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Becoming more and more sensitive to foods......

Oxfordshire, UK
Hi, I am waiting for results from Amy Yasko re: genetic analysis, and will be having organic acids and amino acid urine analysis. I am also thinking of doing the methylation test that looks at current status. I have several indicators of poor methylation, including:

Sensitivity to medications and supplements
Particularly sensitive to any supplement linked to methylation, particularly if directly to glutathione
Am becoming increasingly reactive to foods, whereas this didn't ever happen. This seems to especially be high histamine foods but also green veggies.
Low scores on mitochondria tests
Low glutathione, deficient B2, LOW coq10, low zinc and low magnesium. High homocysteine. Main stream doctors say nothing is the matter......
On Saturday I took about 3mg of B2 and felt better in mental wellbeing ways and in stamina than I had in ages, again on Sunday and yesterday. However, it didn't have the same effect today......and also each day I noticed more histamine reactions.I have really struggled to get to sleep for the past 3 nights.....is it all linked? I have never had sleep problems but wonder if anybody knows if insomnia is linked to methylation getting slower? Any suggestions gratefully received.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Just FYI, spinach and bell peppers are high histamine foods. Although I haven't found histamine values for kale and chard, I seem to react to them, too. I found the attached guideline to really help, as long as I follow it. And I seem not to react much to cocoa (although I do to some chocolates) or any of the fruit, but most it's right on for me. Good luck!


  • Allowed-Restricted Foods.pdf
    276 KB · Views: 31


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Critterina, thanks for this list. I notice citrus is ok, except for initial trial. I'd seen elsewhere no citrus. Anyway, this is much better than the other list I'd taken from a Masto site, w/ v poor formatting. cheers, ahmo

@Mels, if you're reacting to other green veggies, it might be sulfur. Especially if you also notice probs w/ eggs, onion, garlic....I'm on a v limited GAPS diet due to both histamine anad sulfur intolerances. But the diet itself has been wonderful for me. Not only no gluten, dairy, but also no other starches. Histamines are cumulative...it might be that something has pushed your levels up, so you're now reacting?? Maybe check out this pyroluria questionnaire, to see if that's a cause for low zinc, mg...That's all I can add. ahmo http://www.hputest.nl/evraag.htm


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
@Critterina, thanks for this list. Anyway, this is much better than the other list I'd taken from a Masto site, w/ v poor formatting. cheers, ahmo
:lol: Yep, cuz I formatted the list!!! It doesn't have peppers on it. Maybe us Arizonans are the only one who eat peppers? I can feel my mouth start to tingle if I eat even a bell pepper!


Senior Member
Sensitivity to medications and supplements
Particularly sensitive to any supplement linked to methylation, particularly if directly to glutathione
Am becoming increasingly reactive to foods, whereas this didn't ever happen. This seems to especially be high histamine foods but also green veggies.

Hey, Check out the Low Histamine Chef...This diet was key in my recovery...



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Critterina, Thank You! I've been putting a wedge of red pepper into my juice, and doing fine with it. But between sulfur and histamines, I'm pretty limited.

@Radio, I've been spending a lot of time with lowhistaminechef these last weeks. She's great. I've listened to her interview with a Dr; followed her advice re nigella oil, adding it to my skin cream mixture. My skin Loves it! Also her research re which probiotics to use, now I've totally shifted my probies. cheers, ahmo


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Hey, Check out the Low Histamine Chef...This diet was key in my recovery...

@Radio ,

Thanks for this. I bought the cookbook in August - it's electronic download only. But I shipped off to a hotel with limited cooking equipement a couple weeks later, and never even opened it. My diet is SO BORING! Thanks for reminding me!

@ahmo ,
I'm working way too much; won't be able to watch videos. Do tell what probiotics she recommends! Any other key ideas?

@Mels ,
The histamine issue was key for me. My elimination diet took me to some wrong conclusions, and I avoided all dairy (not just cultured), and oatmeal (it was the cinnamon I added), and even potatoes for a while (it was the spinach). And because I ate leftover cooked meat, I really couldn't figure it out and was never as well as I could have been. Once I got this list, I tested the things I thought I was reacting to, and NONE of them did I react to. During the elimination diet I didn't seem to react to any fruits or the canned pink tuna I got at Costco. I also don't react to all chocolates, so I do tolerate some cocoa. Turns out the histamine level of canned tuna varies greatly. I'm not sure what it is about fish - whether maybe it's how long ago it was caught or how long it was dead before it was canned?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Critterina, the vid was a separate thing, a talk about histamines, you probably know most of the content, as you've been researching. I'm envious that you're working so much. Also, I clicked "back to the top of the page" on the pdf you linked, which took me to the Chronic Urticaria site. I'd not seen it before, another interesting site. Yikes, the photograph section makes me itch just looking!

Here's the core of lowhistaminechef Yasmina's info re probiotics:
So I’m looking for a probiotic supplement with inflammation lowering…
Bifidobacterium infantis
Bifidobacterium longum
Lactobacillus reuteri (raises histamine in the short term but elevates anti inflammatory cAMP levels)
But also Lactobacillus plantarum (lowers/inhibits tyramine and putrescine)
Other than that, the potentially great news is that the L. paracasei probiotic can reverse the gut permeability (leaky gut anyone?) and internal hypersensitivity. Sounds good right? There’s more.
Seems that stress can also cause bacteria to cling to the gastrointestinal tract, but this bacteria was prevented from sticking to the mesenteric lymph nodes (in this study) by a mixture of L. rhamnosus and Lactobacillus helveticus

Potentially… Saccharomyces-Boulardii: I found a number of studies on its effectiveness in treating gastroenteritis, which some researchers have linked to high histamine/mast cell issues.
Neutral strains…
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Lactis, Lactococcus Lactis, and Lactobacillus plant arum which do not have any effect on biogenic amines like histamine and tyramine.
But not…
Lactobacillus casei (produces histamine and tyramine)
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus (increases histamine alone)
For now I’ve decided to avoid Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, until I find studies showing that their histamine raising qualities are in fact something we want, because it raises cAMP levels/fights inflammation.

This list is what I made after spending 2-3 hours searching iherb. [Dec. 2 2013]
The Ben Lynch formula she promotes doesn't work for me because of some ingredient, something non-GAPS.I'm alternating the first 2 in the list below, as well as soil-based Prescript Assist. Body seems happy with this. Anything to cut down the inflammatory possibilities. cheers, ahmo

1 Billion CFU Lactobacillus acidophilus; Bifidobacterium longum; Lactobacillus reuteri; Lactobacillus rhamnosus)

http://www.iherb.com/Ortho-Molecular-Products-Ortho-Biotic-Gastrointestinal-Health-60-Capsules/20798#p=2&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=lactobacillus plantarum&rc=184&sr=null&ic=47
Proprietary Blend
20 Billion CFU++
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei,
Bifidobacterium bifidum,
Bifidobacterium lactis
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Saccharomyces Boulardii

http://www.iherb.com/Solgar-Advanced-Multi-Billion-Dophilus-60-Veggie-Caps/14215#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=l. paracasei&rc=36&sr=null&ic=3
L. acidophilus, LA-5
B. lactis, BB-12
L. paracasei, L. CASEI 431
L. rhamnosus GG, LGG

http://www.iherb.com/Solgar-Advanced-40-Acidophilus-120-Veggie-Caps/8751#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=l. paracasei&rc=36&sr=null&ic=6
Advanced 40+ Acidophilus Complex providing
L. acidophilus, LA-5
L. rhamnosus GG, LGG
L. paracasei, L CASEI 431
B. lactis, BB-12
S. thermophilus, TH-4
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
PS: The Ben Lynch probiotic. Not good for me because it contains prebiotic, which encourages both good and bad bacteria. http://www.seekinghealth.com/best-s...tml?siteID=QQCaNU.1spc-j3TY7tc4MY_NB7hn4oXMVg

Re the interview I mentioned. Dr. Castell. Part 1 as a transcript: http://thelowhistaminechef.com/dr-c...ges-do-work-for-mast-cellhistamine-disorders/
Part 2 as audio: http://thelowhistaminechef.com/dr-castells-interview-the-role-of-stress-in-mast-cell-disorders/

I've remembered that what I found especially interesting in the Part 2 was Dr. Castell's view about H1/H2 anti-histamines. She describes the way they act on the cells, I think by blocking histamines. sorry, I don't recall the exact action. But she doesn't think they're a good idea. They will never improve things. For me that resonates, as I don't tolerate pharmaceuticals of any kind very well. Best to focus on the supps that reduce histamine activity. BTW, just in case you don't have all these in your repertoire, I've been having great results with adding rutin and royal jelly to the quercetin I'd already been using. And I learned that butterbur, recommended by Yasko, and which I'd been using, is frequently reported as hard on the liver. So I've dropped that one. And as I mentioned above, my skin loves the nigella (black cumin) oil. I use Vit C and Ca in footbaths for detoxxing histamines. I've been needing less recently, so something, or rather everything, is working. I find I always test for higher C and Ca when I've done a coffee enema, so things are getting flushed, or maybe created, in that process. I'm just thinking to try astaxanthine. I don't think it's related to histamine, but I come across it as a powerful antioxidant. OK, bye for now. ahmo


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi, I am waiting for results from Amy Yasko re: genetic analysis, and will be having organic acids and amino acid urine analysis. I am also thinking of doing the methylation test that looks at current status. I have several indicators of poor methylation, including:

Sensitivity to medications and supplements
Particularly sensitive to any supplement linked to methylation, particularly if directly to glutathione
Am becoming increasingly reactive to foods, whereas this didn't ever happen. This seems to especially be high histamine foods but also green veggies.
Low scores on mitochondria tests
Low glutathione, deficient B2, LOW coq10, low zinc and low magnesium. High homocysteine. Main stream doctors say nothing is the matter......
On Saturday I took about 3mg of B2 and felt better in mental wellbeing ways and in stamina than I had in ages, again on Sunday and yesterday. However, it didn't have the same effect today......and also each day I noticed more histamine reactions.I have really struggled to get to sleep for the past 3 nights.....is it all linked? I have never had sleep problems but wonder if anybody knows if insomnia is linked to methylation getting slower? Any suggestions gratefully received.

Hi Mels,

Which of these symptoms are you having?: What other symptoms besides these are you having for this casues?


Angular Cheilitis, Canker sores,

Skin rashes, increased acne, Skin peeling around fingernails, Skin cracking and peeling at fingertips,

Increased hypersensitive responses, Runny nose, Increased allergies, Increased Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Increased asthma, rapidly increasing Generalized inflammation in body, Increased Inflammation pain in muscles, Increased Inflammation pain in joints, Achy muscles, Flu like symptoms

IBS – Steady diarrhea, IBS – Diarrhea alternating with normal, Stomach ache, Uneasy digestive tract,

Coated tongue, Depression, Less sociable, Impaired planning and logic, Brain fog, Low energy, Light headedness, Sluggishness, Increase irritability, Heart palpitations,
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi Freddd,


Increased hypersensitive responses, runny nose, increased multiple sensitivities, achy back , shivery when it is not cold, always colder than is comfortable, uneasy digestive tract, coated tongue, less sociable, definitely impaire planning and logic, low energy, sluggishness, heart palpitations, don't feel like me at all anymore, forget word/ names/stuff.....was always known to have a memory like an elephant and now I have a memory like a sieve, knackered after doing nothing.

Sound familiar?
Oxfordshire, UK
@Radio ,

Thanks for this. I bought the cookbook in August - it's electronic download only. But I shipped off to a hotel with limited cooking equipement a couple weeks later, and never even opened it. My diet is SO BORING! Thanks for reminding me!

@ahmo ,
I'm working way too much; won't be able to watch videos. Do tell what probiotics she recommends! Any other key ideas?

@Mels ,
The histamine issue was key for me. My elimination diet took me to some wrong conclusions, and I avoided all dairy (not just cultured), and oatmeal (it was the cinnamon I added), and even potatoes for a while (it was the spinach). And because I ate leftover cooked meat, I really couldn't figure it out and was never as well as I could have been. Once I got this list, I tested the things I thought I was reacting to, and NONE of them did I react to. During the elimination diet I didn't seem to react to any fruits or the canned pink tuna I got at Costco. I also don't react to all chocolates, so I do tolerate some cocoa. Turns out the histamine level of canned tuna varies greatly. I'm not sure what it is about fish - whether maybe it's how long ago it was caught or how long it was dead before it was canned?
Thank you, I will investigate!
Oxfordshire, UK
@Critterina, thanks for this list. I notice citrus is ok, except for initial trial. I'd seen elsewhere no citrus. Anyway, this is much better than the other list I'd taken from a Masto site, w/ v poor formatting. cheers, ahmo

@Mels, if you're reacting to other green veggies, it might be sulfur. Especially if you also notice probs w/ eggs, onion, garlic....I'm on a v limited GAPS diet due to both histamine anad sulfur intolerances. But the diet itself has been wonderful for me. Not only no gluten, dairy, but also no other starches. Histamines are cumulative...it might be that something has pushed your levels up, so you're now reacting?? Maybe check out this pyroluria questionnaire, to see if that's a cause for low zinc, mg...That's all I can add. ahmo http://www.hputest.nl/evraag.htm
Thank you, I'll have a look.
Hi Mels,

Which of these symptoms are you having?: What other symptoms besides these are you having for this casues?


Angular Cheilitis, Canker sores,

Skin rashes, increased acne, Skin peeling around fingernails, Skin cracking and peeling at fingertips,

Increased hypersensitive responses, Runny nose, Increased allergies, Increased Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Increased asthma, rapidly increasing Generalized inflammation in body, Increased Inflammation pain in muscles, Increased Inflammation pain in joints, Achy muscles, Flu like symptoms

IBS – Steady diarrhea, IBS – Diarrhea alternating with normal, Stomach ache, Uneasy digestive tract,

Coated tongue, Depression, Less sociable, Impaired planning and logic, Brain fog, Low energy, Light headedness, Sluggishness, Increase irritability, Heart palpitations,
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi Freddd,

Me again, sorry. I didn't completely answer your question about syptoms......poor focus and seriously impaired concentration being 2 more! Also have tinnitus, which did seem to improve when I tried methylfolate and b12 a couple of weeks ago(stopped as liver seemed to complain); Raynards Syndrome (diagnosed long before CFS but I read somewhere can be linked to poor methylation?); gastritis diagnosed years ago after doing a fat free diet then suddenly taking maximum dose of Cod Liver Oil on GP's recommendation as got terrible stiff joints from low fat diet - the gastritis flairs up from time to time, can't fathom what triggers it; had high blood pressure in all 4 pregnancies - again, have read that this can be linked to poor methylation; feel despondent but used to be Mrs Irritatingly Positive pre-CFS;have periodic strange, difficult to describe, strange crunching sound in head when I turn head - first noticed when had first reaction to medication 3 years ago; sometimes dark urine ; pale stools ; seriuosly reduced libido; vertical lines in nails, quite ridgy now especially on thumbs; flaking skin near toe nail beds; I know that I do not engage properly in family/socila experiences and this used to be one of my deepest joys so that really sucks - it is as if I go through the experience but don't live it/feel it;I used to be able to multitask for England but can ussually only do 1 thing at a time now; I know that I actively try to avoid doing stuff whereas I was always on the go before CFS eg would wake at 7 ish, run for 10-15 miles, come home and do loads of stuff all day then party all evening without feeling knackered; host of strange come and go symptoms that are really hard to describe.........

I would just love to find my old self again so that I can be actively engaged in living once more.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Critterina, the gist of what she said about anti-histamines is that they are being prescribed prophylactically, and this does not work. They only work by blocking histamines at the time. So there's little indication for their use this way. cheers, ahmo
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Since you are doing no gluten, no dairy, etc then later you may be able to tolerate some of the foods again. I hope you have eliminated peanuts, soy, corn, enriched foods (like rice and some non-dairy milks), nightshades. It is better if you eliminate grains completely.


Senior Member
Hi Freddd,

Me again, sorry. I didn't completely answer your question about syptoms......poor focus and seriously impaired concentration being 2 more! Also have tinnitus, which did seem to improve when I tried methylfolate and b12 a couple of weeks ago(stopped as liver seemed to complain); Raynards Syndrome (diagnosed long before CFS but I read somewhere can be linked to poor methylation?); gastritis diagnosed years ago after doing a fat free diet then suddenly taking maximum dose of Cod Liver Oil on GP's recommendation as got terrible stiff joints from low fat diet - the gastritis flairs up from time to time, can't fathom what triggers it; had high blood pressure in all 4 pregnancies - again, have read that this can be linked to poor methylation; feel despondent but used to be Mrs Irritatingly Positive pre-CFS;have periodic strange, difficult to describe, strange crunching sound in head when I turn head - first noticed when had first reaction to medication 3 years ago; sometimes dark urine ; pale stools ; seriuosly reduced libido; vertical lines in nails, quite ridgy now especially on thumbs; flaking skin near toe nail beds; I know that I do not engage properly in family/socila experiences and this used to be one of my deepest joys so that really sucks - it is as if I go through the experience but don't live it/feel it;I used to be able to multitask for England but can ussually only do 1 thing at a time now; I know that I actively try to avoid doing stuff whereas I was always on the go before CFS eg would wake at 7 ish, run for 10-15 miles, come home and do loads of stuff all day then party all evening without feeling knackered; host of strange come and go symptoms that are really hard to describe.........

I would just love to find my old self again so that I can be actively engaged in living once more.

Mels, what percent of your diet is from meat? A lot of the symptoms that you list are what I had seen in a book about uric acid. The author is Alexander Haig. When I read his books I found a big piece of my own puzzle. I had to cut out purines for a long time, but am finally able to start adding some back in (maybe because of the little bit of methylation stuff I've been able to to). If I add too much meat, my sensitivities to food and a lot of other symptoms.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
@Critterina, the gist of what she said about anti-histamines is that they are being prescribed prophylactically, nad this does not work. They only work by blocking histamines at the time. So there's little indication for their use this way. cheers, ahmo
@ahmo , thanks for summarizing for me! That's funny...My allergist said to use antihistamines, and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said that H1 and H2 blockers were useful. I wonder. If I have lunch meats (because they bring sandwiches in to work) I sometimes take benedryl and it seems to help. I take benedryl every night too. I looked into the H2 blockers - Zantac, I think - and if you have low stomach acid (from low cortisol) and need enzyme supplements, it seemed like a pretty stupid thing to take.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Let me just resurrect this thread with a new understanding. I found (in 2014) that Benadryl eventually only barely made a difference, and not one I could count on. I did try ranitidine, but only when I thought I was going to eat foods with histamines (either on purpose or just eating food I didn't prepare.) That helped some, but not near enough.

Then 2 weeks ago, I was only taking Xyzal for H1/allergies and very occasionally Ranitidine for H2 blocker (and a huge other established protocol), and then as part of a EDS/HI/POTS/MCAD protocol (MCAD was his idea), I was instructed to take both morning and evening. Then I added enzymes (prescription) and gastric acid (Betaine HCl) so that would continue to digest my food. I accomplished this, adding one thing at a time, in about 4 days. It produced a noticeable improvement. I slept better, woke quicker, breathed better, had more energy. I could even start to remember how I felt before I got sick. It feels like there has been chatter in my body all these years of being sick, that is quiet now. Of course, then I pushed myself too far and crashed for a bit. But I'm back, at least mostly.

This is only the beginning of a huge, phased protocol from a doctor who studied in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona. There are way more tests and steps. But I'm hoping to go the distance and get completely better.