Homicide used the edgy immediacy of the hand-held, slightly shaky camera in an effort to make it clear from the opening titles and credits that this wasn't going to be your usual plate-of-pablum type police show, but something else entirely. They used the effect judiciously, which is what made it so effective.
I agree. Most new citizens know 250% more about this country's history, its Constitution, and its governing bodies than those of us who were fortunate enough to be born into this rich inheritance, thereby taking it completely for granted. This is beyond dangerous, as we're learning.
Totally agree. It's one of the best British offerings around, along with the ones I listed above in a prevous quote, and have re-quoted here to save time:
Fawlty Towers was a gem of luminous brilliance, and of course, disappeared after 2 1/2 short seasons. It was side-splittingly hilarious, partly because you could easily recognize all the personality types that appear in each episode. Penelope Scales was often overshadowed by the manic, wildly funny John Cleese, but she was the glue that held it all together.
You won't have to do much digging. It's regarded as a brilliant, iconic, classic gem (it's only about 11 years since it ended) and is available everywhere from Netflix to HBO, who was still running it on HBO Go!! the last time I checked.