RE: post #207 (Suzy Chapman)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much for a very clear and on point post on the issue at hand.
I've been wanting to comment but am experiencing extreme brain drain.
Some of us seem to be discussing what can be apprehended at face value. IE. how the conference went. Was it good or bad and then weighing the SMC/Collaborative accordingly. To me this is not the issue. I am very glad for the positive research efforts and biomedical studies being done but it remains to be seen when a battle is won is that the end of the war? (sorry for the violent metaphor).
Thank you, Snowdrop, but if you did mean post
#207, I should clarify that post is a copy of the statement issued by Invest in ME in 2013 and its content has not been compiled by me and the views expressed within it are the views of Invest in ME.
You are correct - the subject of this thread is
not the two day Bristol conference, who presented at it or how the conference went.
I could not attend, myself, and I haven't had time yet to catch up on summaries of the presentations. As I've said before, I have expressed
no opinions about the conference or its presenters - that is not the subject of
this thread. If I want to discuss the conference then I'll do it in the dedicated thread.
It's unfortunate that one or two commenters seem to want to bury the subject of
this thread and focus, instead, on a one-off event that is
only part of the Collaborative's extensive remit and this is obscuring the topic under discussion, here.
Had I attended the conference and considered it was a "good conference" that would in no way diminish my concerns for other aspects of the Collaborative's operation and history. The scope of the Collaborative's objectives (and these are set out in its Charter) extend beyond the staging of this two day event in Bristol.
A "good" conference is to be welcomed.
I understand that the SMC also held a press briefing.* [See edit] I've had dealings with the SMC in relation to press briefings for an event about British psychologists' concerns for DSM-5. When an SMC press briefing is held, often a dozen or more experts will be approached for sound bites for use in media articles. These are made available to journalists and media offices along with a press release and any additional briefing materials.
I've got some on my site in relation to a 2012 DSM-5 related event, if you want to see an example of what journalists are given (I was given permission to publish these by SMC):
Science Media Centre DSM-5 press briefing: Comments from research and clinical professionals
I hope the conference has been getting some good media coverage - though I could not find any on Google news, yesterday.
But a "good" conference and "good" media coverage will not diminish my standing concerns about other areas of the Collaborative's operation.
Some of the individuals posting in this thread, Min, Dolphin, Wildcat, myself, for example, are viewing this TYMES Trust report, not in isolation, but in the historical context of the first MRC CFS/ME meetings, the debacle over the 2009 MRC CFS/ME Expert Group's Workshop event, the charity and patient complaints about ethics committee decisions over Esther Crawley's Lightning Process trial in children, the SMC's nasty media campaign in 2013, and in the context of the assembling, in 2013, of this new MRC/SMC Collaborative.
For those of us who have followed the history of the MRC's research activities in relation to ME and CFS since the first
MRC "highlight" notice for CFS/ME research was issued (in 2006, I think) this conference is one event in a long history of MRC involvement, some of which was covered, at the time, on my old
ME agenda site.
So there is a good deal of history, here, in relation to the MRC and the setting up and operation of its various CFS/ME research working groups and the events it has held, stretching back to 2009, the existence of which may not be apparent to Chickadee9, whose interest in the Collaborative has possibly been piqued by this two day Bristol conference.
Also Chickadee9 may not be familiar with the work of TYMES Trust, its advocacy for children and families in Parliament and parliamentary interest groups, its close working association with the Countess of Mar and with Dr Nigel Speight, who has championed the Karina Hansen case.
The SCM press briefing was for Dr Lipkin:
There is a brief reference to the Bristol conference in the above.
And comments from Dr Charles Shepherd, here, on PR: