• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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  1. C

    Bad reaction to peptide — any thoughts?

    Five months ago, I reacted badly to a potent neuropeptide I took for 8 days at full strength in the form of a nasal spray called VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide), after having tolerated it just fine for 4 months on a low dose. ME/CFS for 9 years. Bedridden for 6 but had improved to...
  2. C

    Peptides Poll

    Exogenous human Peptides have been on the periphery of my consciousness/interest for some time but after following @Nootbro on Twitter (who I believe had "CFS" before experimenting with peptides) has spiked my interest. I'm currently prioritising Nasal and Oral routes, as even though I am...
  3. GlassCannonLife

    ARA-290 / Cibinetide multi-tissue healing

    I just made a long post on using ARA-290 for endothelial dysfunction on the discord. I thought I might share it here and set this up as a thread for if and when I find more interesting anecdotes. From what I have read, it should be useful for any ischemic tissues, including eg brain and heart...
  4. CristianSerious

    European/USA Telemedicine Doctors/Clinics familiar with peptides?

    Hi, I am interested in using peptides but want a doctor involved. Looking for a doctor in Europe/USA(telemedicine is fine) to figure out what peptides might help I can buy them myself no problem to get my hands on any kind of compound I live in Romania, Europe. I have a mild AAI with no...
  5. ChookityPop

    Anyone tried altitude tent, EPO, peptides etc to increase blood volume?

    Altitude tents like https://hypoxico.com/product/portable-altitude-tent/ https://hypoxico.com/product/deluxe-altitude-tent/ Would be super interesting to hear experiences from doing EPO, peptides, testosterone etc. Lots of fluids and salt is a good way to increase it. I know TB 500 increases...
  6. mitoMAN

    EU/UK: Group for lab testing PEPTIDE suppliers

    EUROPE/UK: People interested in doing private lab testing for Purity and content of different Peptides? Many countries wont be able to order from high quality labs such as Canlabs or Peptidesciences - that is being to horribly strict customs. I live in Germany and the success rate for ordering...
  7. mitoMAN

    Promising Mitochondrial Peptides: SS-31 / Elamipretide + MOTS-c and Humanin

    A very very promising peptide under the name SS-31 (licensed name will be elamipretide) This peptide seems to have grabbed the attention of scientists researching a healing for mitochondrial myopathies. Ron Davis mentioned this as one possibly working peptide to help CFS patients! Randomized...
  8. ChookityPop

    What is the most effective Anti-inflammatory non steroid agents/supplements?

    Hey gang, Maybe we could make a list of anti inflammatory agents/supplements? I want to know about sources thats not steroids like prednisone etc. Things I have tried is Bpc 157 Naproxen Vitamins Carnivore diet What are some of the most powerful anti inflammatorie properties out there?