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Bad reaction to peptide — any thoughts?

Five months ago, I reacted badly to a potent neuropeptide I took for 8 days at full strength in the form of a nasal spray called VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide), after having tolerated it just fine for 4 months on a low dose.

ME/CFS for 9 years. Bedridden for 6 but had improved to moderate for a full year before this current setback.

My integrative doctor prescribed the VIP.

It seems to have agitated my nervous system, making my sleep much worse (more fragmented), and therefore myself in the process. Now severe again and bedridden because of it.

Anyone have any thoughts on this, e.g., what to do, what other peptides or medications might help, anything?
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..and we built castles in the Sky.
did you take it intranasal or injected?

i took it as a nasalspray and i noticed absolutely nothing at all.

to help you with what might help you we need more background:
what was the cause of you comming down with cfs
how is your lymphocytes how is your neutrophiles
how are you cytokines etc
I’ll edit the post.

Intranasal. 500mg, full strength, for 8 days. Prior to that, I was on intranasal low-dose for 4 months and tolerated it with no issue.

ME/CFS for 9 years. Was bedridden for 6.

Improvement to moderate for full year due to CIRS detox protocol. (Shoemaker protocol). Reduced a ton of inflammation, which is likely the reason for the improvement.

Then bam, did full-strength VIP 5 months ago and been severe and fully bedridden since.

lymphocytes and neutrophiles are normal.

What blood test/sdo you do for cytokines?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
ah gottcha. i did lower dose then that.

i have going down a similar route with ocra extract for detoxing for 3 months and then tried vip shortly after.

i tested my lymphocytes (low end), neutrophils (high end) and some cytokines like il-6, il-8, serum amyloid a, il-1 etc.

what i found was different immune constelations profit differently from things.

for example i have low lymphocytes and high neutrophils and tolerated LDN horribly. i try to make assumptions based on these type of stuff, thats why i am asking.

hard to recommend anything without knowing you. i would say bpc-157 and epithalone is pretty safe bet for almost everyone? they are pretty much anti-inflammatory. i have tried both and they helped me (very mildly only though).

next thing i wanna try is KPV and perhaps thymogen alpha 1 (the oral thymosin alpha 1)

i tolerated Thymosin alpha 1 injection not so well. may or may not be a herx idk honestly.
Thank you so much for this info. Really appreciate it.

I reacted terribly to LDN as well when I tried it.

I have BPC-157 bookmarked because a couple of other people recommended it as well.

Thanks again.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
see these are the commonalities(?) i am searching for.
this is what i call pattern recognition. i tend to think that when be both react badly to ldn, we may both benefit from a similar thing.


no worries, tell us how the bpc goes!


Senior Member
One time I tried one of those peptide things, it was Neurotropin PMG (I believe it was it was trying to imitate oral cerebrolysin) and never again! That was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life! It felt like I had taken a psychedelic designed by aliens. Vision became ultra clear, too clear, and it felt like I was looking at everything through a fish bowl. My senses got extra sharp but my actual energy went out the window. Could only feel some weird manic feeling without the positivity and impending doom at the same time somehow. Sleeping was near impossible because I kept waking up from my mind running wild with vivid mental visualizations and then I passed out at some point. The next day I felt dreadful and completely drained like the world had lost all color, luckily I recovered but be careful with peptide treatments, they are no joke and can seriously mess you up. I only took a single tablet.