Thank you for your replies, everyone. I really appreciate them.
Regarding my options:
1. Giving the dog away will not happen, under any circumstances. My family would simply not allow it. They have enough trouble understanding my oversleeping and fatigue, let alone a sudden desire to give away the dog.
2. A dog trainer might be an option, but it's more of a long-term thing. There is no escaping the noise. Our house is like a cardboard box, and the dogs stay right outside my window. I can hear a tap running downstairs through my closed door, so a dog bark just pierces right through my walls. No one is home to discipline him in the morning, so I would have to be getting up constantly .. they also bark at night when they're meant to be sleeping. It's something I'd be willing to look at with my family over time, but I really need instant reprieve from the barking now. In that respect, while a collar may be slightly unpleasant for the animal (cruel is probably a stretch .. the older one hardly seems traumatized by his citronella experience), I think in philosophical terms a human's suffering still outweighs that of an animal's.
If that gets me ousted, then I understand, but suffering can drive you to less-than-ideal solutions sometimes. A shock collar, of course, is out of the question. But there are vibrating collars, and ones that emit unpleasant sounds, akin to the whistle you describe, brenda.
I thought some people here might have some experience with the collars, which might help, since I get so overwhelmed reading reviews etc. and just never make a decision.