Here it is. It is part of the Invest In ME Journal. You'll need to scroll down to page 23 for the full article.
I remember this article Gracenote, and yes again it struck a chord. recovery really is a word that doesnt really apply ( though i am guilty of using it myself ) but i mostly say partially recovered. long periods of time can elapse between the fluey feelings arising. conversly they also seem to be able to strike at intermittent times during those long periods of fairly stable health.The mornings for example can often be filled with them, only to dissipate as the morning or day progressis, and ( this is the important crunch point) of a similar feeling comparatively to times when i was much more physically ill. even similar ( but in a 100 fold reduced severity ) to the numerouse onset times that led to the condition becoming chronic, with 102 temperatures.
Also ive noticed ( some will call this old age ) I dissagree. That the fatigue element seems if any thing more progressed than the past, meaning of course when i had the severe flu like onset attacks, the aching fatigue was worse yes ( was like swine flu worse ) but during times of recovery from that, the fatigue itself was under control and not always a particulaly bad aspect of it. ( compared to the ill fluey poisend effects that i had so often ) yet as these type of symptoms over the years became more under control, the fatigue element does seem to be progressing, both in muscle and joint problems, even at times of fairly symptomless periods.
Indicating to me that this disease is on going, and still progressing. But in a new way, with the immune system problems modifying themselves for what feels like for the better, but infact only from the poisend aspect. ( Which isnt intirely gone of itself ) But most defiantly not from a muscle or joint problem perspective that is a commom symptom of ME/CFS that is and most likely will remain on going and progressive, brain fog, concentraion and memory, word retreival problems are also intermitantly on going. This study is correct Gracenote.
One last thing i want to touch on, it has been mentioned where does XMRV like to hang out, well i dont think ive read anyone mention muscle tissue.I could be wrong and there may be reasons that i dont fully understand that might exclude permanent muscle infection of xmrv, But here goes, since the illness started i have never ever fully got rid of a general aching in my left leg calf muscle, for years ive realised it is connected to ME/CFS but never really understood what that was all about. So is it possible, that higher concentrations of xmrv could be found there, during say a biopsy ? ive noticed other ME patients have this muscle leg involvment. one recently filmed by the bbc, about the pediatric ME white blood cell anamoly found in Pediatric ME patients. Is this a place XMRV could be found ? or are we seeing cytokin toxic damage caused by a constant immune response to xmrv possibly ?
I note spinal fluid was mentioned as a possible place to look for xmrv. And then i remembered about Sophia Mirza. When the Autopsy was done, they noted that alterations or signs of disease was showing in her spinal fluid, that led to the cause of death, on her death certificate as being lableded ME for the first time. Clearly we should be testing the spinal fluid for high conentrations of you guessed it. xmrv