I’m experiencing a new symptom and I’m curious if anyone else experiences this and if you’ve found anything that helps.
...It feels as if the brain isn’t protected like normal and is exposed to the world.
@Whit -- Interesting choice of words about your brain feeling "exposed to the world". I've long felt something similar, feeling like my whole neurological system was on the outside of my body as opposed to being encased within my body. This pervasive feeling often made me think about something I once read in some spiritual literature, that one of the functions of the physical body is to protect Soul from the "harsh vibrations" of the physical world. Feels sort of "apt".
It feels like my brain is just raw and doesn't have any protection so nerve signals, neurotransmitters, hormones, and other bodily chemicals just go all over the place where they shouldn't and cause chaos.
@Dysfunkion -- Also interesting choice of words, which I can very much relate to. It's the primary reason I do a variety of energetic and polarity balancing exercises on a daily basis, which I feel helps immensely. If anybody is interested, I recently wrote a fair amount on this which started with
I wish I could figure out something to improve the brain fog PEM crash poisoned neuroinflammation feeling. I think I Google it every single day, thinking I'll find something different. Asking AI about obscure approaches
I'll get to your quest for "obscure approaches" shortly. But along with the above symptoms, I experienced daily headaches for many years, often severe. I also experienced a lot feelings of "fullness", or "head pressure" without the pain. My own guesses for these symptoms were varied, but included:
systemic inflammation in my brain, poor lymphatic and glial drainage from my brain stemming from a head injury as a teenager, close proximity to my mouth, which over the years has had toxic metal fillings and crowns, and some varied oral infections. EMFs were a consideration, along with the health of my digestion and elimination.
Fortunately for me, I eventually discovered a somewhat obscure, but safe, effective and reliable way to overcome most of my symptoms on a daily basis, usually within an hour, namely doing coffee enemas (CEs). It was astonishing to me (and still is) how quickly I can go from feeling miserable and completely discombobulated to actually feeling like a calm (and normal) (and happy) human being.
Over the years I've become quite proficient at doing them, and they are not nearly as difficult to do as most online instructions would have you believe. I've also experimented over the years to see what various supplements or herbs might inprove on my consistent results.
I've discovered that adding about 3-6 grams of sodium ascorbate gives me a nice energy boost. Adding 3-6 drops of methylene blue gives me a nice mental clarity. Adding a 1/4 tsp. of inositol gives me a nice calm feeling. I do my varied energy and polarity balancing techniques while I do a CE, which I believe has a synergistic effect. There's really no limit to things that can be experimented with, such as essential oils, probiotics, amino acids, etc.
For years I thought the main reason I felt better from doing CEs was because of their ability to quickly raise glutathione levels and detoxifiy the body and brain. I believe that to be the case, but may not be the main reason I can feel so much better so quickly. I now believe the ability of enemas to stimulate the vagus nerve may have an even more beneficial effect than the detoxification aspect.
The vagus nerve essentially has branches throughout almost the entire upper body, ending up in the colon. When the colon is stimulated via an enema, it actually stimulates every part of the body. I've heard that people who are prone to heart palpitations should approach enemas cautiously, as the stimulation starting in the colon can affect heart rate and rhythm for some people (the VN runs through the heart).
The vagus nerve is also (as I've heard it described) the "orchestrator of the parasympathetic nervous system", meaning it orchestrates the calming of the body (and mind and psyche?). Calmness is a big thing for me, as I've come to believe it's perhaps one of the biggest factors in our ability to heal. BTW, Albert Einstein also was big on calmness. I'll finish up this post with one of his sayings: