Badly needing help with vitamin B2 and b3

I have been slowly degenerating since the age of 19 til the age I am now 49. Muscle twitches spasms and slow progressive Weakness of muscles head to toe. I Have seen every type of specialist I can think of. I am low in rivoflavin yet when I take it as a supplement or eat foods high in b2 I wake up the next day much weaker and feeling disgusting in general. Same exact thing happens if I take Niacin b3. I get monthly hydroxyb12 Injections. Am on testosterone cream. Stopped eating Red meat 2 years ago as my uric acid is high episodes of gout etc. Don't drink alcohol anymore.

I am guessing my muscle issues are caused by the b2 issue. I know it plays an important role in muscle energy.

Does anyone have anything they can advise me on. It is becoming really difficult to walk. Thanks for reading....

Dan from Australia


Senior Member
b2 is sucking potassium , you need to supplement that. also its highly related to b6 and b12. and somewhat b1 , which also needs potassium and phosphor.
also iodine is needed for the b12

if you suffer from potassium drain through b2, you shouldnt take more than 50 b2
I can tell my potassium is low any time I start getting muscle twitching. If the potassium doesn't help trying magnesium might be a good idea.