@hellytheelephant Thank you. Good sensible grounded advice.
I enjoyed reading that and it matches with my own feelings about therapies.
I always know when something is being helpful for me. I get a little "smile" from it and a metaphorical "thumbs-up" (going on inside) as a response to something I try.
If I don't happen to sense that, I don't pursue the treatment.
Of course some things we try though not resulting in an out-and-out cure, can certainly help us. And I do think that if we don't feel some benefit -quite quickly -it may be time to stop.
I tried homeopathy, and did find it helped me, though on the second time of trying it didn't put me into remission again (as happened the irst time)
But one thing I appreciated was when I tried one remedy the homeopath gave me, and felt suddenly much worse.... he didn't suggest I was "herxing"....or "just keep it up for another 3 months". He told me to stop taking the remedy, as treatment wasn't meant to make me feel more ill, and we would try a new potency. The new potency actually helped.
Though sadly....not forever.
But thanks for that good grounded approach, Helly.