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BriovaRX Infusion Services?


Senior Member
New England
Has anyone here in the U.S. had experiences with BriovaRx Infusion Services? I just started with them for SCIG (sub-cutaneous IGG infusions). My questions about them have to do with the quality of this organization. If you don’t want to read this long post, even a simple answer would be helpful. Did you find them trustworthy-good, or not, if you have had them?

My trusted doctor had contacted them with my prescription and care plan, so I assumed they were ok. I did get a degree of insurance approval for the IGG, which covered ⅓ of the cost of the medication only. Since I couldn’t afford the rest of the costs, BriovaRX told me that they could offer financial aid according to need. So I applied, giving a lot of details, and after awhile was told over the phone by yet another person that I had been awarded « full coverage ».

However I never got a written document on their promise to provide me with full coverage. In fact, I have had almost no written documents of any kind from them. ( I have only had one email/written document from one person, the Intake Supervisor, over all this time.) For their calls, I have had to rely on my hurried notes taken on scraps of paper from the various women calling from four states. I haven’t been able to save all these notes and of course they are very sketchy, because I can’t spell words and listen at the same time anymore. So I reconstruct what I can from my partial spellings and scrawl at the end of each call. I will forget almost any fact I don’t have written notes or information on.

It is also hard for me to know who in their organization is responsible for what. Their Information is sometimes inconsistent and questions are repetitive from one of these callers to the next. While their voices are kind and seemingly caring, now their approach seems as though it could even be a set up.

At the end of my first SCIG at home, the nurse handed me a legal document to sign and mail « immediately » to BriovaRX, saying that I am fully responsible for all the costs my insurance doesn’t cover, including any legal costs to them seeking it, including my heirs, etc., etc. This terrified me as there was no mention of the « full financial aid » I was told over the phone that I would be provided, and that was the only reason I had agreed to go ahead. So I had to scramble through my notes over 8 months to try to identify the right person to contact. I succeeded in identifying a likely person with a nickname and no last name. Then she didn’t return my call for hours, then said she couldn’t provide answers and documents « that day. » So I am waiting over this weekend and will see if she comes through. Her voice sounded nice, and she said I should have been sent a document saying I’d get full financial aid, so those things are hopeful, but the facts so far are not.

Unless I do get written, legal information from her, I must discontinue with them, which may end my possibility of treatment with IGG. I will not sign their legal document, will cancel and send everything back that I can, then will be stressed and frightened for weeks or months about whatever money they might come after me for.

I should have insisted on this written information sooner before my first treatment but slid along with trust for the kind voices and in trust for my doctor’s referral. Plus I had not been given a toughly worded, threatening sounding legal document to sign that committed me and my heirs to pay all costs of treatment except for whatever my insurance covered, etc.

Business practices like this feel very suspect even if they don’t turn out to be dishonest. I was so fatigued and confused at the end of this first sub-c infusion and nurse’s visit for many hours, that being handed such a forceful, one-sided document to sign afterwards felt like a gut punch.

Then I looked up reviews of them on the web and they were all negative as far as I read—many reviews with an overall rating of one out of five possible stars. Admittedly I am late to doing my due diligence, following the wisdom of « let the buyer beware ».

But maybe I can get the documentation I need from them. I won’t proceed further until I do. Maybe some of you have had good or bad experiences with this service. I am interested in hearing about yours.


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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I should have insisted on this written information sooner before my first treatment but slid along with trust for the kind voices and in trust for my doctor’s referral.
We've all been there, especially when desperate for help.

Don't kick yourself about this.

I feel uncomfortable saying that everything you've written screams "RIP OFF !!! RUN. RUN FAST !!!". But as they say, it is what it is. Or it may be what it seems it may be.

I think a good place to start is your trusted Dr, the one who recommended this outfit to you. He'll want to protect his reputation and your relationship with him, unless he's part of the grift.
maybe I can get the documentation I need from them. I won’t proceed further until I do.
Smart. DO NOT have anything to do with them until you get that documentation, if they keep contacting you, tell them that you're contacting everyone from the Better Business Bureau to the AMA (American Medical Asso) to the Consumer Protection Bureau (or what's left of it).

I'm so sorry that there are associations like this out there profiting off of our weakness and illness, and I'm even sorrier that you're going thru something like this at a time when you're so vulnerable.

Hang in!!! Something surprizingly good will come out of all this, if only a written commitment from this asso to provide you with they promised verbally.


Senior Member
New England

We've all been there, especially when desperate for help.

Don't kick yourself about this.

I feel uncomfortable saying that everything you've written screams "RIP OFF !!! RUN. RUN FAST !!!". But as they say, it is what it is. Or it may be what it seems it may be.

I think a good place to start is your trusted Dr, the one who recommended this outfit to you. He'll want to protect his reputation and your relationship with him, unless he's part of the grift.

Smart. DO NOT have anything to do with them until you get that documentation, if they keep contacting you, tell them that you're contacting everyone from the Better Business Bureau to the AMA (American Medical Asso) to the Consumer Protection Bureau (or what's left of it).

I'm so sorry that there are associations like this out there profiting off of our weakness and illness, and I'm even sorrier that you're going thru something like this at a time when you're so vulnerable.

Hang in!!! Something surprizingly good will come out of all this, if only a written commitment from this asso to provide you with they promised verbally.

Thank you! It sure felt like that to me at first, especially when dizzy, extra tired and unbalanced after my first infusion. I did get more of a grip though, over the weekend. Got in touch with my doctor’s office. I heard back asap that they’d only had good reports so far about Briova from their patients, but were definitely concerned about what I wrote them. They sent my « report » immediately to their contact person with Briova, who immediately got in touch with the right person, who then immediately sent me the letter of verification of full coverage. So in a few hours, I had what I needed. I think this was the first time in my life I ever pulled the right string!

However, before I heard from the final person, I was trying to do the job myself and getting nowhere, going around on hold, from person to person, dept to dept, and voicemail. I had not succeeded with anything, as I had not the Friday before. Reporting/complaining to my doctor’s office was the fast way to go.

Later, by more persistance, I succeeded in reaching another person at Briova assigned to answer my other questions and she either did, with a few, or committed to following through on the others. She also gave me her direct line for the first time. I talked to her about my need for written information and ended up with some other people’s direct lines and last names too, to help make this business relationship work better for me. I will have to track if she follows through.

I should have been clearer and more assertive earlier, pursuing what I needed from them, but I am often foggy in my comprehension and low in pursuit energy, as you understand. Nevertheless, if there are any «dropped balls », it is necessary.

Today Briova is out of « the doghouse » for me, no longer under suspicion escalating in exactly the same direction yours went. There definitely are companies and individuals, if maybe not this one, who do take advantage of people—anyone—but especially those who are in a weaker condition. Reading your passionate feelings on this subject and good suggestions, and feeling all the support in it, meant a lot to me.

This whole thing becomes a cautionary tale, certainly to me, and maybe to others who will read this, to communicate what we need specifically in terms of help and documented information, and not to let any balls drop. Even without ill intent, companies structure their business to protect their interests, and if we ourselves don’t mind the details we need and which support us, things could get difficult and messed up.

Thanks again for your support!

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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm sooooooo glad that this worked out well for you, and thank you for your kind words.

I think you did the trick when you contacted your Dr's office. Dr's are highly protective of their reputations, and any hint of a connection to something unsavory usually gets them moving with unusual speed and alacrity. Sometimes out of state after a quick name-change :rofl::rofl:.

My mother, who was wise beyond words, once said, "Never attribute to clever skullduggery that which can more easily be explained by either gross negligence or stupidity." Clearly, Briova has lax hiring and training protocols, and weak oversight generally.
Even without ill intent, companies structure their business to protect their interests, and if we ourselves don’t mind the details which support us, things could get difficult and messed up.
Words of profound wisdom which we should all have stitched into a sampler and hang anywhere where we'll see it several times a day.

Good on you for straightening this out. It'll give everyone here hope :woot::woot: :thumbsup: :) !!!


Senior Member
New England
I'm sooooooo glad that this worked out well for you, and thank you for your kind words.

I think you did the trick when you contacted your Dr's office. Dr's are highly protective of their reputations, and any hint of a connection to something unsavory usually gets them moving with unusual speed and alacrity. Sometimes out of state after a quick name-change :rofl::rofl:.

My mother, who was wise beyond words, once said, "Never attribute to clever skullduggery that which can more easily be explained by either gross negligence or stupidity." Clearly, Briova has lax hiring and training protocols, and weak oversight generally.

Words of profound wisdom which we should all have stitched into a sampler and hang anywhere where we'll see it several times a day.

Good on you for straightening this out. It'll give everyone here hope :woot::woot: :thumbsup: :)!!!
You are definitely a blast of enthusiasm, which warms my heart!