Bathing is hard!


Senior Member
I've come across several warnings of oily skin and pimples if you don't wash daily. My guess is that if you were used to scrubbing your skin multiple times daily, with exfoliating antibiotic soap, and abruptly stopped that, then you likely would go through a short period of extra-oily skin and possible pimples, and then return to normal healthy skin. Skin product marketers don't mention that last part...


Senior Member
Love that post Jesse's mom... and yes the young folk would die without all the modern stuff. Such a relief to read posts like this.. Maybe this is what they mean by second childhood? Planning a book on my Lancashire childhood, when life stops throwing me curve balls.... settled in my old ways now. Thankfully.. thank you
I would really love to read that book @islander.....when it is written.
Have you ever read the biography of Hannah Hauxwell? An amazing woman who survived on her own running a farm in the Yorkshire pennines. She did all her laundry in the reservoir. What a lovely lady with a gentle gracious character. She has passed now. The film "Too long a Winter" tells her story (she comes in a little further into the documentary). The background music always was one of my big favourites. Vaughn Williams Variations on a theme by Thomas Tallis.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I did it, and back in bed so done for a week on the hair. Hooray! I cursed my curly/frizzy hair when I was still working and trying to blow it straight and pull the flat iron through it. Now I just let it do what it wants. If I look crazed I can put it in a bun.
I am going to rest for an hour, then my daughter needs me to put pin curls in her hair so her wig fits tonight. At least I can do that from my bed and have her on a stool next to me


Moose Enthusiast
This morning I tried something new, inspired by your suggestions. I washed my face and pits in the sink, and then I turned on the handheld shower head for about 10 seconds to wet my hair without getting my body wet (my curly hair gets wild and woolly, and it helps to start things off wet so I can tame everything and start with a clean slate, as it were--@jesse's mom, if you have any better tips for dealing with it I'm all ears!). It was nice and fast, I still felt clean, and I wasn't quite as tired afterward. Maybe I'll alternate shower days with 'quick cleanse' days for a while and see how that suits me.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
What a great idea re your hair! Maybe add some shine drops when you add the water. You will like how that drys. The best shine drops I have ever used on curls are from Scruples. A product called Renewal.



Senior Member
I would really love to read that book @islander.....when it is written.
Have you ever read the biography of Hannah Hauxwell? An amazing woman who survived on her own running a farm in the Yorkshire pennines. She did all her laundry in the reservoir. What a lovely lady with a gentle gracious character. She has passed now. The film "Too long a Winter" tells her story (she comes in a little further into the documentary). The background music always was one of my big favourites. Vaughn Williams Variations on a theme by Thomas Tallis.

Look her up on youtube? There were three BBC programmes on her life. A great lady! When she moved to a bungalow she became a hoarder. Travelled the world too through the BB|C. She died in an old folks home, looking noithing like the Hannah we all knew ...but part of her land is now a wild life sanctuary.
Keep hair short or tie it up and don't wash so often.
Wash the smelly bits at the sink or with a bowl of water sitting in bed.
Wet wipes are good standby
There is a product called no rinse, liquid soap and shampoo you just towel,off, they also do large wipes for a bed bath
You can get help to have a bath, but if you don't have the energy probably best not


Senior Member
This morning I tried something new, inspired by your suggestions. I washed my face and pits in the sink, and then I turned on the handheld shower head for about 10 seconds to wet my hair without getting my body wet (my curly hair gets wild and woolly, and it helps to start things off wet so I can tame everything and start with a clean slate, as it were--@jesse's mom, if you have any better tips for dealing with it I'm all ears!). It was nice and fast, I still felt clean, and I wasn't quite as tired afterward. Maybe I'll alternate shower days with 'quick cleanse' days for a while and see how that suits me.

I am now doing that @RebeccaRe I have a shower every other day, and just a wash of essential bits on the days in between. It works just fine. Wet wipes are another idea, and they work well.

I hear you about untame-able hair! :rofl: I have to be careful what I do with mine or I look like a wild woman. I used to buy almond oil with frankincense essence in it, then get some on my palms and smooth it into my hair. It was the only thing that worked. I bougt it from a local woman and now I can't get it anymore, and haven't got it together yet to make my own.
The problem with that is you might have to wash your pillow case more often depending on how much you use. So I guess it all comes down to washing things in water in the end! :_


Senior Member
For those who struggle to keep long hair clean, perhaps see how you look with short hair? Maybe there's a web site that allows you to try different hair styles. For all I know, maybe hair salons offer a way to do that.

In summer, I just buzz my hair down with hairclippers. It's cool and comfortable, and very easy to wash&dry. I don't care if it's not fashionable. I don't even know what is fashionable.


Senior Member
To go out in summertime I need to put on some makeup (I look like I'm dying tomorrow if I don't), take a shower, wash my hear ....

I came to think of something funny that happened some years ago.
And even though it's not directly connected to bathing, I thought this thread would be close enough for the topic.

I had a good day, and my dog was still alive.:dog:
When I walked her, I used to nod and smile to people we'd pass.(if I was up to it)
(I've read so many stories about lonely people, feeling invisible, and how a smile may make their day. Also, in the area it lived a few drug addicts who some would avoid and some of us would greet as we passed by)

Anyhow- it was summer, I had a shower, washed my hair, and took the dog for a walk.
A father and his two young children was passing at the other pavement.
As kids used to love my dog, I smiled friendly to them. The father look completely terrified, grabbed his children and hurried away.:eek:

I was slightly surprised...I thought he might be afraid of dogs, but they where passing at the other side of the street? And I had the dog in a leash? His reaction seemed a bit exaggerated for sure...

Then I come home and saw myself in the mirror :rofl:
As my hair was still wet when I went out, and I -as usual -should had my hair done a decade ago, my hair was everywhere in a not-charming way..
And I had forgot to put any makeup on...:jaw-drop:
I completely looked like one of the more heavy addicts:redface:
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