Are you maybe thinking of potassium bicarbonate here?
Nope. There’s some generally minor side effects of bicarb that I was thinking of when I suggested the gluconate, which I’ve had really good experience with. Like you, I discovered a few years ago after the usual rounds of research that potassium seemed to help in diverse subtle ways and started supplementing it the same way you do: first thing in the morning, warm water suspension, empty stomach. I also add cinnamon which has been cited in a couple of studies as having beneficial effects on excitotoxicity, which from experience, I can vouch for. Subtle, but very little bit helps.
My thought was that if you took a hefty dose of Vit C with a warm water suspension of the gluconate, you might get the same or a similar anti-acidity effect, without losing any of the benefits of the C. But as you know, I’m a firm believer in “If it works, it works”, so please disregard.
Additionally, you might know that persons with ME/CFS often have low intracellular potassium despite normal blood work
Yup. See above, and thanks for the link to the thread
I have a chiropractor who does muscle testing who I see several times a year, but I think he always has a wall up, acts like I'm a normal healthy person with a few quirks.
Yeah, I don’t know why those to whom we entrust our health are the first to deny, in multiple different ways, that there’s anything wrong with us. It’s a puzzlement

The only Dr who didn’t was my oncologist, but even with him, I had to ask constant questions that dug ever deeper into my staging, my treatment, my prognosis, like it wasn’t any of my business

But one time I was trying to describe a crash for him and how I'm limited to 3 - 4 hours of light activity a day (with plenty of rest breaks), otherwise I end up in bed the next day, and very briefly, a look of horror crossed his face, and then was gone. That's the only time I've seen a normal human reaction to this illness from him.
Eliciting a human response from almost any member of the medical profession (even tho many MD’s would deny that chiropractic falls under that purview …. personally, I think that a good chiro is infinitely more valuable in terms of actual healing) is close to a miracle.
I hope this keeps up for you! Crossing my fingers (and everything else) for you
Thank you for that ..... and so far, so good …. (there’s an old shaggy dog joke that mama and I used to trade back and forth in times of stress that goes along with this, but I'll spare you cause you’re a stellar human being) …. just got up the courage to bump up to 3 caps (½ oz of beef liver) a day, so wont know how that works for a day or three, but so far, it’s still doing well and no side-effects …. maybe my faster than usual recovery after the book-box fiasco was attributable to whatever small amount of BCAA’s the beef liver provided ….
Well, I did double them, and unfortunately my sleep got noticeably worse,
Ooooppps and wowee …. too brave
BCAAs have not prevented PEM for me (though I think they do with some people), but they have definitely cut my PEM recovery time by at least half.
That in itself is no small thing. It’s like returning half or more of your functional waking time to you, to be used as you choose, within the obvious restraints imposed by this festival of fun

A friend says that medical marijuana (vaping it) has helped stave off PEM for her, so that is next on my list of Things To Try (after the holidays).
I tried a high quality hemp product which did really well for about 6 days in terms of dealing with the panic attacks and some of the fatigue, and then turned on me, growling and snarling, and I stopped it immediately. Am working up the courage t try it again, because the difference it produced was really impressive.
I'm sorry to hear this! I hope you do come out of it and stay for awhile at least
Well, you know the drill doubtless even better than I do …. came out of it, lapsed back slightly ….. came out of that, another lapse ……. came out of
that, dragged a large 2 ton box of books off the ottoman where
Dearly Beloved had deposited them almost a year ago, much to the detriment of the ottoman (kept forgetting to ask
Dearly Beloved, to do it, and knew that once I did there would be all the follow up nudges, reminders, notes, whining, begging, screaming, pleading, all of which leave me in a state of psycho-physical exhaustion) was fine ….. til about 30 hours later, when I had a moderate PEM crash …. I’ve come out of that, now awaiting the next chapter, hi-ho, such a whirligig of fun fun fun …..
But even as I bitch, I’m deeply aware that I’m soooooo much better than at any time since the start of this, and I’m deeply grateful. Although some of it started before this, this site has helped enormously in keeping my spirits up, and my intentions focused, and providing me with a lot of sites for research from the first-hand experience of other members, including you, and I thank you …..