Best sublingual Methyl B-12?


Senior Member
United States
Why do some people have success with the "bad" brands? I'm not referring to the people here, but I've read a lot of customer reviews. They can't all be placebo can they?
Does people still considering Enzymathic Therapy as the best brand? I was going to buy Country Life but I'm afraid the ambar bottle let the lozenges exposed to light. When exposed to light, does methylb12 turns to hydroxocobalamin? I ordered Jarrow but I'm afraid it's not methylb12, since people are disapproving this brand.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I've had good results w/ CL. Others have reported dissolves too quickly. Maybe my mouth is drier.

I'm now using CL tablets crushed into some body lotion, applying transdermally. No more exposing teeth to the sweetners etc.
I've had good results w/ CL. Others have reported dissolves too quickly. Maybe my mouth is drier.

I'm now using CL tablets crushed into some body lotion, applying transdermally. No more exposing teeth to the sweetners etc.
Wow, this is really interesting! Do you feel more or less effect than sublingual?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
My sense is that transdermal is more effective. I've only just tried the CL, I've been using Bluebonnet liquid as transdermal until now. I first started transdermal earlier this year, after I'd done some other things, including detox. So when I found I was getting folate deficiency symptoms, instead of increasing folate, I dropped the B12 dose by a couple drops. I can't definitely say that transdermal also meant I needed less.

ETA: I've just realized that i went from 5mg B12 sublingual to half that, and then a few drops less. So I'd say, Yes, transdermal's more effective. for me.

However, I can absolutely attest to transdermal being more efficient for FMN. I decided I'd try that too, get away from all the sublinguals. It turns out I now need only 1/2 tab a day, instead of a full one. I'm now dividing that 1/2 tab into 2 doses. I pulverize the 1/4 tab, sprinkle it onto a blob of lotion, and come back later when it's dissolved, put it onto skin. FMN (r5p) was terrible to spread on my skin, very yellow, so I put it on a cloth and wrap onto my arm. Just a small spot. I've been doing this 2-3 days now, it's excellent.
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Nice to hear this, I'll try to make my own transdermal b12. Do you use any specific cream with specific ingredients to absorb better?


Senior Member
South of France
I bought " Finest Nutrition", MB12 ,5000mcg/tablets, and i took 5000mcg per day for 160 days ( 5months ++)...
I'm not sure about if it help , but, regarding my last blood works, my B12 plasma level was 3 times more higher than normal :p