycle's choice. I have no opinion on that one way or the other.

I think it is possible to continue on with your thread without looking back at those particular posts. Think of it as a conversation that got heated. We can't go back and erase our words. We simply go forward.

The point that was being made earlier was that this was veering from the subject you folks were discussing. A valid point to my mind. Carry on. :)


Senior Member
Does that mean I win? :D

If I win two llamas, then I am pumped. :p

Definitely need a bigger yard .... :rolleyes:


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
Just please don't reference any of it, because then I often feel obligated to respond to defend myself, thanks.

Starcycle, if you don't want people to reference any of your posts, I hope you'll consider removing them. Otherwise they are likely to get referenced, at least by new people who don't know you've requested that they be ignored.

(OK, back into time out for me.)


Senior Member
The idea being suggested I believe is that if starcycle were to remove his posts there would be less chance of someone wandering in at a later date and posting about them. And causing some angst for starcycle about wanting to respond and heading for another row.

Valid point. Still entirely up to you at this point starcycle.

Now, I think we're going to leave starcycle's name out of the rest of this. If my name kept popping up in a thread in these types of circumstances it would seriously be hindering my chance to de-pressurize.

So that is the last reference please. I am quite serious on this.


Senior Member
omigosh Dreambirdie,

I just hit that link of yours.:eek:

It just goes to remind us all -- don't alarm a llama ... :D

When I win, I win big ... and weird.:p

Thanks for the laugh.:rolleyes:


Senior Member

Yes, it's exactly like that. :D

Two chronics on speed ... quite an experience. :D

I recommend it. :p


Frida For All
Seattle, WA
Thanks for the tip on where my post went--

And those that were by some other people-- but I see why they ended up getting removed. Sorta sad.

Thanks for all the nice responses.

I think I'll choose to stay off of the other thread for now. I was learning so much from other people-- I hope they continue, because I'm a "NewBu" (groan).

I think one can have a Christian heritage/outlook, but still have Buddhist-influenced sensibilities or appreciate its various philosophies. But maybe not?

If we have a choice as to enter a labyrinth or not, then I think we most definitely have the choice to not enter a maze. And that thread temporarily hit a recursive loop. I have not the chops for such a coarse discourse.

However-- to make this somewhat relevant to mind/body stuff-- has anyone else ever had the chance to walk a labyrinth? I don't know if I could do it now or not. 'Twill be something for me to find out.

But one thing that I learned on it, is that there is a certain section in it, that has you turned away from everyone as you go forward. Even though you know that there are other people in the labyrinth with you, you just can't see them.

I remember feeling a sudden fear that I was not going to be able to keep going, even though in reality, I was simply about five feet away from them, and all I had to do at any point was just jump across it. It was just a pattern of painted lines!

Yet I really felt very keenly the separateness of us in this strange little mini-world. What helped me to keep stepping forward was to just keep reminding myself that even though I couldn't see them, I could still sense them, and even if I couldn't sense them at every turn, they were actually there.

But all of that awareness of who and where I was in relation to others, and the various comforts of those thoughts-- did not, unfortunately, keep me from being mowed down by other people who wanted to get through it and out of there at a faster rate than mine.

I got jostled aside, because there's only room for single file. I mean, this was a spiritual exercise, and a people were anxiously causing other people to lose their balance.

That was when I really took to heart the knowledge that no matter how well you're trying to move forward with as much grace as you can muster, you just can't control what comes at you.

All we can do is respond, and sometimes it's hard to not flail a little bit and fall off the path, in order to not fall completely down and out of it.

It was better to temporarily forget the desire to be graceful and look a bit like a silly cartoon, than it was to pretend to be restored to balance and then go ker-splat.

So then I felt forgiveness for those that had pushed me aside, because they must have been scared or hating the whole thing, and wished they hadn't even begun. I know I have felt like that many times.

Has anyone read Kitchen Table Wisdom by Rachel Naomi Remen? I love one of the stories in there about a young Buddhist man who helped his roommate overcome a chemical addiction. Has anyone else read that? I found it very helpful.



Senior Member
I love your post Lisette, as ever!

It is beautiful and so well crafted. It's a wonderful lesson. Thank you for that!

One day I will tell you about how I reacted at Gandhi's ashram for it was just like you on the labrynth, sorta, well, not really... It's like that only in terms of thinking you know what the experience you're going to have is going to be like and finding out it's something altogether different and feeling the desire to attach to your expectations while finding something very valuable in letting them go.

Anyway, just had to say how much I enjoy reading you.

As ever,