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Bedroom Tax human rights ruling could pave way for 420,000 to launch similar appeals


Senior Member

A disabled woman and her husband have won a landmark victory after a judge ruled they were exempt from paying the Bedroom Tax .

Spina bifida sufferer Jacqueline Carmichael and 24-hour carer Jayson were told the Tory-led Coalition’s hated charge contravened their human rights.

Thrilled Jayson, 52, said: “Everybody is delighted, if not a little shocked by this result.

"This extra money will do us the world of good.”

Another 420,000 disabled people are affected by the tax and the verdict could pave the way for some to launch similar appeals.

Jacqueline, 42, uses a wheelchair, is unable to walk and sleeps on an electronic mattress which helps relieve bed sore pressure.

Their flat is so small two beds cannot be squeezed together and she and Jayson are physically unable to sleep in the same room.

Despite this, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s charge on spare rooms meant they lost £56 a month in housing benefit.

But the couple took their local council in Sefton, Merseyside, to Liverpool civil court, where a tribunal judge heard their benefits appeal this month.

They received the verdict in a letter on Saturday. Jayson, of Southport, said: “I’ve said all along the Tory politicians were not listening to us and were refusing to acknowledge the hardships of husbands or wives who are the main carer in a relationship.”
