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Be careful searching for "tests"


Senior Member
I have a "google alert" set up for XMRV. One of the alerts I received looked like this:

Google Web Alert for: XMRV

XMRV virus test for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) now available
Following the breakthrough discovery of the XMRV retrovirus in a highly significant number of chronic fatigue syndrome patients a US lab is now making a ...

When I clicked it, I got a warning from my antivirus software that this site may have malware that could harm my computer.

This is the site that gave me the malware warning:

http://www. ei-resource. org/news/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-news/xmrv-virus-test-for-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-now-available/

(I have disjointed it so it won't be clickable)


Nice catch, I wonder if my Firefox WOT would have caught it? I might check and then give it a negative rating so others are protected.

Again, thanks, so nice to have so many pairs of eyes looking out for each other.

Edit: I got the same malware warning and I've down rated it.


Interesting. I have an XMRV google alert set up too, yet I didn't receive notification for that website.

Thanks for the heads-up, oerganix.


Senior Member
google alerts

Could it be how you have set up your google alert? Mine is set to "comprehensive".

My alerts have 3 different headings:

Google News Alert
Google Blogs Alert
Google Web Alert

The alert re: the possibly bogus site/malware site was reported under the last, the Web Alert


Senior Member
only XMRV

I only have "XMRV" in my alert, too, so I guess it's another cyberspace mystery. I should think that anything with those letters, be it test or retrovirus, etc., would/should show up.