Well, with Wessely, for him as a single perosn that is, it
is a "conspiracy"
this can be easily shown as he's had multiple real terrible illnesses or poisoning events classified as "hysteria" and thus blaming the victims, rather than the wrong doers, OR preventing victims claim fair compensation:
Gulf War Syndrome
Camelford Water poisoning screw up
PTSD in Afghanistan veterans (yes they DO have it and other issues more cause there's booby traps all over the damn place)
Organphosphate poisonings (farmers and iirc, aerotoxic syndrome too he has written about?)
Over all, and with him working for/related to indurance companies and British Department of Welfare and Pensions, that is a pattern of very dubious behaviour at best. Hence "conspiracy", note inverted commas. Depends on your definition of "conspiracy".
the broader question of: is ME/CFS the victim of a "conspiracy"? again, yes.
Why did Wessely and others suddenly get allowed to talk crap about this disease and let millions suffer and die, when research even back then showed clear severe biological damage and even death?
Answer is easy: look at the time line, it started in the 1980's when the Tory and Republican parties in UK/USA screwed our nations to Hell, when they stopped being "conservative" and became "corporate fascists" and allied with religious extremists (evangelical extemists and others).
This also ties into Wessely and his ilk, see what I've already written about the "Living Marxist/Spiked" connection, how that's linked to "Science Media Centre" and others.
Then add in the super-secret MRC document which has been classified above nuclear secrets, and the Social Security (pre-DWP) meetign that was held under the Official Secrets Act and "hushed up".
It goes like this:
Powerful rich evil people do not want to pay tax. They conned the American people into thinking
"Paying tax is bad! it just goes ot big government!" in 1980s...since then, the share the ultra-rich, including corporations, has paid in tax has plummeted. For example, the Bush Jr era tax cuts saved the ultra-wealthy, NOT Joe Public, $3.3 TRILLION dollars...and that's why the USA is up to it's ass in debt and in deep real danger of going bankrupt
but hey, hyperinflation is easily solvable! just put a lunatic dicator in charge and have a war...worked for the Germans... didn't it? *coughs*
Fools think that ultra-rich avoiding tax is a "good thing!" no it is NOT! it means they have more wealth more power,
less control and limits, and so have ended up
owning our governments. Also it's why we're in such damn debt, UK tax evasion really costs us between 50 and 170 billion a year in lost revenue.
Capitalism only works when it is very VERY rigorously controlled, not the insane "free market laissize faire" the psychopathic so-called "Libertarians" and others espouse
and I know "Libertarian" includes a great many groups/ideals actually, some benign, however, there is a very evil bunch who claim to be "Libertarian" but who are in fact "libertines", big damn difference: they want no control over their actions, and have no compassion, no scruples at all, some reffer to themselves as "Neitzchians", ha! He'd spit on 'em. They wish to be free to pay no tax, have no social responsibilities, no controls, utterly selfish...monsters.
Note that "Ethical Anarchism" is something else entirely. Charles Manson and Naom Chomski are
very different!
Adam Smith actually warned what happens when you take Capitalism too far, sigh. Guy must be turning in his grave.
So, anyway, by denying us ME/CFS folks, they save Big Business and Fat Cats money. They are also probably covering up a vaccine link, because I recall back in 80s in some Scandanvian country having such issues, ME/CFS occuring after vaccinations cropping up
Whether they know an ME/Vaccine link is a fact or merely suspect it, they WILL cover such up. Facts do not matter to them, only the risk of them being forced to pay out massive compensation, to admit wrong doing, which will cause upset to the political puppets who pretend to rule etc
The "Weasels" are very convenient tools for all this, and will be "discarded" if caught out.
Thing is the Science DOES NOT MATTER!! people need to get this into their heads. Only political FORCE matters, you could prove say, that a vaccine has a problem that causes ME/CFS and sickens and kills millions, but they will NOT CARE! they will only care if enough folk not only believe
but ACT on this.
Think I'm kidding? Look at what a shitty disgusting mess they did with HIV/AIDS. They didn't give a damn if "
fags and n's" died. Sorry to use such ugly terms, but that was exactly HOW they let it happen, by blaming an issue on the victims themselves, by making the victims socially unnacceptable, "verminous", "deserving of abuse", "un-Godly" etc, the abusers get power to do such evil.
So, homophobia and racism helped let HIV/AIDS get ignored, with us it's because we are..."malingerers, hysterics, dotty old women" etc
Do folk understand this? And please Mods, tip-toeing around this is foolish, for example, hiding the xenophobia of the nazi era, its slogans, newnspapers etc, is wrong, even if they use words/language we find abhorrent they HAVE to be seen and understood to grasp the horror, covering that up for "poltiical correctness" is WRONG. Same with trying ot hide the language used (usually covertly) against HIV victims
Hey, supressing the Westboro baptists abominable speech only *helps* their sick cause. Let folk hear their lunatic words, it's the best weapon against them.
HIV/AIDs was linked to gays. blacks and drug users, and thus, dehumanizing terms and concepts were applied ot them, to make it socially acceptable to NOT work on fiidning causes and cures ot help them.
See how the Jews, socialists, humanists and others in Nazi Germany were victimized, scapegoated, made to be "criminals", and similar groups under Khmer Rouge, Stalin and other sons of bitches. (and NO the Nazis were NOT "socialists", despite their party name, go read up on it)
Who were the first folk the Nazis started to mass murder? The disabled (The "Final Solution" began long after the "T-4" murder program of the disabled).
Why did they murder the disabled first?
Easy target
cost the rich money
many of the rich/powerful are sociopathic selfish evil bastards (that's why they get rich or the hunger for such leeches away their Humanity)
and a nice testing ground to see how they could manipulate the public into supporting genocide.
AND worst of all, they did it to "split a wedge" down the Humanity of the German people. Once you cross that line, once you start thinking it's ok to murder someone because they are"inconvenient", you are screwed!
After you have abrogated that vital part of your Humanity,by being a willing part of mass murder, it's much easier to push such folk into worse atrocities...
get rid of the disabled..you agreed to that! Now..the Jews!...now Russian prisoners of war...now Slavic People...now Allied Commandoes...etc
Collective unspoken guilt DAMNS those who agreed with such, forms a bind, a goad, a shackle of guilt and shame and evil, and thus politicians etc can use that as a tool for leverage.
it's very good psychology..oh and guess who had a big hand in the Nazi party? Psyhciatrists/psychologists and PR groups (not all of 'em of course not but some sure as hell did, good profit, experience and hell some were inhuman monsters)
And that horrible lesson from the Nazi era was not lost!
It's still being used to this day. Great ways ot manipulate the public, to put puppets and psychos in power. Look at how the UK and USA have went in last 30 years. We defeated a monster but are becoming the SAME monster.
Ever heard of "Operation Paperclip"? US authorities shielded some of the Nazi scientists engaged in horrors, for their knowledge.
Did the same with some of the Japanese, too. Go read up on Unit 731 if you have the stomach for it.
The P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, the Mafia, both used as CIA assets and the former became terrorists and the latter, well I think everyone knows about them, but NOT the fact that Mussolini, for all his crimes, had actually broken the Mafia, and the OSS (proto-CIA) aided and helped the Mafia rebuild.
The world is run by massive webs of corruption and "mutual backscratching", not Illuminanti, just stupid greedy, internicene bullshit.
The Nazis were NOT voted into power, Hitler was made Chancellor by the rich and powerful as a tool to keep control for them, serious, go read history.
Look at current savage attacks on disabled/welfare in UK...oh I wonder why that is, eh? They are doing it AGAIN. Germany had real issues with Anti-Semitism, but the elite saw that mostly as a tool to gain power or part of their own arrogance, so today that's not the plan (and the Jews wouldn't stand for it ever again, they'd shoot back this time, quite rightly too)
Today, it's the dismantling of the ideal of a Compassionate, Fair Society and the rule of jsut Law...all of which get in the way of the sons of bitches who really run things.
Go read the UK's tabloids for last 2 years and see how the disabled and welafre recipients have become a scapegoat. If they sued such language/attacks on ANYONE else, they'd be sued and even jailed.
But we are "acceptable targets" :headache:
Look at America, read their Bill of Rights, one of the greatest achievements of Humankind!
and then look at Guantanimo bay, Abu Ghraib the invason of Iraq on a lie, that it's the richest nation on the planet but has the worst health standards in the developed world and rampant sociatal ills are tearing it apart.
Look at the UK, who created the NHS free health care for all, a welfare system so no more folk would rot in slums or workhouses...now what do we have? Politicians saying that the poor need ot be made poorer as it makes them more eager for work and that the NHS costs too much.
GAH! Such always leads to madness and diabolic evil. One step follows another...to inevitable horror.
Most folk canot see this, do not understand the steps between letting selfish support of rampant politicians lead to the concentration camps or other such abominations. This time it will be something else, but the results will be the same: mass murder, horror on a grand scale.
All because folk were too damn greedy, spiteful and weak to see that supporting our gutless systems, that rampant consumerism is a form of addiction, one that keeps us weak, that slowly fills our veins and world with accumulated poisons. The Power Elite know this, they have no fear of the populace rising up, as we are addicted to cheap DVDs, books, games etc.
Our seas are filling with plastic and chemical detritus. Sand on your beaches contains millions of tiny, toxic plastic particles, that get in fish, that get into you.
The Cold War lunacy led to vast amounts of radioactive AND deadly toxic filth spewing into the North Sea frum Sellafield in the UK, the retards dumped two TONS of uranium oxide into the sea there, and they had already dumped 1 MILLION tons of munitions there from two world war left over (see Beauforts Dyke)
The Russians let the filth form a reactor spew DIRECTLY into a lake, you'd get a lethal dose just by being there for 15 minutes, and inhale ANY of the dust and your a dead man anyway. See "Mayak"
The Americans dumped nerve gas off their shores during the 60s, and the Allies dumped Gemran nerve gas after WW2 into the Skagerrak and now that's leaking.
I could go on..sigh.
Rupert Murdoch, his kind, and the bankers, the CEOs the hedge fund managers etc are going to damn us all. The Human Race is going to go extinct, we're just one part of this vast "Conspiracy of Compassionless Silencing", whether it's ME/CFS, chrome/mercury in ground water, asbestos in schools, Gulf War Syndrome being denied, pharma corps falsifying the MAJORITY of their research data...etc...etc..
We're just "in the way" so we are to be "Buried, ignored, lost"
NO amount of scientific fact will change this, 3000+ articles all prove ME/CFS is REAL, and it is IGNORED, and always WILL be, until Joe Public gets so insensed they riot or hold huge rallies, or some disaster scares the shit out of folk and FORCES change.
To show the insanity of we modern Humans:
40,000 Americans die on the road each year, this is somehow *acceptable losses*?! during the 1970s, it was over 100,000 EVERY year.
basically a Hiroshima every year in the USA today, and Hiroshima AND Nagasaki every two years in the 1970s, and no one gave a F**K.
Folk freaked out, understandably, over 9/11...more than 10 times that number get DISMEMBERED, BURNED to death on the roads each year, see much hullabaloo about that? no, because somehow it's "acceptable".
if a terrorist blew up 112 people, that would be huge news for weeks, but that's how many folk die on US roads every day...big deal, they are just "blips" it doesn't sell papers, and hey, the paper owners own shares in the car companies...folk *acept that* slaughter.
How's that for a "conspiracy": our modern greedy stupid ways, make it "acceptable" for 40,000 innocent people to die horribly each year. these losses could have been drastically reduced long ao,o but it's not in the interest of the hoodwinked public who want "cheap gas, freedom and speed on the road!"
as for the power elite...well it gets rid off "excess population"....
Sorry for the bitterness, sigh. But folk see what I mean?