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Basic supplements - a check of a schedule that I'm creating.


I've be creating a schedule from some of the research on this site and at Dr myhills site: http://drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/CFS_-_The_Methylation_Cycle

I created a schedule for the basic supplement. I haven't included everything but hopefully I've included enough to start the process.

The attached document attempts to create a "time table" of what, when and how much to take of the basic supplements. This is intended for a week or two before starting any addition of B12's

I was wondering what everyone thought and if you have any comments to help me refine this. Obviously this could be used by other people to be some sort of guideline. However I wanted to check I was going the right direction first and not making any mistakes, before presenting this to my friend. Due to them having ME they just want a list of what to take and follow without any thinking.



  • B12 protocal schedule.pdf
    458.7 KB · Views: 29


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Richard, is this schedule for getting methylation started up or for general M.E health support? Some of those supps look very expensive - vit c powder form is much cheaper and just as good.

If for general health then I think magnesium is missing and also selenium - many find it useful when taken with vit c especially.

If this is for your friend I wonder how sick they are? are they taking anything else? how sensitive are they to supps and meds. Your friend may need to try each one slowly to see how they go - some of us cant tolerate lots of new supps at once and need to go slowly.

All the best,

Thanks for looking. Yes they are for basic support o ME but also for preparation of taking B12 in the future. possible other supplements in the methylation protocol.

Cost isn't a huge factor at the moment, since I will be buying them. The vit C is actually half the price, since I was copying a pasting stuff around and forgot to change. I choose it due to Dr Myhills recommendation: " If ascorbic acid is not tolerated then use the neutral magnesium or calcium ascorbate such as BioCare Vitamin C 500 (as magnesium ascorbate) 2 caps." since she recommend 1000 Mcg and I took freddd protocol of the basics to have a higher rate of 4000, I took that as the base mark.

She is taking magnesium already, but not sure about the selenium.

As to the sensitivity of her I'm not 100% sure. I have to look at the schedule and maybe spread it out over a few weeks introducing the supplements on at a time.

I've made a revision to take the supplements over a longer period of time, trying to introduce a new one or up the dose once a week.


  • B12 protocal schedule v2.pdf
    650.9 KB · Views: 12
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Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Is there any reason not to take B12 now? I used some of the supplements cited from Dr Myhills website and found that by far the best supplements I ever took were magnesium, vitamin C, Selenuim and my no. 1 supplement by far: B12 injections (daily for approx. 18 months after which time I stopped as they didn't seem to be helping any more)

I am not better from these supps, but they have been supportive and with rest as well I have increased my functioning from moderate/severe to moderate.
Is there any reason not to take B12 now? I used some of the supplements cited from Dr Myhills website and found that by far the best supplements I ever took were magnesium, vitamin C, Selenuim and my no. 1 supplement by far: B12 injections (daily for approx. 18 months after which time I stopped as they didn't seem to be helping any more)

I am not better from these supps, but they have been supportive and with rest as well I have increased my functioning from moderate/severe to moderate.


No reason than to take it slow and to try and be as safe as possible and not to overwhelm. I've got the B12 in the horizon, but thought I would recommend the basics first and one they are taken and stabilised then introduce the b12 at low dose. I suppose taking longer means that, well takes longer and is more expensive.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Sorry I can't comment on most of your list.However, I suggest NOW K+ Gluconate rather than tablets, as it's more versatile, can be used more easily in large doses, w/o the stomach tablets can cause. I'll try to look more closely at the rest of your very comprehensive list. cheers, ahmo