Scarecrow wrote re the Tymes Trust and the TT Reports that I just I posted in Post 220 (Tymes Trust Material/Reports prepared for the Official Solicitor, The All Party Parliamentary Group on ME, The ME Association re the Smile Trial, and the BBC Panorama team) :
Scarecrow wrote
: "Fair enough but that in itself doesn't make the material high quality. I've not read any of them so can't really comment."
Scarecrow: Well, why don't you read them? You have commented, by questioning the Tymes Trust's
"ability to make reliable interpretations of the material they are presented with"
I presented you with evidence to the contrary, which you say you haven't read. It appears that you don't really know much about the Tymes Trust. Why don't you just try reading those Documents I posted, before further questioning the "ability" of the Tymes Trust Charity for Children with ME.
Its a shame that so few people are aware of the work of the Tymes Trust, or aware of the Tymes Trust Reports.
EDIT Addition:
Jane Colby FRSA, Tymes Trust Executive Director
Jane Colby is a former head teacher and a member of the National Association of Educational Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (now ASPECT). She co-authored the largest ever
epidemiological study of ME (
Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 1997) which revealed that ME is the biggest cause of long-term sickness absence from school. As a medical and educational author, she has been published in the
Journal of Clinical Pathology, the
British Medical Journal,
The Lancet, the
British Journal of Special Education,
Special Children and other journals, and the national press. She now writes and edits the Trust's publications.
Jane prepared the questionnaire for the BBC
Panorama programme on ME, is author of
ME - The New Plague on the relationship between ME and poliomyelitis, and
Zoe’s Win (for children with ME). She edited
Young Hearts, a collection of inspirational poetry by young people with ME; the foreword is by Terry Waite CBE, who launched the book in the historic venue of Warwick Castle.