Not sure if can this be of any help but I was in a similar situation when I first started with abx.
It took me two years to get there (I hated abx) and after a week I started to feel really awful, like a full blown flu. At that point I thought I had made huge mistake and wanted to stop but continued only because my doc insisted.
Perhaps the only way one can be sure something is working is to see whether there's an improvement after discontinuing.
Personally, if something works (i.e. abx), I'd expect to see some improvements sooner rather than later.Certainly, I wouldn't push for two months or even one month unless I was sure. If something works, you can always go back to it.
It took me two years to get there (I hated abx) and after a week I started to feel really awful, like a full blown flu. At that point I thought I had made huge mistake and wanted to stop but continued only because my doc insisted.
Perhaps the only way one can be sure something is working is to see whether there's an improvement after discontinuing.
Personally, if something works (i.e. abx), I'd expect to see some improvements sooner rather than later.Certainly, I wouldn't push for two months or even one month unless I was sure. If something works, you can always go back to it.