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brands of liposomal B12

November Girl

Senior Member
Dr. Rey has asked me to start taking liposomal B12. Can anyone recommend some good brands? It looks like I'll have to mail order it.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
B12 oils.com I'm using DIY, you can read about it in the thread Transdermal B12. There's also another recent thread re transdermal B12, you might find it, where I again related my experience. I'm using Bluebonnet MB12 5000mcg drops, mixing in my palm w/ some body creme, and applying. working great.


CFS Fighter
Chicago, USA
Since I had a bunch of regular B12 pills sitting around, I decided to crush them up and mix them with ascorbic acid and follow the recipe using an ultra sonic cleaner machine.. from what I can tell, B12 crushed pills powder worked quite well.. and I don't have my dizzy spells symptoms in last 4 days which is an amazing improvement..

used the recipe here - PS: for my experiment, I did NOT buy the expensive B-complex powder the creator of the youtube video is selling .. I just crushed whatever cheapest B12 pills (with 4+* rating) I could find on amazon..
